Kim Petersen
The Communist Party of China: Putting the People First
October 20th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Question RT More!
September 28th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
The Neverending Holocausts of the Neoliberal Order
September 11th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
The Logic of Mask Wearing
August 26th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
How America’s Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice
August 20th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
The Unmasking of Science and Ethics
July 7th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
July 1st, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Academic Freedom: Redress for Denis Rancourt
June 29th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
The Oppressed Have the Moral Right to Decide How Best to Resist Their Oppression
June 24th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Foreign Troops: What is too Close for Comfort?
June 19th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
The Scourge of Islamophobia in Canada
June 12th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Tepid, Insufficient NFL Ownership Response
Reinstate Colin Kaepernick to a Place of Prominence to Lead the NFL!
June 9th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
On Strawmen and Racism
June 4th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Is Silence Complicity?
Does the societal prominence accorded professional athletes confer a societal obligation?
June 2nd, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Lenses on Riots, Murder, and Racism in the US and Hong Kong
May 29th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
What if China Promoted Hawaiian Independence?
May 27th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Do Masks and Respirators Prevent Viral Respiratory Illnesses?
Interview with Professor Denis Rancourt
May 8th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Does Weaponizing a Pandemic and Blaming China Make America Great Again?
May 4th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Trump’s Shameful Blame Game
April 20th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Can Racism not Beget Racism?
April 7th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Chinese Socialism versus American Capitalism
Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic
March 21st, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Are Humans Both Destroyers and Lemmings?
A Review of Noam Chomsky's Internationalism or Extinction
March 10th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Trudeau’s Demand: “the barricades must come down”
What "a sacred obligation" means to Justin Trudeau
February 22nd, 2020 by Kim Petersen
By What Right Does Canada and Its Gendarmerie Invade Wet’suwet’en Territory?
People need to see what the government of Canada is doing!
February 8th, 2020 by Kim Petersen
Conciliation Requires More than Truth
It Requires Action
December 24th, 2019 by Kim Petersen
Humans and Their Deadly Military Toys
Review of Andrei Martyanov's The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs
November 26th, 2019 by Kim Petersen
Saving Julian Assange is Saving Ourselves
November 18th, 2019 by Kim Petersen
Israeli Zionist Racism Unmasked
November 16th, 2019 by Kim Petersen
The Unflattering Veneer of Self-proclaimed Greatness
October 21st, 2019 by Kim Petersen
Lessons Not Learned from History Can Kill You
October 14th, 2019 by Kim Petersen