Fed up? Fed out!

Today, I’m going to explain the Federal Reserve System. Hey, where ya goin’?

First: It’s not really federal. Nor are there reserves. (Not many, anyway.) It is a system, however. (Well, a scam, actually, but those behind the 1913 Federal Reserve Act that birthed the Fed bypassed that identifier, for some reason.)

And, prey (that’s you), who backed the act?

Oh, just everyday folks with names like Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan and Rothschild who, a century ago, joined forces to saddle the U.S. with a central bank that, naturally, they’d control, in turn giving them control over the country’s money supply.

Alas! If only our nation’s framers had been smart enough to anticipate a ploy like this and thus guard against it in the Constitution.

Um, turns out they were. Fresh off the colonies’ disastrous experiences with non-stop printing presses churning out worthless currency both before and during the revolution, the founding fathers made sure to constitutionally preclude both Congress and the states from issuing “bills of credit.” In other words, paper money. Silver and/or gold-backed coinage was to be the name of the game.

Creating the Fed, which comprises twelve private banks spread regionally throughout the U.S., was an end run around that, with the sleight-of-hand working this way: Congress authorizes interest-bearing IOUs (bonds and notes) to be sold to the Fed, which in turn gives Congress oodles of paper money created from thin air and backed by nothing, an amazing alchemical process authorized by, well, Congress.

Though a dozen banks are involved in the con, er, system, the head bank is and always has been the Fed’s New York branch. (Isn’t it a remarkable coincidence it was mainly the obscenely wealthy Big Apple banking interests that pushed the Fed’s creation in the first place?)

It’s obvious what’s in it for the bankers, but how about Congress? Well, our “representatives” get money whenever they want for whatever they want. This comes in handy for buying votes back home, uh, I mean, for serving their constituents, like agribusiness, Big Pharma, weapons manufacturers, etc. Oh, and also those in the banking industry who, if they screw up the economy by being greedy little pigheads, can be duly punished by being given trillions more faux dough scot-free by, who else?, Congress.

Let’s hope this never happens.

Interest off bonds isn’t the only perk for the Fed (or bankers in general). But don’t even get me started on fractional-reserve banking. Otherwise I’d have to tell you how a few folks with a soft spot for things like usury will get a charter, start a bank, take deposits and then start loaning “money” at a nine-to-one ratio based on the total of those deposits (now redefined as “reserves,” ninety percent of which are dubbed “excess” and thus, abracadabra, available for lending). That’s right: they’re now loaning dollars that don’t exist. A few strokes on the ol’ keyboard and, voila, instant money!

It gets better. Once those loans are repaid and come back to the bank as deposits in other accounts, then that money is used as the basis to issue more nine-to-one loans. And so on. Can you say “pyramid scheme,” boys and girls? This is why what bankers fear most are bank runs, when lots of customers at one time are audacious enough to actually demand their account balances in cash, money that is nowhere to be found because the vast majority of it exists only in electronic ledgers. This is the very moment the magic of making money from nothing disappears — shazam! — and the locks and chains on bank doors materialize — sa-lam! — overnight.

Of course, those who created the Fed devised an ingenious way to guard against runs. It’s called the “lender of last resort.” Know who that is? It’s you!

This brainstorm was one of the main reasons for establishing the Fed in the first place. The rich and powerful bankers, tired of pesky competition from other banks and the distasteful specter of having to pay for good avarice gone bad, decided it would be much better to institutionalize an ironclad way to protect their profits. It took a few years and some political chicanery, but with a complicit president and a duped Congress (oh why does this sound so familiar?), they finally hit the jackpot by legislatively securing the mechanism by which they could place the taxpayer squarely on the hook, I’m sorry, more strongly underpin the economy.

Aren’t you thrilled to know you’re the one lending fabulously wealthy individuals even more money to tank the economy and put you out of a job? Just asking.

But how, exactly, during these times when things are a little tight and you’re considering the pragmatism of fattening up Fido, do you lend any money at all, let alone trillions? Why, through the insidious tax called inflation, of course. See, once the government, hand-in-hand with the Fed, goes nuts and sells bonds by the trainloads thereby resulting in untold un-backed dollars being pumped into the economy, inflation kicks in and the less those dollars are worth. If this is not apparent now, perhaps it will come to mind the next time you hook the oxen up to your cash-laden trailer to go buy a loaf of bread.

So, if the dollar has nothing to support it (and it doesn’t), just what keeps this fiat money afloat? Two things: a) our unshakeable, bedrock confidence in it (uh-huh) and b) because we have to. “Legal tender” laws ensure, under threat of imprisonment, that we’ll use dollars whether we like it or not.

When the government does something like this (puts money into circulation without backing), it’s called “monetary policy.” If we do it, it’s called “counterfeiting.”

OK, that’s enough misery for now. Who needs more gloom and doom anyway, especially these dire days? There is one possible silver lining, however, to the disaster that is our current economy: If enough pain manifests, perhaps a clamor will arise to throw the Fed and its worthless, debt-based system out on its money-changing ear, thereby precipitating a return to real money, backed by gold and silver, as codified by this country’s founders. A long shot, true, but stranger things have happened. For instance, who ever thought the Bush administration would actually leave the White House? (Now if we could just get Dick Cheney to go back to his home planet…)

Mark Drolette writes in Sacramento, California. He can be reached at: mdrolette@comcast.net. Read other articles by Mark, or visit Mark's website.

15 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Don Hawkins said on July 25th, 2009 at 9:51am #

    (Now if we could just get Dick Cheney to go back to his home planet…) Good one and I wonder how many of these bankers/business people are now members of InfraGuard? Wait don’t tell me they all have top secret clearances. Well you will all be glad to know that they are now in control of an out of control system. Still time with a little help from people who are not bankers or business people you know the people who just do the thinking and live on this planet. May the force be with you.

  2. Doug Page said on July 25th, 2009 at 9:58am #

    Mark: This is a brilliant entertaining depiction of the massive graft that exists in our privately created money for the benefit of the wealthiest 1%. Hence, money equaling political power, their dominating control of our elected officials, and their power to thwart our voting power, even a massive majority of us voters. We could probably not get Single Payer even if 95% of the voters wanted it.
    Everyone should google the American Monetary Act to see what could be.
    If the US government exclusively creates all money, and declares it to be legal tender, there is no need for a gold based money supply. Nobody can get a corner on such public money. People like those who now control our banking system, can get a corner on gold, as has happened in the past. Therefore, I do not agree that a gold based currency is wise.
    Also, Ellen Brown is getting a lot of publicity for suggesting that the state of California issue its own currency or create its own bank. This may be an option if and when our national government collapses, but it seems questionable now. California being near bankrupt with a constitutional roadblock about raising taxes, who among us would rely on California’s declaration that their currency was “legal tender,” and feel secure that California would or could tax its citizens to pay off its debts?
    We will get nothing that we need or want until millions of us are ready to declare a one day buyers’ boycott where we buy absolutely nothing.
    Or if we dared, have a one day massive sick out where nobody worked.
    Those two powers are the only ones we have left.

    Doug Page

  3. Deadbeat said on July 26th, 2009 at 12:46pm #

    I agree in part with Doug Page. I think the idea that the dollar requires backing from “gold” or some other commodity misses the fact that the real backing of the dollar comes from the productive capacity of the people (workers). That the real generator of value is people. The focus on the banks diminish how people create value. Money is merely an efficient means of exchange and its acceptance as a means of exchange is what give it value.

    Also having a central bank is necessary HAD the central bank been devised as a public utility. Unfortunately it was not. It was devised to serve the private interest. But what else can you expect in a capitalist society. The way the Fed is currently constructed clearly needs to be dismantled but there won’t be any kind of replacement to the Fed until the people can coalesce around the idea of solidarity so that institutions can be built that actually serve the public.

    For that to happen there needs to be a revolution in the U.S. Unfortunately at this particular time the citizens of the U.S. is not ready for that nor are do they think of themselves as citizens but as fractured identity groups more concern about who getting what rather than understanding who their real enemy is and getting together on the basis of common interest.

  4. B99 said on July 26th, 2009 at 2:17pm #

    I’d like to think that the real backing of the dollar comes from the productive capacity of labor. But the deeper Wall St gets into derivatives, hedge funds and even more esoteric financial instruments, the more it seems that the dollar has been decoupled from labor. It’s funny money. Maybe because it is funny money is why the market collapsed back on itself. But funny money attached to the mortgage market – which is what Wall St and the big banks accomplished – brought the rest of us down too.

  5. beverly said on July 26th, 2009 at 4:49pm #

    The physical bodies of the Bush and company left the White House, but their policies and agenda are thriving in the current administration.

  6. Melissa said on July 26th, 2009 at 7:37pm #

    This is why so many of us are resorting to the black market . . . you know, the one where two people voluntarily exchange goods/services for mutual benefit, without permission from system.

    The Fed is scared and spewing threats as a result of the Audit the Fed bill that has something like(?) 259 co-sponsors in the House. All kinds of hell and damnation might follow if they have to open those books they say . . . they (well, Friedman) have admitted that the Fed was responsible for the manipulation of dollar and interest rates is that caused the Great Depression, so what do you think they have to hide about the latest shenanigans?

    At some point, citizens in each state will have to face the music and agree (with solidarity and while in firm control of STATE gov) to withhold all Fed Taxes until we regain control of this outta control robbing of the world (through agribusiness, war, bioterror/pharma, suppression of energy innovation, etc). Not paying Fed would NOT stop states from providing essential services. It WOULD starve the war machine, the military aid to countries with genocidal policies, the bloated lifestyle of non-productive, yet very destructive career politicians.

    Have we been rendered incapable of this kind of non-violent revolt?

    Peace, Resistance, Hope,

  7. Deadbeat said on July 26th, 2009 at 10:46pm #

    Have we been rendered incapable of this kind of non-violent revolt?

    The answer IMO, is yes unless solidarity can be built. Unfortunately the citizerny is too fractured to build a real mass movement against the system. The fractured parts are too busy fighting amonst themselves through the distrupting and confusing and misdirecting of the vast majority.

  8. mad poet said on July 27th, 2009 at 4:10pm #

    “The fractured parts are too busy fighting amonst themselves through the distrupting and confusing and misdirecting of the vast majority.”

    Sounds like most of the people who respond to articles on DV.

  9. Deadbeat said on July 27th, 2009 at 10:42pm #

    Sounds like most of the people who respond to articles on DV.

    That is because there is vast confusion due to the many years of “identity” politics and deliberate misdirection and misinformaiton.

  10. Melissa said on July 28th, 2009 at 7:15am #

    . . . and unlearning is a process that resembles unraveling. It’s messy and confusing.

  11. Greg Bacon said on July 28th, 2009 at 9:34am #

    The Founding Fathers did give us a tool to fight this kind of economic tyranny.

    It’s called the 2nd Amendment.

  12. Jennifer said on July 28th, 2009 at 10:15am #

    Excellent job, Mark. Right on the money, pardon the pun.

    Doug Page, you said: “Also, Ellen Brown is getting a lot of publicity for suggesting that the state of California issue its own currency or create its own bank. This may be an option if and when our national government collapses, but it seems questionable now. California being near bankrupt with a constitutional roadblock about raising taxes, who among us would rely on California’s declaration that their currency was “legal tender,” and feel secure that California would or could tax its citizens to pay off its debts?”

    Excuse me, Doug, but Mark has already pointed out that this “solution” is UNCONSTITUTIONAL (i.e., as illegal as the Federal Reserve). Ellen Brown is running around irresponsibly (or perhaps she is a agent provocateur or disinformation specialist?) proclaiming that Congress has the power to create the fiat currency and should grab that power away from the FED. But Mark has brilliantly pointed out that her contention is A LIE. Congress has no power to print paper money (“bills of credit”). That is why Congress set up the Federal Reserve to do an end run around the Constitution, since they HAVE NEVER HAD the power to issue paper money (nor the power to charter a central bank either!) And the Constitution forbids ALL STATES from making anything but gold and silver a legal tender in payment of debt. In short, all of the States are in violation of the Constitution right now, as we write this.

    Dear Doug, please spend more time studying the Constitution (and read Madion’s notes), and you would realize these things and not be misled by people like Ms. Brown.

  13. Patriot 2012 said on July 28th, 2009 at 3:32pm #

    again and again and again, these stories will continue to pile up and no one does anything about it. Personally people, we have a traitorous bunch in DC and branches out to all the rest of America. These humans are not truly human nor will care. It is our duty as American Patriots to stand up fresh and warn the Government along with those we elected it cannot be business as usual. Otherwise we will continue to go downward deeper and deeper, never to get out. Out founding fathers if alive today would insist…and I mean insist we have an Armed Struggle. Why? Because those in our government have deliberately made up there own rules of play. If that is is the case…therefore the American People must also play by those rules and force those in all positions of government OUT! Otherwise….we have to buy guns and march on DC. Do not be fooled by Fear nor threats by government. Otherwise..you are looking at Martial law and widespread arrest. Is this what you want for your Children and their children as well? Passion People, Passion of Liberty and Freedom and to do away with those with corrupt power!

  14. FirstCasualty said on July 28th, 2009 at 10:12pm #

    Mentioning Madison in a discussion against “the fed” and central banks is not very wise. Madison failed as a president by supporting the second national bank and admits such in his notes. I hope this is what you were hoping people to see by mentioning Madison and his notes.

  15. It'll come down to insurrection and anarchy in the end said on July 29th, 2009 at 1:07am #

    lots of good posts here. about the money being based on the people’s work and or production, and that arbitrary worship of gold or silver as a propping up tool, won’t save it. let’s face it, the process took more than 40 years to toss the american dream down the toilet, by politician’s running roughshod over all of us while we all collectively sat on our anal orifice’s and watched the fucking boob tube. end result: we all got taken for a very long ride, I’m afraid.

    so yes, the revolt will come. the reason I state the obvious here, is that once every single one of the middle class has lost their jobs, their homes, all of their 401k savings plans, and has virtually NOTHING LEFT TO DO BUT REVOLT, then the shit will in-fact sink in and people will get shotguns and pitchforks and toss the bums out and or kill them all in a fit of massive, convulsive rage. the day is coming, but to some of us, we wonder ‘why’ exactly we have to be totally looted and cleaned out before we fight the looters and pillagers. has the entire nation become the victim of ‘stockholm syndrome’ and now feels sorry for the miserable cocksuckers who sold us all down the fucking river???

    I sure hope not. I sure as fucking hell hope not.