Why Americans Elect Awful Presidents

For years I muttered mentally to myself about the insanity of Americans electing George W. Bush president. Now I go through the same agony about the craziness of the nation electing Barack Obama president. As much as I thought Bush was a manipulated second-rate politician that carried out the terribly destructive policies pushed by Cheney and other conservative corporate shills, now I feel equally angry that so many voters fell for the slick rhetoric and lies of Obama. Disgust produces public thirst for change and Obama was wickedly brilliant at selling change. When voters are so easily victimized what does democracy amount to?

All this tells me that any nation that can elect such inept people president can also elect other people that appear to have no right or chance to be president of the United States just as Bush and Obama once appeared before they were sold to the public. That is what is so frightening about the future of this nation. The two-party plutocracy with its stranglehold on the American political system has the power to elect presidents that are an insult to the great ones that once served the nation with pride and competence.

I keep searching for explanations why millions of American voters make such bad electoral decisions. Are they just so stupid, uninformed and distracted that they fall for endless political lies? Have Americans become so easily manipulated and fooled by advertising and brilliant political campaigns that they can be sold terrible presidents as easily as unneeded, low quality and unhealthy products?

Yes, all this seems too true. Delusional voters have produced our delusional democracy which strongly favors corporate, wealthy and elitist interests over ordinary Americans. This explains frightening economic inequality and the demise of the middle class. In the late 1970s, the richest 1 percent of American families took in about 9 percent of the nation’s total income; by 2007, the top 1 percent took in 23.5 percent of total income (less than 5 million people). Two-thirds of the nation’s total income gains from 2002 to 2007 flowed to this sliver of households, which saw a rise of 62 percent, compared to 4 percent for the bottom 90 percent of households. Today, the median male worker earns less, adjusted for inflation, than he did 30 years ago. A corrupt bipartisan system gave us this. Is this the change you were waiting for?

Considering Bush and Obama from a right-left perspective misses their several critical commonalities. Both have wasted the nation’s wealth and lives on two ludicrous, unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both turned out to be pretty good communicators during their presidential campaigns but quite lousy after they became president. The more intelligent and articulate Obama is particularly striking in being totally lackluster when it comes to addressing major issues and crises and building public support for his policies, which now explains his very low approval ratings.

Both pursued public policies and government programs that preferentially benefit corporate and other special interests, especially the financial sector. This is no surprise because both depended on huge amounts of corporate money to get elected. They both have responsibility for the economic meltdown that still exists for a large fraction of the nation. A large majority of Americans correctly see the nation on the wrong track, but more importantly it is hurtling down the wrong track, which President Obama ignores, because he lacks solutions.

What may turn out to be the most disturbing similarity is that Obama may get elected for a second term just like Bush accomplished despite uninspiring performance. If there is anything more disturbing than electing awful politicians with no real record of accomplishments it is reelecting them for a second term! More than anything else this demonstrates the absence of true, effective political competition and the ability to brainwash and manipulate voters.

For years I hoped that some third party presidential candidate would emerge, capture public confidence and offer a true reform program to repair our nation. But sadly the political system has been so corrupted that no third party presidential candidate stands a chance against the two-party plutocracy. The biggest nonsense is that the US is the greatest democracy on Earth. There are many other democracies where multiple political parties give citizens far more choices than Americans have. It pays to remember that no nation ever copied the government structure of the US. Instead, other democracies where citizens also have freedom use parliamentary structures with far more political choices and even the ability to more easily get rid of rotten leaders. Here we suffer with disappointing presidents for far too many years.

The most fascinating aspect of our constitutional republic is that one constitutional path to get true, deep reforms of our government and political system has never been used. This proves how powerful, entrenched interests on the right and left have maintained a corrupt, dysfunctional and costly system. Very, very few Americans know anything about the option in Article V of the Constitution for a convention of state delegates that could propose constitutional amendments. You can learn the facts at the Friends of the Article V Convention website. The one and only requirement for a convention has long been met but Congress refuses to obey the Constitution. They fear it. We need it more than ever.

A constitutional scholar such as President Obama could make history by openly demanding that Congress convene the first Article V convention. But that would require dropping the constitutional hypocrisy that he and so many others have. The rule of law is a farce when an important part of the beloved Constitution is ignored.

Joel S. Hirschhorn was a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association; he has authored five nonfiction books, including Delusional Democracy: Fixing the Republic Without Overthrowing the Government. Read other articles by Joel.

31 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Joe Mowrey said on September 4th, 2010 at 8:23am #

    Thank you for pointing out that voting is no longer a solution to our problem. Frankly, I doubt a Constitutional convention is likely to happen either. But at least you are offering an alternative to the insanity of participating in our electoral scam.
    Joe Mowrey

  2. deepthought said on September 4th, 2010 at 8:42am #

    It is silly to think that the President’s failure to enact his agenda and his falling approval ratings are the result of anything but Republican obstructionism and the right-wing smear machine.

    But thank you for targeting a Democratic President in a year where Republicans are on the verge of taking over the House and Senate. Clearly your priorities are in order.

  3. bozh said on September 4th, 2010 at 9:20am #

    A prez acts as a manager of plutocratic affairs. And, imo, that`s what he swears to: uphold— only devil knows what that represents; i don`t — the constitution and the laws of nation.
    And, since in effect, the laws in US appear as plutocratic diktats, some 100k pages of it, that`s what any prez will always do or be assassinated!

    In addition, it takes only a perfunctory look to espy that we have lived in lawlessness in all lands for at least 8 kyrs.
    Why Hirschhorn personalizes enormity of the problem appears beyond me! Public would say: is beyond me, which would be OK by me! Unless he deliberately obfuscates what appears crystal clear to some of us. tnx

  4. hayate said on September 4th, 2010 at 10:24am #

    All those words, but the author failed to mention the real cause of these clowns being elected. That “elite”, he wrote of, own the mass media and through that control, elect those clown presidents. If a rd party candidate got decent coverage in the media, it’s likely they would win too.

    The other factor the author managed to avoid mentioning is the zpc, the zionist power configuration. These are the power brokers in american politics. For an american politician to have a ghost of a chance, they must first be vetted through the zpc network and given a seal of approval. Otherwise, the zionists bring in all their power to oppose them and most of the time they get defeated. For american politics to open up, first this ziofascist network has to be liquidated. Without zionists sabotaging the left, it will be much easier to bring down the corporate establishment.

    Finally, this constitutional amendment idea is rubbish right now. If people cant seem to elect decent politicians over the rule of the zpc, how the hell could they create a new amendment that the zpc would oppose? They couldn’t. Look at the crap pushed in state elections with amendments there. One decent proposal for every 5 fascist mirror proposals opposing it. Those are a complete farce thank to zpc media and guv control. Any constitutional convention wouldend up the same way, with ziofascists and their ideas being what gets pushed through the process. Get rid of the zionist interference, precede the convention with a long, healthy education campaign to wake up the zionist imposed zombieism among the american electorate, those that can still be woken up, and maybe, just maybe, a constitutional convention might work in a positive way.

  5. beverly said on September 4th, 2010 at 10:50am #

    As long as the public gets its info from the mainstream media stenos, said public will remain mis/dis/uninformed and continue to make stupid choices in the voting booth and in other life matters. Add to this the two-party plutocracy that obstructs democracy via roadblocks and media blackouts that cripple other parties from even getting on the ballot or participating in debates and an informed electorate is a pipe dream.

    Obama demand an Article V Convention? This is the mother of all pipe dreams. Doing so would derail much of the mayhem and destruction he and his predecessors have wrought.

    deepthought writes:

    “It is silly to think that the President’s failure to enact his agenda and his falling approval ratings are the result of anything but Republican obstructionism and the right-wing smear machine.

    But thank you for targeting a Democratic President in a year where Republicans are on the verge of taking over the House and Senate. Clearly your priorities are in order.”

    Thank goodness deepthought found this site, as he or she is in serious need of the facts. Obama’s agenda is moving along just nicely. Contrary to campaign rhetoric, Obama’s aim was to continue and cement the power of the military/corporate complex.

    Republican obstructionism of Obama’s plans is a big, fat myth. We’ve got a democratic White House and democratically controlled Congress. What have they done for us lately? Kept the war machine going. Congress has passed every war spending bill – including in Bush’s later years when Democrats gained majority in 2007, the year was I believe. Those combat troops being pulled out of Iraq? Noncombat troops outnumbered combat ones. A shitload of Blackwater-type contractors remain in Iraq to wreak havoc; in addition, word is more contractors will replace combat troops. Afghanistan? Vietnam redux. Listen to Obama’s and Bush’s rhetoric about Afghanistan war and the scripts are the same.

    Healthcare? Obama and the Dems laud a plan that enriches insurance and drug companies (and was practically written by insurance/drug lobbies) but will do little to alleviate the health insurance vs health care problem. Few unisured are signing up for Obamacare inspired plans because the premiums are still cost prohibitive. Social Secuity, Medicare, Medicaid are programs enacted by Democratic presidents and are lifelines for folks of all political stripes. However, Obama has stocked his loot Social Security, er, Deficit Reduction Commission with Republicans and social program haters.

    I could go on but you get the picture. Stop blaming right wing obstructionists when the Democrats are doing an Oscar worthy performance in playing the role of warmongering, labor hating, social program looting, Wall Street giveaway Republicans.

    The sooner we admit both parties have abandoned working in the interests of the masses, they sooner we can figure out how to get out of this shit storm.

    And as for fact we may be headed toward a Republican majority in Congress, you won’t see much difference in how Obama reigns. If anything, this will give him and his gullible supplicants more chances to excuse his wicked ways.

  6. jlohman said on September 5th, 2010 at 2:03am #

    Absolutely correct, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We have allowed the elite to share their profits with the politicians that made it all happen. And then the world crashed.

    The only fix is to have the rich get us out of this, because the poor can’t. And that requires increased taxes on all incomes (wages and investments) over $250, 000 per year, at least until our economy has stabilized.

    The problem, however, is that the elite have been funding the elections and the politicians are reluctant to interrupt the cash flow, but the alternative is a rebellion and the Pols will be on the street anyway. It is time for them to step to the plate if the game is to be won.

    Nothing is going to change until we have public funding of campaigns. If politicians are going to be beholden to their funders, those funders should be the taxpayers. And at $5 per taxpayer per year it would be a bargain. Even at 100 times that. We MUST lobby our senators and representative to co-sponsor the bill at:

    Jack Lohman …

  7. Sunshine said on September 5th, 2010 at 6:12am #

    Hayate said:

    “The other factor the author managed to avoid mentioning is the zpc, the zionist power configuration. These are the power brokers in american politics. For an american politician to have a ghost of a chance, they must first be vetted through the zpc network and given a seal of approval. Otherwise, the zionists bring in all their power to oppose them and most of the time they get defeated. For american politics to open up, first this ziofascist network has to be liquidated. Without zionists sabotaging the left, it will be much easier to bring down the corporate establishment.”

    I hope you’re not talking about Jewish people. If you are, I am very appalled. If you are not talking about Jewish people, could you please tell me what you are talking about? I’m not quite sure I understand your comment.

  8. rosemarie jackowski said on September 5th, 2010 at 10:18am #

    Joel got it right . The voters are stupid, uninformed, and distracted. But it is even worse than that. The incompetency of the US voter has led to the slaughter of millions around the world. So we have to add cruelty and sadism to the list of attributes of the US voter.
    On the ballot here there were 8 candidates for president. 95% of the votes went to dem/repubs. Nothing will change until the voter changes. It is not that hard. Just never again vote for any Democrat or Republican. Now that would be very interesting to see. It won’t happen because as already said – we are stupid, uninformed, and distracted.

  9. kanomi said on September 5th, 2010 at 11:43am #

    “Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice . You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.”

    — George Carlin

  10. hayate said on September 5th, 2010 at 12:11pm #

    Sunshine said on September 5th, 2010 at 6:12am

    New hasbarat, or old one under a new name?

  11. teafoe2 said on September 5th, 2010 at 12:33pm #

    hayate, beverly, kanomi, Rosemary, and Surprise: Bozh!, Si;
    “deepthought”(sic;-), Sunshine, jlohman, hirshcorn No.

    wonder which coeditor finds these pipedreams worthy of publication? betcha the same one gave us “TOSCA”;D

  12. Don Hawkins said on September 5th, 2010 at 12:41pm #

    Posted this again just for you teafore2 care to comment.

    I’ve been in a funny mood the last few day’s but feel better now. Just watched the big rally in DC Beck on c-span and right out of the old play book. They had a permit for 300,000 people heck that’s no rally maybe two million to start and the talk out of the old play book I think not. My fellow Americans people of Earth we all now face a problem never before seen by human’s, here’s where someone on the drums goes for it, we all need to start working together from all countries as the Earth is burning and melting, again drums and maybe a saxophone, our amazing intelligence seems to have outstripped our instinct for survival. We plunder the earth hoping that accumulating material surplus will make up for the profound, unfathomable thing that we have lost that friends was said by Arundhati Roy one smart human, drums,saxophone, trumpet, am going to now tell you some forbidden knowledge governments today, talk of “cap-and-trade-with-offsets”, a system rigged by big banks and fossil fuel interests. Cap-and-trade invites corruption. Worse, it is ineffectual, assuring continued fossil fuel addiction to the last drop and environmental catastrophe or the end of the human race as we know it as a start, drums,saxophone, trumpet, base guitar, there is a solution not for all our problems but a start we will work on the others the solution therefore requirers a rising fee on oil, gas and coal – a carbon fee collected from fossil fuel companies at the domestic mine or port of entry. All funds collected will be distributed to the public on a per capita basis to allow lifestyle adjustments and spur clean energy innovations. As the fee increased, fossil fuels will be phased out, replaced by carbon-free energy and efficiency. Farming practices Worldwide will begin to change and those that needed help will get help. Will we all live happily ever after no but it will be a start and America will begin to lose weight a good thing, drums,saxophone, trumpet, base guitar, harmonica, so far what you have been told well it is what it isn’t in other words pure 100% bullshit, drums,saxophone, trumpet, base guitar, harmonica, clarinet, They do this so you don’t hear don’t see and the people who do this have a heart made of straw and a brain made of stone while at the same time there head way up there ass, drums,saxophone, trumpet, base guitar, harmonica, clarinet, banjo, ok time for a song hit it let us sing;

    Oh the games people play now
    Ev’ry night and ev’ry day now
    Never meaning what they say, yeah
    Never saying what they mean.

    People walking up to you
    Singing glory hallelujah
    Then thy try to sock it to you, oh
    In the name of the Lord


  13. Deadbeat said on September 5th, 2010 at 12:50pm #

    hayate is right that the author neglects the ZPC. I still don’t understand why Rosemarie engages in blame-the-voter rhetoric on this issue of elections. If the Left refuses to confront the power configuration and refuses to expose and tell the truth about it how can we think that ordinary folks will.

    The Left played a huge role in the election of Obama by creating the political vacuum.

  14. teafoe2 said on September 5th, 2010 at 1:37pm #

    thankee kinely, DonN:) luv all persnl attn I can get:)

    well tend agree your take, have serious doubts Homo Sapiens S. is up to current challenge, see Extinction as most logical outcome, but what use is logic at a time like this?

    I like your invoke of tubs, saxophomes, (why not a Stritch or a Manzello?) but banjo/harmonica fit another context… I’ll take my bluegrass straight, unless you can Bartok on a five-string like David Meltzer usta at the Coffee Gallery:)

    You did try reciting that Ruddy Bich mantra? “Givad Ramas Om”?

    In my lexicon ain’t no such as a “base guitar”, unless you mean to imply correctly that all these infra-sound addicted jerks are lowlifes of the low? They’re all rotting out their own bone marrow, and at fifty or so will start developing leukemia & other carcinoma-type goodies. no use trying to tell ’em anything, Lowertheboom.org.

    Think it was Slim Galliard first? but I heard it from Mad Alex on the Ken’s Grocery corner, grant & green: “Only two really hip innavigils ever wokt this erth, Pres and Thelonius.” Lotta truth to it, but until you unnastan Yard you ain’t gotta clue. I don’t mean just enough to enjoy listening, but the structures/devices he invented. How did he come up with all that at age 18?

    Brownie was another one, right out the box: Joy Spring; few fusioneers ever tackle it. Miles wn’t touch it w/a ten ft Silesian, decided he din’t like Chord Changes no more:)

    Then of course there’s the Yoruba side, Changuito, Papin, et al. on and on. And God Created Arturo Sandoval:)

    Drummer joke: 7×7=49:)

    Chas Fambro, a sharper angle.

    Horace “The Outlaw”. & Cool Eyes.

    3/4 time: “I git a kick out of you, Bop, Bam, tadadeedadow…”

    OK, mowed it, now edge it…

  15. teafoe2 said on September 5th, 2010 at 1:42pm #

    btw Don all this CapnTrade bs is bs. hype. Y U thank ts all ova TV alla time. alla tyme wace tym.

  16. Deadbeat said on September 5th, 2010 at 2:52pm #

    We plunder the earth hoping that accumulating material surplus will make up for the profound, unfathomable thing that we have lost that friends was said by Arundhati Roy one smart human

    If Arundhati Roy said that then I’m truly disappointed. Who is “we”? It ain’t me.

  17. Don Hawkins said on September 5th, 2010 at 3:16pm #


    This was written by Arundhati Roy and teafor2 don’t take any wooden nickels and if you buy gold coins well be careful a lot of con artists out there trying to make a fast buck real fast.

  18. teafoe2 said on September 5th, 2010 at 4:24pm #

    Don y got that rite, mil grazie Ciao:)

  19. Don Hawkins said on September 6th, 2010 at 3:33am #

    Good morning it’s Monday I’ll bet you thought it was Sunday at least here in the States. Went outside this morning and it was still there dirt, trees, grass, dog’s, cat’s, stars, heck what time is it the Sun will be coming up soon and another day begins. I saved this one from yesterday;

    “Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice . You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.”

    – George Carlin

    Now just on the off chance it’s true any changes at 5:54 this morning Eastern time well no. Let’s see turn on the tube and just maybe see this.

    There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image; make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.

    You are about to participate in a great adventure, really what do you have in mind? Well ever hear of attack ads, talking heads, politicians, salesman and saleswoman, actors, journalists, infomercials, I’ll bet we hear call call now in crystal clarity. Humm now many of us just might call this crap others might say the greatest minds in human history I believe the first. Now just on the off chance it is crap or another word bullshit well golly gee let’s go into the wondrous world of imagination fasten your safety belt’s this could get bumpy. Who has the most crap the winner for the most crap so to speak. So if we start at 6:13 this morning and go to say midnight tonight who will win the crap contest? Let’s see by midnight maybe Goldman Sachs two dump truck loads of crap Wall Street in general four dump truck loads of crap the fair and balanced people Fox New’s 6 dump truck loads yes the crap heard around the World. The rest of the New’s Media heck let’s be nice only 3 dump truck loads of crap how about so called leaders who are not on vacation 6 truck loads we have a tie so far on the third planet from the Sun.The score is still zero to zero no winner just yet but soon I think. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to pure unadulterated 100% crap as we all go down the drain in not such slow motion. Ok we are back now to reality and it’s 6:31 Monday morning.

  20. Don Hawkins said on September 6th, 2010 at 4:32am #

    Capitalism in it’s present form 6 dump truck loads of crap still a tie on the third planet from the Sun and it will destroy life on this planet and yet knowing this we still go full speed ahead with that little bit bigger brain and not only is it destroying life but for us human’s it split’s the mind asunder as we all go down the drain in not such slow motion. Just don’t figure.

  21. rosemarie jackowski said on September 6th, 2010 at 9:03am #

    deadbeat…It is disrespectful to the voter to assume that he has no power in the voting booth. I agree with you about the ‘liberal media’ , ZPC, XYZ, and all of that, BUT at what point must one take responsibility for his own actions? The “media made me do it” reminds me of the Nuremberg arguement. If we accept the arguement that the voter is not responsible, then maybe the entire concept of personal responsibility is voided and no one is ever responsible for any of his actions.

    I will continue to hold the US voter/tax payer complicit.

  22. teafoe2 said on September 6th, 2010 at 9:41am #

    well rosemarie you make intrestng point.

    But what’s the point?

    The US electorate is what it is. What it has been overdetermined by historical processes to become. Voter behavior is predictable. Many many who are eligible to vote don’t even bother to register. The attitude I’ve heard expressed over and over is “it’s all bullshit, waste of time”.

    As I see it, the point is not whether or how we distribute blame, or how we hold individuals morally responsible. After all, “we” are just a handful of activists, not a Tribunal with coercive power to impose our decisions on the world.

    What interests me, is this: is there anything we can do to change voter and eligible non-voter behavior for the better?

  23. rosemarie jackowski said on September 6th, 2010 at 10:04am #

    teafoe2… There are some things that we can do. I have more than 100 articles published on the Internet with some suggestions. http://www.countercurrents.org/jackowski020808.htm This one has been used as a topic of conversation in some college courses.
    A few suggestions…
    And when all else fails, be willing to resist (I did) and go to prison if necessary.
    I am the current candidate for Attorney General of the State of Vermont.

  24. teafoe2 said on September 6th, 2010 at 11:07am #

    Rosemarie, I opened your link. Very impressive. Will have to check out Lib Un Pty. Any more good links you’d like to post?

    I wonder, did “Don’t ever allow anything in a TV ad to influence your vote” appear on your full list?

    BTW in 2008 my focus was Cynthia McKinney. Not nec. the GP, although I reregistered Green in order to function organizing for her locally. Prior to I was involved with CA P&F, before that with Nader/Camejo 2004.

    But now I see BDS as a higher priority than either Electoral or Mass Demos, both of which are still worthwhile but must take second place to BDS. In my judgment.

    What do YOU think about BDS?

  25. teafoe2 said on September 6th, 2010 at 11:19am #

    Rosemarie, IMO a top priority in the electoral struggle is to detach Obama’s Black base of support. That is, to detach the grassroots from the Obamachine made up of sold-out Demoparty politicians. Not just to subtract the number of votes they provide, but to dismantle the “blocking force” they constitute which prevents criticism of Obama/Obamizm from the left via express or implied charges of “racism”.

    One approach could be to expose said Obamachine politicians/community operatives’ connections to Jewish Zionist sources of funding and other support. At one point I saw BDS as being able to play a key role in implementing this, but after reflection I’m not so sure.

    It could probably play a role, but some other avenues need to be proposed and explored, I think. ??

  26. teafoe2 said on September 6th, 2010 at 12:45pm #

    Well I went ahead & chkd out the Vermont LUP.

    So similar to CA P&F, Peace & Freedom, I felt right at home. Yes yes, all very familiar.

    I should mention I’ve had an off/on involvment with P&F since the early seventies. Well, I think Bob Scheer’s campaign for Mayor of Berkeley was officially an P&F effort too? I was in SF then but knew Bob slightly from buying books from him when he was clerking at Ferlingetti’s City Lites, expressed support for him in stuff I was writing for SF Good Times. Later did chores for April 22nd March up Mrkt St he honchoed. Nice fellow, backslipt politically some.

    back to Deja Vu: I see LUP just like PnF misst the boat all three last Prez election cycles: failed to support Nader 2K; blew it again 2004; failed to support McKinney 2008. Same ol same ol. Nice hobby, running for office:)

    Can’t do much harm, might do a little good? Hmm, I’m not sure about that. But I know zip re Vermont, it’s mostly Republicans I think? White, comfortable mostly?

    So what is the LUP position on the I/P issue etc? Well I’ll try visiting the page again, try opening more links. BTW that page could use some attn from your IT chief…

  27. teafoe2 said on September 7th, 2010 at 12:24pm #

    Rosemarie, I see the LUP is explicitly and dogmatically committed to total nonviolence in all circumstances. Permit me to offer the following classic statement:

    “Colonialism is not a thinking machine, nor a body endowed with reasoning faculties. It is violence in its natural state, and it will only yield when confronted with greater violence.”
    -Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth

  28. felix vainglory said on September 7th, 2010 at 9:32pm #

    Hayate spoke to the heart of the matter. There is no getting around this unsightly truth.

  29. mary said on September 8th, 2010 at 12:12am #

    Hayate is correct when he said

    ‘All those words, but the author failed to mention the real cause of these clowns being elected. That “elite”, he wrote of, own the mass media and through that control, elect those clown presidents. If a rd party candidate got decent coverage in the media, it’s likely they would win too.

    The other factor the author managed to avoid mentioning is the zpc, the zionist power configuration. These are the power brokers in american politics. For an american politician to have a ghost of a chance, they must first be vetted through the zpc network and given a seal of approval’.

    I assume the same applies in the US as it does in the UK. This is the Murdochracy at work. Miliband is the prospective new leader of the Labour party. Cameron, the previous recipient of the invitation to be vetted and passed OK for the job, is if course the present PM and a strong supporter of the Zionist ‘state’ like Miliband. At the moment, he, with help from his Liberal Democrat coalition partners, is demolishing what was left of our state structures after Thatcher’s years.


    PS A big stink is re-emerging about Cameron’s PR chief Andy Coulson who is paid over £400,000 from our taxes. He was the Editor of one of Murdoch’s papers The News of The World when phone tapping was taking place under his watch. Coulson denied all knowledge of it. There was a police investigation at the time and two reporters went to prison. The case was not thorough going and a new investigation is being made. Corruption in high places is the theme in British politics.

  30. Don Hawkins said on September 8th, 2010 at 6:28am #


    Read above new’s and I just watched CNN and they sort of mentioned this and said arson was suspected in one of the fires. It does appear CNN is moving into the fair and balanced approach of journalism or another way of putting it is a prison for the mind.

    Detroit Fire Chief Gregory Williams said today was one of the worst days for fires he’s seen in the 36 1/2 years he’s been with the department.

    Yep they missed that part.

  31. mary said on September 8th, 2010 at 12:06pm #

    The organ grinder talks to the monkey or ‘Murdoch is ‘interviewed’ on Fox News’.
