Future Drone Pilots of America

smacking keyboards of rage
pulling on their mouse like a noose

locating pinpoint targets on the screen
dropping bombs of capitalistic conquest

young soldiers who at twelve years old
could take out an entire town

yet aren’t smart enough to know
their age, their birthdate, or where they live

have a body count that would
make the pentagon proud

but couldn’t articulate themselves
if they tried.

John Grochalski is a published writer whose poetry and prose have appeared in several online and print publications. He is the author of three books of poetry, The Noose Doesn’t Get Any Looser After You Punch (Six Gallery Press, 2008), Glass City (Low Ghost Press, 2010), and Starting with the Last Name Grochalski (Coleridge Street Press, 2014). He is also the author of the novel, The Librarian (Six Gallery Press, 2013), and his chapbook In the Year of Everything Dying can be viewed via Camel Saloon’s Books on Blogs series. Read other articles by John.