This Week:
1. Oil Flopping
2. May Day Machete
3. P.I.G.S.
4. Betty Cariño R.I.P.
5. Unsettling Israeli violence
6. Lowkey – Long Love Palestine
7. Colonization 101
Rehmat said on May 19th, 2010 at 1:18pm #
“It’s a little known fact that the Catholic Church issued a number of Papal adicts in the fifteenth century that set into motion patterns of colonization that became globalized over many centuries,” – Steven Newcomb in his book Pagans in the Promised Land.
The atheist Jewish leadership of the world Zionist movement were very familiar with the religion-based western colonization. They exploited this Christian fantasy of being the “chosen people” – thanks to the Zionist-made Scofield Study Bible, which changed millions of Christians’ perception of the Jews from being ‘anti-Christ’ to the ones’ whom the God of Bible gave the divine right to occupy another “Holy Land” – the Palestine.
The Zionist thugs, whose ancestors lived in various parts of Europe for centuries – adopted their famous slogan “A Land without a People for a People without Land” – from the self-denial of early Judeo-Christian colonialists of Americas – of the existence of over 100 million Native Americans who lived there before Columbus ‘accidently’ found that continent: “For thousands of centuries….in which human races were evolving, forming communities, and building the beginnings of national civilizations in Africa, Asia, and Europe – the continents we know as the Americas stood empty of mankind and its works….The story of the new world…is a story of the creation of a civilization where non existed….” – Richard N. Current in American History: A Survey