
Dissident Voice (DV) welcomes your article submissions. Please send them to gro.eciovtnedissidnull@snoissimbus. Editors receive submissions from this email. Please do not send to individual editors as this might cause non-reception or a delay in publication.

Word length isn’t a real issue, but please don’t send us an encyclopedia-size work. Multi-part articles are acceptable. DV reserves the right to edit for length and clarity.

DV will usually publish new articles six days a week. Sunday will be devoted to DV’s Poetry on Sunday page. Poems selected for publication will usually be based on social justice and peace. Please note that poetry submissions should not be more than 400 words.

DV is interested in publishing articles on domestic and international politics; culture and the arts; satire; book, film and music reviews.

We often receive more articles than we can accommodate and cannot therefore publish everything. If a submission is rejected for posting, please do not get discouraged about sending future work. There are a number of reasons why we may forgo posting a submission, quality of work isn’t necessarily the only one. Time constraints do not allow us to respond to you with reasons why a particular piece may have been rejected. Previous success in getting a submission published does not guarantee publication of future work.

Article(s) should be pasted in the body of an e-mail using simple text format (or attached as a doc.-, rtf.-type file — not pdf). Do not code for fonts or font size. Any links within the article should be embedded in the text by the writer before submission. Do not send links as footnotes! Embed links in the text. Please put “Article Submission” in the subject field of any e-mail submission. For security reasons, DV does not accept any other attachment formats unless the author first communicates directly with the editors.

All articles must include a brief bio line. Let us know if you do or don’t want your e-mail address to be posted in the bio (unless we hear otherwise, we assume including it so readers may respond directly to you).

Please include a title/headline for your submission. The editors suck in coming up with them, and we wouldn’t want you to be disappointed in our choice.

Please let us know if there are any accompanying pictures or graphics, and specify any special text formatting needs. Please ensure that images are sourced and approved for use. If there are citations or references to other work available on the web, please send along with URLs. Footnotes are cool. They should appear as follows: [1], [2], etc, with the full reference(s) at the end of the article (we’ll create linkable footnotes).

Do substantiate claims in your submission with a reputable source. On topics, such as politics and history, among others, Wikipedia is considered a dubious source. As much as possible, it is best to use another credible source in one’s submissions.

Quotations that are not easily sourced must have a reputable source provided by the writer. Except for Wikiquote and Quote Investigator, quotations from quotation pages are considered a dubious source. Whenever possible, please source your quotations to a primary document, manuscript, book, journal, other media, or speech.

Please do proofread your work before sending it in: check your grammar, spelling, look for typos, etc. The more editing we have to do, the longer it takes for us to post your work … if we decide to at all. We don’t mind fixing problems after a piece has been posted, but it can be a pain. If you write us about an amendment, please highlight the change requested because the editors prefer not to have to reformat an entire submission again. Amendments to the substance of an article will be noted by an update at top of article.

If you are submitting on behalf of another party, such submission should include approval from the writer for publication at DV.

DV will try to fact check articles as time permits, but that time is very limited, so please fact check your work and get ’em straight. It’s your credibility after all.

It is understood that articles published in Dissident Voice do not necessarily reflect the views of its editors or all contributing writers. Conversely, statements and positions by the editor do not necessarily reflect the views of DV contributing writers.

Writers retain full copyright control of their work.

Thank you very much for considering Dissident Voice as a venue for your work. It is very much appreciated.