Ruled by Genius

Some people still believe that the rich are smart.
They may well be in one thing but outside of that
They can be as stupid as worm waste on toast.
Take Marty Muskrat for instance. He’s smart
The way an engineer might be smart
Building systems that kill people efficiently.
But does the world need more cost-effective death
So that some nerd can lord it over life?
Give Muskrat a technical challenge he’s on it.
Ask him to make the world kinder, better for life,
That doesn’t compute. Technology answers
Questions secondary to what really matters.

It’s a terrible weight being more important
Than anyone else. It forces you to look
In the mirror and say, “Everyone’s expendable
But me.” People get in the way of genius.
Muskrat wouldn’t mind if everyone was dead.
He’d prefer robots who would do as they’re told.
The lofty heights of genius have gone to his head.
It’s fun for him destroying things, people, the world,
All the lives that don’t count, that don’t measure up,
That need a human touch, love, compassion,
All the things he can’t grasp in his abstract world
Where he’s his own god, a nasty piece of work.

John Jiambalvo is the author of two collections of poetry, Shadows Walking Among Questions and Americana Collection, as well as a satiric novel, Smirk. Read other articles by John.