Dropped Prosecutions: The Afghan Files, Public Interest Journalism and Dan Oakes
October 15th, 2020 by Binoy Kampmark
Afghanistan: 19 Years of War
October 12th, 2020 by Maya Evans
Will a Biden Foreign Policy Make a Difference for the World?
September 16th, 2020 by Ajamu Baraka
Reject Militarism on the Anniversary of 9/11
September 10th, 2020 by Howie Hawkins
US: Crimes against Humanity at Home and Abroad
August 10th, 2020 by Bill Hackwell and Alicia Jrapko
“A Perpetual Motion Machine of Killing”
Alleged Cover-up of Civilians Murdered by UK Special Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan
August 6th, 2020 by Media Lens
U.K. and Hong Kong: Mutually Reinforced Ignorance
July 17th, 2020 by Andre Vltchek
The End of History lasted 2 Years: I’ll give the Great Reset 18 Months
July 15th, 2020 by Sean Stinson
Still Fighting “Whatever” in Afghanistan
While CNN's Jake Tapper "Supports the Troops"
July 10th, 2020 by Todd Smith
Russia did it Again: Chasing the Bounty Hunters
July 8th, 2020 by Peter Koenig
Listening to our Anger and Angst
June 15th, 2020 by Dr. Hakim
Anti-Communism is a Fundamentalist Religion now followed by Millions
Happy Birthday Comrade Lenin!
June 7th, 2020 by Andre Vltchek
Surgeon General Links COVID-19 to 9/11
May 1st, 2020 by Todd Smith
9/11 Truth: Under Lockdown for Nearly Two Decades
April 16th, 2020 by Max Parry
The Taliban Scores a Coup
March 17th, 2020 by Binoy Kampmark
Operation Endless War: The Fog of Afghanistan
March 16th, 2020 by Todd Smith
Crimes in Afghanistan: Fatou Bensouda’s Investigative Mission
March 9th, 2020 by Binoy Kampmark
Afghan Troops say Taliban are Brothers and War is “not really our fight”
February 16th, 2020 by Nicolas J.S. Davies
Can the “World’s Second Superpower” Rise From the Ashes of Twenty Years of War?
February 13th, 2020 by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies
Teflon Lies and Mowing Lawns: The Afghanistan Papers
February 4th, 2020 by Binoy Kampmark
An Eyewitness to the Horrors of the US “Forever Wars” speaks out
January 3rd, 2020 by Kathy Kelly
Work of Necessity, Work of Choice
January 2nd, 2020 by Carolyn Coe
US’ Afghan War: Imperialism’s Limit exposed
December 17th, 2019 by Farooque Chowdhury
Zombie NATO Is Obsolete; Militarists Try To Revive It Through Expanded Targets
December 8th, 2019 by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers
Proposed Withdrawal of US Troops in Syria
November 2nd, 2019 by Ron Forthofer
Greater Middle East Project of Chaos
Review of The Management of Savagery
October 19th, 2019 by Roger D. Harris
War: Ruinations and Ruminations
October 15th, 2019 by Gary Brumback
From Kabul: Youth on the Road to Peace
October 5th, 2019 by Dr. Hakim
Mike Pompeo on the U.S. Victory in Afghanistan
September 29th, 2019 by Gary Leupp
The Wounds of War in Afghanistan
September 27th, 2019 by Kathy Kelly