Street Report from the G20

The G20 in Pittsburgh showed us how pitifully fearful our leaders have become. What no terrorist could do to us, our own leaders did.

Out of fear of the possibility of a terrorist attack, authorities militarize our towns, scare our people away, stop daily life and quash our constitutional rights.

For days, downtown Pittsburgh, home to the G20, was a turned into a militarized people-free ghost town. Sirens screamed day and night. Helicopters crisscrossed the skies. Gunboats sat in the rivers. The skies were defended by Air Force jets. Streets were barricaded by huge cement blocks and fencing. Bridges were closed with National Guard across the entrances. Public transportation was stopped downtown. Amtrak train service was suspended for days.

In many areas, there were armed police every 100 feet. Businesses closed. Schools closed. Tens of thousands were unable to work.

Four thousand police were on duty plus 2500 National Guard plus Coast Guard and Air Force and dozens of other security agencies. A thousand volunteers from other police forces were sworn in to help out.

Police were dressed in battle gear, bulky black ninja turtle outfits: helmets with clear visors, strapped on body armor, shin guards, big boots, batons, and long guns.

In addition to helicopters, the police had hundreds of cars and motorcycles , armored vehicles, monster trucks, small electric go-karts. There were even passenger vans screaming through town so stuffed with heavily armed ninja turtles that the side and rear doors remained open.

No terrorists showed up at the G20.

Since no terrorists showed up, those in charge of the heavily armed security forces chose to deploy their forces around those who were protesting.

Not everyone is delighted that 20 countries control 80% of the world’s resources. Several thousand of them chose to express their displeasure by protesting.

Unfortunately, the officials in charge thought that it was more important to create a militarized people-free zone around the G20 people than to allow freedom of speech, freedom of assembly or the freedom to protest.

It took a lawsuit by the Center for Constitutional Rights and the ACLU to get any major protest permitted anywhere near downtown Pittsburgh. Even then, the police “forgot” what was permitted and turned people away from areas of town. Hundreds of police also harassed a bus of people who were giving away free food — repeatedly detaining the bus and searching it and its passengers without warrants.

Then a group of young people decided that they did not need a permit to express their human and constitutional rights to freedom. They announced they were going to hold their own gathering at a city park and go down the deserted city streets to protest the G20. Maybe 200 of these young people were self-described anarchists, dressed in black, many with bandanas across their faces. The police warned everyone these people were very scary. My cab driver said the anarchist spokesperson looked like Harry Potter in a black hoodie. The anarchists were joined in the park by hundreds of other activists of all ages, ultimately one thousand strong, all insisting on exercising their right to protest.

This drove the authorities crazy.

Battle dressed ninja turtles showed up at the park and formed a line across one entrance. Helicopters buzzed overhead. Armored vehicles gathered.

The crowd surged out of the park and up a side street yelling, chanting, drumming, and holding signs. As they exited the park, everyone passed an ice cream truck that was playing “It’s a small world after all.” Indeed.

Any remaining doubts about the militarization of the police were dispelled shortly after the crowd left the park. A few blocks away the police unveiled their latest high tech anti-protestor toy. It was mounted on the back of a huge black truck. The Pittsburgh-Gazette described it as Long Range Acoustic Device designed to break up crowds with piercing noise. Similar devices have been used in Fallujah, Mosul and Basra Iraq. The police backed the truck up, told people not to go any further down the street and then blasted them with piercing noise.

The crowd then moved to other streets. Now they were being tracked by helicopters. The police repeatedly tried to block them from re-grouping ultimately firing tear gas into the crowd injuring hundreds including people in the residential neighborhood where the police decided to confront the marchers. I was treated to some of the tear gas myself and I found the Pittsburgh brand to be spiced with a hint of kelbasa. Fortunately, I was handed some paper towels soaked in apple cider vinegar which helped fight the tears and cough a bit. Who would have thought?

After the large group broke and ran from the tear gas, smaller groups went into commercial neighborhoods and broke glass at a bank and a couple of other businesses. The police chased and the glass breakers ran. And the police chased and the people ran. For a few hours.

By day the police were menacing, but at night they lost their cool. Around a park by the University of Pittsburgh the ninja turtles pushed and shoved and beat and arrested not just protestors but people passing by. One young woman reported she and her friend watched Grey’s Anatomy and were on their way back to their dorm when they were cornered by police. One was bruised by police baton and her friend was arrested. Police shot tear gas, pepper spray, smoke canisters, and rubber bullets. They pushed with big plastic shields and struck with batons.

The biggest march was Friday. Thousands of people from Pittsburgh and other places protested the G20. Since the court had ruled on this march, the police did not confront the marchers. Ninja turtled police showed up in formation sometimes and the helicopters hovered but no confrontations occurred.

Again Friday night, riot clad police fought with students outside of the University of Pittsburgh. To what end was just as unclear as the night before.

Ultimately about 200 were arrested, mostly in clashes with the police around the University.

The G20 leaders left by helicopter and limousine.

Pittsburgh now belongs again to the people of Pittsburgh. The cement barricades were removed, the fences were taken down, the bridges and roads were opened. The gunboats packed up and left. The police packed away their ninja turtle outfits and tear gas and rubber bullets. They don’t look like military commandos anymore. No more gunboats on the river. No more sirens all the time. No more armored vehicles and ear splitting machines used in Iraq. On Monday the businesses will open and kids will have to go back to school. Civil society has returned.

It is now probably even safe to exercise constitutional rights in Pittsburgh once again.

The USA really showed those terrorists didn’t we?

Bill teaches law at Loyola University New Orleans. He can be reached at Read other articles by Bill.

30 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Michael Hureaux said on September 27th, 2009 at 9:39am #

    After the criminal triage of New Orleans, the ruling class of the U.S. knew beyond any doubt that the general population has no rights the ruling elite are bound to respect, even in the face of environmental disaster.

    But why am I telling you that?

  2. Michael Kenny said on September 27th, 2009 at 10:41am #

    I don’t think terrorists have anything to do with it. The leaders are quite simply afraid of their own people, particularly the young. What strikes me is that the same alienation from the system that undermined the communist dictatorships is slowly spreading to the democracies. That’s a hugely positive development because it means that the world is on the verge of major change. As far-reaching a change as that brought about by the French Revolution or WWI. This is going to be fun!

  3. John S. Hatch said on September 27th, 2009 at 1:24pm #

    Land of the unfree, home of the depraved. These outrages will go on until the people start pushing back. Really pushing back.

  4. Don Hawkins said on September 27th, 2009 at 1:35pm #

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way.

    It was just another day on planet Earth then again it wasn’t. A very large ship was parking on the dark side of the moon and the ship came from a Galaxy far far away from a little group known as The Grand Council of the Universe. This was not the first time they made the journey to a planet with life. There reason for being was to protect life in the Universe. Today on the ship was about 5% of the population of the Earth all the so called leaders, masters of the thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines every destroyer of civilization, every king every corrupt politician, every “superstar”, every “supreme leader”, most of the news media and all the talking heads. Oh there was one big difference about these Earthlings they were not human but only made to look human and were all from the same group, The Grand Council of the Universe and were about to take the place of all those so called leaders, masters on planet Earth. You see it was the job of the Grand Council to protect life in the Universe and Earth was at the crossroads so to speak. All the Aliens were trained in many subjects. Just a few were Knowledge the real thing not illusion the truth, Imagination, hard work and teaching others to work together when at the crossroads. Well a rather large beam was activated and before you could say profit the change had taken place. Needless to say the so called leaders, masters from Earth who were now on the ship were a bit disoriented to say the least. A cool and calm voice then told them to relax and where they were going there were no tax’s. This seemed to calm them down. The voice then told them that because of there arrogance and greed and lack of humanity they were now on the good ship of the Grand Council of the Universe and about to take a trip to a Galaxy far far away and a planet somewhat like Earth. The voice then told them that there thinking or lack of thinking on Earth was going to leave there planet and the kid’s and there kid’s a ruined Earth and that is why you are now on our ship. The voice then told them that they would not need the suits and designer dresses they were wearing as the planet they were going to was like the World they were going to leave there kid’s and there kid’s rather warm and at one time had many life forms but now only a few left and an ice free World. Fresh water a little if you look and food some. The voice then told them in front of them were clothes made of native skins from the planet they were going to and you will probably need the spear that is also provided and practice makes perfect. The voice then told them it would probably take thirty years of hard work on there Earth to clean up the mess that had been made and they could return back to there home planet at that time with hopefully a new way of thinking. With that the ship at light speed headed to a Galaxy far far away.

    On Earth the new leaders from the Grand Council of the Universe didn’t waste much time as they knew the kid’s and there kid’s were out of time. In every Country on the third planet from the Sun in the outer arm of Milky Way Galaxy all the new leaders were giving the same speech. It started something like this, “My fellow human’s we are all in deep do do and it is time to start working together”. “What we need to do will not be easy but if we work together and stay strong we can get through this and make it to the other side”.

  5. Don Hawkins said on September 27th, 2009 at 2:11pm #

    Statement by Alden Meyer, Union of Concerned Scientists’ director of strategy and policy

    PITTSBURGH, Penn. (September 25, 2009) — President Barack Obama and other world leaders closed their summit meeting in Pittsburgh with a commitment to phase out fossil fuel subsidies, but developed countries made no progress in following through on their pledge to provide financial and technological assistance to help developing countries limit their own emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

    Below is a statement by Alden Meyer, director of strategy and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

    “Overall, the Pittsburgh G-20 summit represents a missed opportunity to move the ball forward on climate change. On the critical issue of funding for developing countries to deploy clean technologies, reduce deforestation, and adapt to the impacts of global warming, the G-20 leaders didn’t take the bold steps needed to break the current deadlock in climate negotiations.”

    “If there’s to be a meaningful climate deal in Copenhagen this December, the European Union, Japan, the United States and other industrialized countries must put a serious finance package on the table. All the best rhetoric in the world won’t build a single wind turbine, save a single acre of rainforest, or help a single village deal with the impacts of climate change. It’s time for these industrialized countries to put their money where their mouths are, and the hour is getting late.”

    “The Obama administration’s success at this summit in getting other countries to agree to phase out fossil fuel subsidies should be applauded. There is no rational argument for continuing to pay companies and consumers to pump more and more carbon pollution into the atmosphere. But we should be clear that the road ahead will be challenging, both in the United States and other countries. Oil and coal companies view these taxpayer subsidies as entitlements, and their champions in Congress and other legislatures will fiercely resist their elimination. That said, this is an important and most welcome initiative, and we will support efforts by President Obama and other leaders to turn it into reality.”

    “At Tuesday’s United Nations climate summit, President Obama correctly noted that ‘our generation’s response to this challenge will be judged by history.’ Unfortunately, when the history of the world’s struggle to come to grips with global warming is written, the Pittsburgh summit will, at best, merit a footnote. But there is still time to make sure that the Copenhagen summit represents a new chapter—if world leaders use the next two months wisely, and truly lead.”

  6. Don Hawkins said on September 27th, 2009 at 2:55pm #

    Oil and coal companies view these taxpayer subsidies as entitlements, and their champions in Congress and other legislatures will fiercely resist their elimination. That said, this is an important and most welcome initiative, and we will support efforts by President Obama and other leaders to turn it into reality.”

    All of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; “his world was shattered”; “we live in different worlds”; “for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were”

    Oil and coal companies view these taxpayer subsidies as entitlements, and their champions in Congress and other legislatures will fiercely resist their elimination. Every situation has it’s own set of rules and regulations and we are all out of time to start on climate change. So far it appears that so called leaders are not up for the job. Very sure we get to see second grade level thinking here in the States and more tea party’s and then just more illusion from so called leaders transferred to the media to control thought. The amount of money from lobbyists going to the champions in Congress and other legislatures and media let’s not forget them and those thought control commercials will cost a pretty penny. Then what? Not much just more thought control that’s thought control let’s call it what it is and if you read on line and look you can find the truth at least for now. These so called leaders using second grade level thinking it’s the best way to put across illusion are not up for the job and so who is? Who has cool smart minds who looks for the truth in there dally lives, who still cares about my kid’s and there kid’s, who as knowledge the real thing. Let’s see people on Wall Street, no. So called policy makers, no. Talking heads I think not. The media, no. Business people, no. So who has knowledge the real thing, wisdom, still concerned about the third one from the Sun and all life on it, who uses math where one and one is still two, who is it that keeps telling all of us the truth the best they can? Who Who Who

  7. Don Hawkins said on September 27th, 2009 at 3:12pm #

    In conclusion, I am unwilling here to say anything very specific of the progress which I expect to make for the future in the sciences, or to bind myself to the public by any promise which I am not certain of being able to fulfill; but this only will I say, that I have resolved to devote what time I may still have to live to no other occupation than that of endeavoring to acquire some knowledge of Nature, which shall be of such a kind as to enable us therefrom to deduce rules in medicine of greater certainty than those at present in use; and that my inclination is so much opposed to all other pursuits, especially to such as cannot be useful to some without being hurtful to others, that if, by any circumstances, I had been constrained to engage in such, I do not believe that I should have been able to succeed. Of this I here make a public declaration, though well aware that it cannot serve to procure for me any consideration in the world, which, however, I do not in the least affect; and I shall always hold myself more obliged to those through whose favor I am permitted to enjoy my retirement without interruption than to any who might offer me the highest earthly preferments.

    Rene Descartes

  8. Don Hawkins said on September 27th, 2009 at 5:22pm #

    Here’s another little something you will not see on the Nightly News.

    If you read this is it the truth. In simple terms of course it’s true.

    Oil and coal companies view these taxpayer subsidies as entitlements, and their champions in Congress and other legislatures will fiercely resist their elimination.

    Of this I here make a public declaration, though well aware that it cannot serve to procure for me any consideration in the world, which, however, I do not in the least affect; and I shall always hold myself more obliged to those through whose favor I am permitted to enjoy my retirement without interruption than to any who might offer me the highest earthly preferments. Rene Descartes

  9. Trevor said on September 27th, 2009 at 6:21pm #

    Perhaps all protesters should simply join the “tea baggers” protest instead. Those protesters can carry guns, march and rant with the cops all they want while receiveing the utmost respect from law enforcement.

    If you want to “protest” in total safety, free of repression from law enforcement thugs, then those right-wing tea party protests are clearly where it’s at.

  10. Don Hawkins said on September 27th, 2009 at 6:50pm #

    A Herculean effort total focus everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler. In the next few months we get to see the effort in Copenhagen and the Senate in the States. Unfortunately, when the history of the world’s struggle to come to grips with global warming is written, the Pittsburgh summit will, at best, merit a footnote. In the Senate the same will be true just a footnote and for my kid’s the last of the footnote for the human race as we know it as a start. If we are going to try again should be easy to see. Did the people demonstrating at the G-20 have any good points? The so called leaders in Pittsburgh did they make any point’s? One thing for sure they ate well.

  11. Don Hawkins said on September 28th, 2009 at 3:30am #

    And here’s the thing: I’m not engaging in hyperbole. These days, dire warnings aren’t the delusional raving of cranks. They’re what come out of the most widely respected climate models, devised by the leading researchers. The prognosis for the planet has gotten much, much worse in just the last few years. Paul Krugman

    Paul Krugman is one of the good guy’s and has a cool smart mind and is now thinking in a new way and getting tuff. These days, dire warnings aren’t the delusional raving of cranks. That was very good a good one what he just wrote as the darkside is still playing that game. It’s time to push back and push back hard. A few among us who control the bank’s the policy the media that’s called thought control and business are at this very moment kicking and crying you see they have a little addiction called money/debt and power and the way they look at the Earth and the people on it suck’s. The push is on from them oh yes it is and the time is NOW to push back and push back hard. This will not be easy and that is another thing this few like the easy way out and that is no way out. It will not be boring and easy it will not be. The climate bill coming up is complex cap and trade and a joke on the human race remember the dire warnings aren’t the delusional raving of cranks. The way it stands now the climate bill stands a good chance of not passing and that’s called crazy. The truth the knowledge focus is not the friend of only a few push back and push back hard the truth the knowledge and heart you gota have heart, soul.

    What profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? And that was also a good one.

  12. Bob said on September 28th, 2009 at 4:27am #

    Most police cruisers bear a logo, “To Protect And Serve”…things like Pittsburgh show just WHO is protected and served.

  13. what? said on September 28th, 2009 at 6:50am #

    i bet a million dollars they would never pull that kind of martial law on a “million man march”.

  14. Don Hawkins said on September 28th, 2009 at 7:56am #

    What, now we are getting warmer make that two million . Do you need a permit Al.

  15. Don Hawkins said on September 28th, 2009 at 8:07am #

    Remember the so called elite’s bankers, business, policy makers, who now control the media will be watching and will push back. Let them push and calm at peace the truth the knowledge as these so called elite’s who use illusion and lies are anything but calm and at peace. You don’t think in that way and expect to be calm and at peace not in the real World still here hasn’t gone anywhere just covered over a little.

  16. BeerDude said on September 28th, 2009 at 1:47pm #

    Why are you whinging about this? Look at all the destruction these anarchist punks have caused in other G20 or G7 cities: looting, arson.
    The citizens of Pittsburgh have a right to be protected – albeit from a few bad apples – and life goes on.
    Get over it people, and get a real job, willya?

  17. Don Hawkins said on September 28th, 2009 at 3:59pm #

    Let’s see you are a member of the G-20 and control 80% of the resources on this planet. Your policy so far will bring about the destruction of the human race and millions are hungry right now and they are the lucky ones. You wear clothes that cost in the thousands and fly in helicopters into a city that looks like something out of a Orwell movie. Some of the people protecting you are a tad bit over weight I saw the pictures. You eat the finest food and during your little meeting did absolutely nothing to solve anything except for maybe a few very few people. Then you fly out of the city and probably think that was cool. You people need to get a real job and in the coming months, years we will try and help you with just that dudes.

  18. Fidel Castro said on September 28th, 2009 at 4:29pm #

    Hey Don Hawkins, people like you are the reason I vote Republican and throw my recycling in the trash. I also drive a big ass truck and I took the catalytic converter off to get more power. Who the f cares about global warming, I’ll be gone before the sh*t hits the fan!

  19. thelordofcheese said on September 28th, 2009 at 4:50pm #

    The police (I don’t know what squadron, but they weren’t in standard city riot gear; rather paramilitary gear) beat me for asking which way I should go when he ordered (not asked, which would have been nice) me to move. All this after the city CO said I could watch from the other side of the street at the Cathedral of Learning. Um… too bad some of the references on my resume are county employees, city business owners, university professors… yeah, they fucked up. Not only that, I’m a pacifist and see not only the usefulness but as well the need of the ACLU.

  20. canadian said on September 28th, 2009 at 5:23pm #

    Disgusting behavior.

    NOT the police – the public.

    The American people who tolerate this treatment sicken me. Sad Pathetic American people who allow their elected officials to do what ever they please with the full knowledge that that a few cheap slogans will get them elected and re-elected no matter had badly they will allow their constituents to be treated.

    I’ll be honest with you Americans. You deserve this. You begged to be treated like this for nearly a decade and when you complain about it now, you look stupid.

    If you TRULY didn’t want America to be like it this you actually have the power to change it. Sadly the lot of you are better suited to making excuses than any real change.

    So deal with it. The events at the G20 in Pittsburgh were not un-American, they were quintessentially American.

    This is the America you created (or allowed to be created). Now choke on it.

  21. Josh said on September 28th, 2009 at 5:42pm #

    (typed on my phone) They are not leaders but employees of the city, state, and federal governments who want to keep their jobs. More importantly, they are like you and me: people. And they are products of our culture. Our culture does not teach pyschology — most people are ignorant of the topic. The people in charge of g20 were obviously ignorant. Someone with knowledge of psychology would know that a police presence invites resentment and shows how the people are expected to behave. If they had left the police out of the scene, the people would have been shown trust, and the would have lived up to it (people like trust). And if there had been property damage, the freed-up police budget could have covered it.

  22. lichen said on September 28th, 2009 at 8:39pm #

    Canadians can also choke on their right-wing, privatizing government that is focused on cutting social services and producing oil from tar sands–the blackest smoke in the world, as well as murdering seals and whales. But actually, as Arundhati Roy states in her recent book, the fallacies of corrupted, co-opted “democracies” that are controlled by corporate/old aristocratic money and the mainstream media are simply so pernicious that they may not be stoppable at all; the people don’t deserve these systems, don’t want them; and it is the fault of the entrenched elite, who should be prosecuted for this.

  23. phuque yew said on September 28th, 2009 at 9:09pm #

    Well, nex’ time I feels like huntin’, I’m goin’ down to Pittsburgh, shoot me a squealing lil’ pig! That said, plen’y o’ them pigs in Washinton, DeCrepit, too. Then there’s them Massey goons in Appalachia, where a dead CEO’s worth at least the price of a hog hide. Hell, ever’ where ya turn, there’s big game there for the killin’. Lots o’ them in them high-rises, fat and ready fer skinnin’.

    Right-wing, totalitarian repressionists and self-proclaimed enemies of the earth, deniers of justice and democracy – true democracy, not the shit sold to us by Obama and his cronies in corporations – you are all in my sights. And I ain’t alone.

  24. russell olausen said on September 28th, 2009 at 9:21pm #

    How is G.W. , if it exists, part of a discourse on civil liberty? Please come to Edmonton at winter solstice and we will supply enough ice for a nice cold bath. It is said to clear the senses. As for the suspension of civil liberties, it was the same yahoos that told you they were yours, who are now taking them back. Human history looks to be reverting back to the long term freedom norm, witch is lack thereof. Hope you got your share and a civil society that allows you to keep it. Don’s cap and trade, carbon capped, scientist approved, global lockdown is being counted down in a nice sterile Pittsburg meeting room . Holding hands with Don looms large in your future.

  25. C.I.H. said on September 28th, 2009 at 11:08pm #

    “canadian said on September 28th, 2009 at 5:23pm”

    Canadians love condemning but they really need to clean up their own.

    Canadians are going to have to get used to the idea that someday real soon there will be many people spilling over their border!! Its inevitable.

  26. ilene hanna said on September 28th, 2009 at 11:19pm #

    I view this as a complete SHOW OF POWER AND STRENGTH designed to impress on the American people that protesting will not be tolerated.

    This was completely illegal but was drafted by the elite using our money to basically show us all how useless and powerless we are.

    I also view this completely as a threat by the U.S. government against its own people. This is like a declaration of war against the citizens of U.S.

    People need to wake up very quickly.

    This was designed as a mind control operation, please see thru their facade and know that the “powerful” who have nobodies interests but their own ARE OBVIOUSLY GETTING VERY nervous and scared.

    But shutting down a whole city was entirely unnecessary as there are many places they could have went that were secluded away from people. They chose this site because they wanted to Show us All what they have the potential to do to all of us.

    Really sick people. Not one world leader or attendee is in anyway a “normal” person like the rest of us. I am convinced beyond any doubts that these people are the true criminals of humanity.

    Their robo cop thugs are brain dead zombies that have no morals of any kind.

    WE HAVE JUST BEEN SHOWN OUR ENEMY. What can we do about it?

  27. ilene hanna said on September 28th, 2009 at 11:30pm #

    Its getting really disgusting to see what OUR bombs are doing, killing little babies and maiming and desecrating everything. And the disgust just gets uglier when I see Michelle Obama and her new buddy, Sarkosy’s wife, primping in the lime light with their expensive gowns that cost more than most people on this planet make in a year.

    This kind of show-off stuff is going to really start rubbing people wrong. Especially when more and more are having hard times feeding the kids.

    I heard part of Zoellicks speech today, head of world bank. The guy was another nauseating creature, insinuating that 3rd world nations are behind because of their own faults. The whole planet is controlled by these scum bags and they have audacity to blame victims.

    I get so sick of these parasitic and psychopathic clowns and would love to say what I think we all ought to really do, but can’t say it on public forum….because we are always being watched.

  28. carol harvey said on September 29th, 2009 at 12:06am #

    I want to say how much I respect and love all the young people who protested and marched and gathered in parks and faced down the Ninjas with bull horns. Their determination and courage to tell the thugs they would not be intimidated, would not be discouraged, would not stop is absolutely remarkable. I heard tonight that those sound cannons can rupture not only your eardrums, but your internal organs, and that they can cause blood clots in your brain, blood vessels, other places that can give you a stroke. This instrument of terror was supposed to replace guns, deadly tasers, and rubber bullets. Were these young people or the other protesters aware of the danger? Please, we cannot be deterred. Do not be intimidated, and please do not stop. This Fascist state we have entered must be stopped. I am doing all I can in San Francisco. I don’t know if I can match your courage, but I will try.

  29. Don Hawkins said on September 29th, 2009 at 3:42am #

    Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar”, every “supreme leader”, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there — on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
    Carl Sagan

    Who the f cares about global warming, I’ll be gone before the sh*t hits the fan!

    I get up early and today at age 61 old not ancient going to work with my son. Today I will use a hammer a speed square and my back. Helps me think. Can I get you anything else sir did you enjoy dinner sir, oh let me get those crumbs off the table we can’t have that, sir. Someone a while back said you can’t expect people who work on Wall Street to work say construction or in a factory. How about the leaders of the G-20 and some honest work just can’t be done or maybe a corrupt politician or two. Now a destroyer of civilization there’s job that must take a PHD, graduate school some special training. Get a real job dudes anyway let’s watch the Senate the next few month’s and all that hard work and the wisdom oh the wisdom the knowledge and all that special training.

  30. Don Hawkins said on September 29th, 2009 at 4:24am #

    Monckton believes he has a slam-dunk case against the IPCC’s apocalyptic view of the future, and that to the extent that the atmosphere might warm, adaptation is more cost effective than mitigation. The cost of one degree Centigrade means forgoing two trillion tonnes of CO2 emissions: For perspective’s sake, the total U. S. annual output of CO2 is 30 billion tonnes. “In other words, we would be closing down the world economy, and going back to caves without even the right to light a fire within our own.” Meanwhile, the diversion of grain agriculture to fuel (ethanol) from food is already driving up food prices and causing shortages in poor countries.

    The solution? “Sometimes,” Monckton tells audiences, “the correct response is to have the courage to do nothing.”

    “In other words, we would be closing down the world economy”. This man’s knowledge the wisdom his thinking is amazing and very sure special training is how he got so smart. Mind boggling to even try and understand this thinking. “The correct response is to have the courage to do nothing.” Let’s just hope here in the States our leaders have the courage to do nothing. The status quo is the answer we all know that it’s got us all this far. On a planet far far away———–