Hurricane Man

I hear brotherhood calling
I feel the pain of nationhood,
The burden of a country
The agony of one people,
As the scavenger looms
And ravages the nations.

Arresting laws, jailing policies
Swallowing bills, scraping services
Eroding values, molesting cultures
Murdering peace, fertilizing wars,
Killing unity, sowing discord
Abusing freedom, planting sodom.

I see boredom everywhere
As morals get imprisoned
And loyalty impoverished,
I perceive disarray
As rules get stolen
And labour disabled,
I sense earthquake
As constitutions drown
And regulations trapped,
I envisage landslides
As terrors fortify
And racism magnifies,
I learn violation by exploitation
Because patriotism sinks
And development dies,
Dishonesty threatens a collapsing economy
As bandits cart away resources.

Hurricane man; worse than all hurricanes
Hurricane man, the rage of destruction
Hurricane man; the stormy hand of hurricanes.

Ngozi Olivia Osuoha is a Nigerian poet/writer/thinker who has published over 180 poems in over 13 countries and featured in over 25 international anthologies. Her three poetry books and a coauthored poetry book are available on Amazon. Read other articles by Ngozi Olivia.