The Patriot

I hung a tattered flag,
For love of country,
Once free? once brave?

I hung a tattered flag
Hoisted high, its remains,
Frayed liberty, torn justice
Crumpled fabric,
Shreds dangling in wind

I hung a tattered flag
High above my head
To pledge allegiance to what was left,
Ragged rights,
Battered truths,
Once held self-evident

I hung a dirty flag
For soiled image of country,
Faded stars,
Hanging by threads

I hung a tattered flag
To gather remnants,
Mend splintered republic,
Nourish starved people,
Hungry for substance, fed hollow words,
Revive justice,
Restore faith,
One Nation, for which we stand

Maria Armoudian is co-Executive Director|Ng? Ara Whet?|UoA Centre of Climate, Biodiversity and Society & Senior Lecturer, Politics & International Relations, University of Auckland. Her books are Lawyers Beyond Borders: Advancing International Human Rights through Local Laws and Courts, Kill the Messenger: The Media’s Role in the Fate of the World, and Reporting from the Danger Zone: Frontline Journalists, Their Jobs and an Increasingly Perilous Future. Read other articles by Maria.