
Hate howls from the streets
Bigotry bellows from rooftops
Privilege pontificates from its mansions
Greed gloats from its vaults
Raising their cacophony of tribalism, entitlement, privilege

Satisfying no one
Only draining, exhausting, useless
Ultimately spent

While love whispers all the while
Welling between the cracks of discordant noise
Filling as a tide above the marshes
Floating again our hopes and dreams
Quelling despair
Instilling Peace
And renewing Spirit

Mike Turner is a retired member of the U.S. Government’s Senior Executive Service. He served a 27-year career as a law enforcement professional in the Departments of Defense, Treasury, Homeland Security and Commerce. In retirement, Turner has had a second career as an award-winning songwriter and poet. His poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Dissident Voice. He can be contacted at www.MikeTurnerSongwriter.com. Read other articles by Mike.