Sleep No Sleep
by Wayne F. Burke / October 8th, 2023
the Roman Emperor Gaius, an
insomniac, like me, went out and
walked in the royal gardens when
unable to sleep: communing with the
moon, I suspect; which probably drove
him mad (it does me); crazy Caligula,
a murderer too haughty and dangerous
to be allowed to live for long–killed by
his guards the 3rd year of his reign.
Wayne F. Burke's poetry has been widely published online and in print (including in
Dissident Voice). He is the author of eight published full-length poetry collections -- most recently
Black Summer, 2021, Spartan Press. He lives in Vermont (USA).
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This article was posted on Sunday, October 8th, 2023 at 8:00am and is filed under Poetry.