American Dreams

Are we America, land of liberty, opportunity, equality, justice?
Or “America,” land of bigotry, hatred, isolation, privilege?
Do we side with freedom and democracy, or oppression and dictatorship?
The fact that we even have to ask is deeply disturbing, and deeply disappointing.
Which is real? Which delusion?
Everything I have ever believed about my country is now called into question.
I know the America that is in my heart
But I see the “America” which is in the land
And wonder:
How is it that we have changed?
Or is this how we have been all along?
I still long for, hope for, believe in the America I think us to be
And pray we again find our way
‘Tis time to speak out
Support, advocate, proclaim that which we hold to be the essence of our Nation
That shining city upon the hill
Casting the light of Tomorrow
Out through this dark, dark night
Let ours be voices of conviction and resolve
Connection, community, commitment
And as necessary, dissent
As we walk forward through the valleys of shadow and evil
To the Promised Land of our true American Dreams

Mike Turner is a retired member of the U.S. Government’s Senior Executive Service. He served a 27-year career as a law enforcement professional in the Departments of Defense, Treasury, Homeland Security and Commerce. In retirement, Turner has had a second career as an award-winning songwriter and poet. His poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Dissident Voice. He can be contacted at Read other articles by Mike.