A Cruel Display of Anti-Muslim Hate

A Dayton, Ohio mosque was attacked last week, but police are refusing to label the incident a hate crime.

The attack came September 26–during the holy month of Ramadan–at the Islamic Society of Greater Dayton. As approximately 300 worshipers were preparing for evening prayers, they heard their children, who were in a separate room, begin coughing. Soon, the mosque had to be evacuated, as some worshipers were overcome with fumes.

Worshipper Baboucarr Njie told the Dayton Daily News that he began coughing and had to evacuate the building. “I would stay outside for a minute, then go back in, there were a lot of kids,” Njie said. “My throat is still itchy.”

According to police, it appears that two men sprayed an irritant directly through a window into a room where infants and children were waiting while parents took part in prayers. One 10-year-old girl, who was helping care for the other children, was sprayed directly in the face.

Police later found a can of pepper spray near the mosque, although a HAZMAT team was unable to determine if that was what had been sprayed.

A friend of some of the victims–a mother and her two small children who were in the room where the chemical was sprayed–described the incident in an e-mail to Chris Rodda of the Huffington Post Web site:

[The mother] told me that the gas was sprayed into the room where the babies and children were being kept, while their mothers prayed together their Ramadan prayers. Panicked mothers ran for their babies, crying for their children so they could flee from the gas that was burning their eyes and throats and lungs. She grabbed her youngest in her arms and grabbed the hand of her other daughter, moving with the others to exit the building and the irritating substance there.

The paramedic said the young one was in shock, and gave her oxygen to help her breathe. The child couldn’t stop sobbing.

This didn’t happen in some faraway place–but right here in Dayton, and to my friends.

Many of the Iraqi refugees were praying together at the Mosque Friday evening. People that I know and love. I am hurt and angry. I tell her this is not America. She tells me this is not Heaven or Hell–there are good and bad people everywhere.

She tells me that her daughters slept with her last night, the little one in her arms and sobbing throughout the night. She tells me she is afraid, and will never return to the mosque, and I wonder what kind of country is this where people have to fear attending their place of worship?

The children come into the room, and tell me they want to leave America and return to Syria, where they had fled to from Iraq. They say they like me…and other American friends–but they are too afraid and want to leave. Should a 6- and 7-year-old even have to contemplate the safety of their living situation?

So far, authorities are refusing to call the attack on the mosque an anti-Muslim hate crime. According to Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl, “The men didn’t say anything to [the girl before she was sprayed]. There was nothing left at the scene or anything that makes us believe this is a biased crime.”

But as several commentators have noted, the attack came in the same week that millions of copies of a right wing-produced anti-Muslim DVD were released in Ohio and elsewhere.

Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West is a pseudo-“documentary,” produced in 2006, by the right-wing Clarion Fund. The film openly compares Islam today to Nazism prior to the Second World War, showing images of Nazi rallies intercut with images purportedly of Muslim children being exhorted to be suicide bombers. The film features prominent right-wing Islamophobes like Daniel Pipes and Alan Dershowitz, among others. Last year, arch-conservative David Horowitz screened the film on several college campuses as part of his “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.”

During the last two weeks of September, the Clarion Fund–which has run at least one article supporting John McCain’s presidential bid on its Web site–paid to distribute more than 28 million copies of the DVD through 70 different newspapers in 14 “swing” states, including Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and, of course, Ohio.

Shamefully, even some so-called “liberal” papers like the New York Times have distributed the DVDs to subscribers, arguing that because they were sent as paid advertisements, the newspaper isn’t responsible for the content.

Jim McClure, vice president of display advertising for the Raleigh News and Observer, was quoted in the paper’s “Under the Dome” politics blog comparing the DVD to common samples of household products that are sometimes sent out: “‘Obviously, we have distributed other product samples, whether it’s cereal or toothpaste,’ he said. He declined to say how much the agency paid.”

Except, of course, what’s being “sampled” in this case is misinformed bigotry. Angry subscribers wrote back to denounce the decision. As one commented:

A box of cereal? Toothpaste? Does a box of cereal or a tube of toothpaste encourage me to look with hatred and suspicion on my law-abiding neighbors who have a different religion than mine? Does cereal and toothpaste lead to pogroms, religious harassment, fear and intimidation? The trailer for this video is about hate, pure and simple, and shows the video has only one goal–to instill fear and hatred of neighbor against neighbor.

If I receive this DVD in my paper, that day, after 22 years of receiving the [News and Observer], will be the last day of my subscription.

Clarion Fund spokesman Gregory Ross has denied that the DVD is design to influence the election, telling the Los Angeles Times that it is simply “a reminder that a 9/11 could happen again, and we need to remember the past.”

But Ibrahim Hooper, president of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), told the LA Times there were some reports that DVD recipients in Ohio also received automated phone calls referencing the film, saying, “We hope you take it into consideration when you go into the voting booth.”

A multi-faith coalition called “Hate Hurts America” has launched a Web site to counter allegations made in the DVD. CAIR is also asking the Federal Election Commission to investigate Clarion for possible violations of campaign finance law.

In Oregon, approximately 70 protesters turned out September 30 at the offices of the Oregonian to denounce the paper for distributing the film as an advertisement. As Rev. Chuck Cooper, of the progressive Christian community Micah’s Village, told the Associated Press, the newspaper has a moral obligation “to inform, not misinform.” He added that the paper should donate any profits from the advertising to charity. CAIR is also suggesting that people who receive the DVD break it in half and send it back.

Despite the reluctance of police to label the attack on the Dayton mosque a hate crime, there should be no doubt that the wide distribution of hate-filled propaganda like Obsession has been a factor in at least some attacks on Arabs and Muslims since September 11–including verbal and physical assaults, as well as arsons at mosques and high-profile incidents in which Arab and Muslim passengers have been barred from airplanes.

As the e-mail sent to the Huffington Post‘s Chris Rodda noted:

Did the anti-Muslim video circulating in the area have something to do with this incident, or is that just a bizarre coincidence? Who attacks women and children?

What am I supposed to say to them? My words can’t keep them safe from what is nothing less than terrorism, American style. Isn’t losing loved ones, their homes, jobs, possessions and homeland enough? Is there no place where they can be safe?

15 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Poilu said on October 4th, 2008 at 5:48pm #

    ‘ So far, authorities are refusing to call the attack on the mosque an anti-Muslim hate crime. According to Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl, The men didnt say anything to [the girl before she was sprayed]. There was nothing left at the scene or anything that makes us believe this is a biased crime. ‘

    So, I suppose if someone were to engage in mass assault at a synagogue, it wouldn’t be a hate crime UNLESS they also took the time to spray-paint swastikas on the building. Uh-huh.

    ‘ …The film openly compares Islam today to Nazism prior to the Second World War, showing images of Nazi rallies intercut with images purportedly of Muslim children being exhorted to be suicide bombers. The film features prominent right-wing Islamophobes like Daniel Pipes and Alan Dershowitz, among others. Last year, arch-conservative David Horowitz screened the film on several college campuses as part of his Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week. ‘

    Amazing how the vilest of [NeoCo]Nazis in this country so frequently and brazenly wield the term most descriptive of themselves in preposterous attempts to “demonize” their intended victims. It’s actually rather reminiscent of Hitler raging about “Polish terrorists”.

    Horowitz and his ilk are the ultimate scum of the earth. But then, “Welcome to the Fourth Reich!”

  2. Brian Koontz said on October 4th, 2008 at 7:59pm #

    “A Dayton, Ohio mosque was attacked last week, but police are refusing to label the incident a hate crime.”

    It’s not a hate crime – it’s a war crime. Americans don’t hate Muslims – they are warring against them as part of a project to control their resources. Threats, intimidation, assault, murder, rape, and other forms of terrorist violence are part of the ongoing war against Muslims and Arabs.

  3. Laura said on October 5th, 2008 at 5:12am #


    How can anyone defend those that regard non-Muslims as apes & pigs, or (as Abu Hamza says:) as cows or (as Mullah Bakri:) ss worms?

    And why blame the messenger for daring to expose fascism and crimes all over the world on: Hindus, Buddhists, Jews (Israelis or European or else), Zorateans, Farsi, socialists, ect.

    Or Islamo fascistic crimes on their own brothers (in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Algeria, etc.) for not being ‘Muslim enough’ in their hateful eyes?

    Is the global Jihad’s masacre and campaign to establish the global Islamic totalitarian oppressive regime [Caliphate] not bigotry in the name of Islam?

  4. Poilu said on October 5th, 2008 at 4:22pm #

    Laura: Four paragraphs there, and not a single iota of of sensibility. Congratulations! Typical idiotic right-wing screed, and so glaringly transparent in its own underlying Fascist display of unabashed racism.

    Note: Farsi is a LANGUAGE! It is spoken by Persians (Iranians), who just happen to be predominantly Muslim. I sincerely doubt you could present us with any demonstrable examples of “Islamo fascistic crimes” perpetrated against Farsi! [ROTFLOL.]

    You are either amazingly gullible or a typical right-wing liar. Either way, you’re clearly a TWIT.

  5. cg said on October 5th, 2008 at 7:39pm #

    Well, if you want to get historical, who and what were the Persians before they were invaded, conquered and converted to Islam? How did Iran, much of India for 1,000 years, Afghanistan, etc. become Islamic?

    “This grave state of Zoroastrianism was brought about by the Islamic invasion of Persia, the name for pre-Arab Iran, and the religious cleansing that followed. Many Zoroastrians were converted by the edge of the sword and many of them paid with their lives for their pejorative. Also, it led to their exodus to places like India”.

    “the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history,”
    Will Durant

    “Let it be said right away: the massacres perpetrated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in history.”
    Francois Gautier

    In India, as well as Iran and Afghanistan, ‘the religion of peace’ slaughtered upwards of 60-80 million Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Zorastrians and others.
    Just because this isn’t common knowledge and taught as a matter of fact doesn’t change history.

  6. Hue Longer said on October 5th, 2008 at 9:03pm #

    Western exceptionalism compares its last 50 bloody years to everying thing that’s happened in the last 2000 years in other lands they need to feel good about invading.

  7. Poilu said on October 5th, 2008 at 10:38pm #

    cg: I take it that you actually SUPPORT Laura’s idiotic contentions. Is that correct?

    “Just because this isnt common knowledge and taught as a matter of fact doesnt change history.”

    I’m not at all convinced that your decidedly one-sided stance on this relatively controversial subject IS “history”. Durant and Gautier are but two voices in this debate, whose observances are contested by other historians. See, for example, Wikipedia’s “Islamic Conquest of India”

    There are certainly FAR more recent developments in history — utterly undisputed ones — that could more pertinently be wielded as “evidence” for, say, the notion that the German people are “innately murderous”. Yet Germany is a US ally and friend, and few would seek to thus pillory its populace for wartime misdeeds dating back a mere 60+ years. You, on the other hand, are seemingly eager to go back CENTURIES in pursuit of some “rationale” with which to excuse this blustering tirade of grossly anti-Islamic bigotry unleashed by Laura. Puh-LEASE!

    As my colleague Huey Longer adeptly suggests, this senseless excursion into the far distant past is quite irrelevant to this, or any other, discussion of CURRENT events.

  8. cg said on October 6th, 2008 at 9:59am #

    Wikipedia? Surely you jest.
    Ever hear of the Hindu Kush?
    Do you know what it means?

    It seems that where ever Islam goes, the extinction of any existing culture(s) is sure to follow. Complete with distortions, propaganda and martial enforcement.
    Not that this is unique to Islam, just that it is.
    In my view all the ‘desert religions,’ Judaism, Christianity and Islam are extensions of the same unhealthy and, well, murderous disorder.



  9. Hue Longer said on October 6th, 2008 at 3:13pm #

    cg, who wanted to get historical?

  10. Poilu said on October 6th, 2008 at 8:33pm #

    “Wikipedia? Surely you jest.”

    cg: I assure you, I RARELY jest. And while Wikipedia is merely a launching pad in any quest for knowledge, it serves the purpose quite well.

    But I should rightly return your interrogative: Are you SERIOUS in offering me two clearly-labeled EDITORIALS as would-be “rebuttals” to an open-source ENCYCLOPEDIA entry?? Now who’s jesting??? (While I would even have reviewed the two, had the server not been inaccessible, I’m hardly inclined to consider opinion pieces as substantial counterweights to well-annotated factual tracts.)

    Again, this line of argumentation is utterly irrelevant to the subject at hand. During even the latter phase of the period you wish to “revisit”, Europeans were still burning “heretics” at the stake, stoning witches, etc. Does that history automatically render MODERN Europeans as irrevocably “savage”??

    Sorry, this type of extreme “historical” stretch, in erstwhile support of mere bigotry, doesn’t hold a DROP of water. Even if it did, you’d be hard pressed to satisfactorily explain why your 500-year-old historical observation should be considered in any way “predictive” when my merely 60-year-old German parallel doesn’t adhere to that “paradigm” at all!

    Nope. Ain’t buyin’ that one — no way, no how.

  11. cg said on October 6th, 2008 at 11:02pm #

    You have a natural tendency to not answer a question.
    Do you know what Hindu Kush means?

    “I sincerely doubt you could present us with any demonstrable examples of “Islamo fascistic crimes” perpetrated against Farsi.”

    Do you want predictive, self fulfilling, or both?

    Change Farsi to Iran, then the answer would certainly be yes.
    A little thing called the Iran-Iraq war. Eight years of brotherly love.
    Atrocities galore. Both sides trying to out Islam the other.
    One side abetted by the bloodsucking Jews, the other abetted by the bloodsucking Christians.
    All three “desert religions” expressing their, well…words fail me.

    So if you are attempting to ‘sell’ any of them as anything but blood and guts, sooner or later, I’m not buying either.

  12. Poilu said on October 7th, 2008 at 12:55am #

    “You have a natural tendency to not answer a question.”

    cg: Well, you yourself have demonstrated a remarkable talent for that from the very start. I’m still waiting for a direct response to a GOOD many questions and observations, including my INITIAL one:

    “I take it that you actually SUPPORT Lauras idiotic contentions. Is that correct?”

    I can see NO reason to faithfully address your shifting, radically racist remarks when you’ve completely disregarded my prior, well-reasoned responses to such “arguments”.

    The assertion you “tackled” above was NOT addressed to you, and was NOT a question. Moreover, it is patently absurd to propose changing Farsi, a language, into Iran, a nation-state. Finally, what the novel introduction of the Iran-Iraq war — a SECTARIAN conflict encouraged and sustained secretly by the US — has to do with any of these anti-religious ravings OR support of your prior claims is beyond me. (There are Muslims who drive taxis. Does that imply that taxi-driving is an “Islamo fascist conspiracy”?)

    I’m not selling anything here; I’m just not buying! It’s you who appears to be in all-out hard-sell mode, “merchandizing” the lamest of generalizations based only on hopelessly weak underpinnings.

  13. Jessa said on October 7th, 2008 at 8:38am #

    It’s not being labeled as a hate crime because it isn’t. A boy inside the mosque did it and the muslims lied about it to make themselves look like victims. Typical.

  14. Hue Longer said on October 8th, 2008 at 1:49am #


    That may be a NEW reason for it not being labeled a hate crime (by at least you), but it sure wasn’t the first reason

  15. retertertt said on December 3rd, 2009 at 12:43pm #