When you were in the street
You spoke revolution
When you were in the slums
You spoke liberation
When you were with the people
Like the fish in the water
You spoke Marxism
You spoke Leninism
You spoke Maoism
You spoke so much
Socialism and Communism
And what not…
When you are in the chair
You do not hear
What the street is to say to you
But now Comrade
When you are in your heavenly kingdom
You do not make the visit of the slums
Even just to confirm
Whether they are happily dead
Or still alive
But now Comrade!
When you are in the palace
You do not face the people
Even just to ascertain
What the complaint they are to place
Frankly speaking,
If you don’t mind
What you were, Comrade, in the past
You are not in the present
You are wonderfully changed
When nothing is changed
With your kind permission
May I ask you a crucial question?
O Comrade!
Are you still a Comrade,
Except a Comrade?
This poem, written by a long standing member of the Maoist Cultural Front, states clearly and simply what has happened to the revolution in Nepal. The poet, who must remain nameless for the time being, sent the poem to the Red Star just after the CA elections. It could not be published in the Red Star, but I believe it is worth publishing. The poem stands alone, and there is scarcely any need to mention such details such as the Peoples Liberation Army, in UN monitored cantonments, getting paid by the World Bank, nor the agreement to set up four to six SEZs (Special Economic Zones) etc. etc.