Imagine if following the recent federal election in Canada, where the Liberal Party was left with a minority government, that prime minister Justin Trudeau had stated, “We are facing an emergency that is unprecedented in the history of Canada.”
Imagine that Trudeau explained that “setting up a government that depends on the First Nation parties is an even bigger disaster. It’s a historic danger to Canada’s security. It will gravely hurt the security of Canada.”
Would that be acceptable for most Canadians?
Granted there is no official First Nations party in Canada, but such a situation could exist. This is a hypothetical situation posed to highlight the situation faced by indigenous Palestinians in Israel.
Or let’s flip it to the United States context.
Imagine if following the upcoming 2020 US election that some third-party Black candidates were to be elected leaving both Democrats and Republicans forced to try and form a minority government. Imagine if the president Donald Trump were to say, “We are facing an emergency that is unprecedented in the history of the United States.”
Because, said Trump, “Setting up a government that depends on the Black parties is an even bigger disaster. It’s a historic danger to America’s security. It will gravely hurt the security of America.”
Would that be acceptable for most Americans?
How then should people consider the similar situation in which Zionist Jews view Palestinians in Israel?
Because this is how Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded about the possibility that his opponent Benny Gantz will establish a minority government backed by Arab lawmakers: “We are facing an emergency that is unprecedented in the history of the State of Israel.”
“[S]etting up a government that depends on the Arab parties is an even bigger disaster. It’s a historic danger to Israel’s security. It will gravely hurt the security of Israel,” said Netanyahu. ((See Jonathan Lis, “Netanyahu Warns of ‘Unprecedented Emergency’ if Gantz Forms Government Backed by Arab Party,” Haaretz, 16 November 2019.))
Should that be acceptable to anyone inside or outside Israel?
Why is there any doubt that Israeli Zionism is racist at its core? How is it that western governments staunchly support Israel and demonize the victims of Israeli occupation, oppression, and racism?