It’s All Over Red, White and Blue!

Dylan’s song resonates well with this writer, causing me to come to tears. Why? Well, look around you citizens of this Amerikan empire. Like lab rats running nowhere inside a maze with no exit, working stiffs and the poor and indigent cannot find a way out of this mess. As Walt Kelly put it in his unique 20th century comic strip Pogo: “We have met the enemy and he be us.” Just as with Mr. Hitler and his brown and black shirted Nazis, it was the suckers… sorry, the voters, who gave them license to become despots. Of course, in Weimar Germany’s parliamentary system, there were options for the people to form coalitions within their multi party structure. Bottom line: Hitler could have been stopped in his tracks! The sad sin of it all was how much many Germans feared the Communists more than the Nazis. Thus, it was the ‘lesser of two evils’ that put the Hitler over the top.

For decades, since WW2, our Military Industrial Empire created and protected this Two Party/One Party system. One wing of it, The Democrats, were as the late Black Agenda Report editor Glen Ford called them, the ‘Foxes.’ Shrewd enough to play upon identity politics and ignore the plight of working stiffs. They did and have always nurtured the very poor and indigent, but disregarding we who labor for ‘The Man.’ The other wing, the Republicans, Glen Ford labeled as The Wolf Pack, ready and able to devour you as they followed their leader’s dictates.

If you will read Rick Perlstein’s fantastic book, Reaganland, you will find how this Trump phenomena was strictly out of Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign playbook. Trump even plagiarized the slogan ‘Make America Great Again‘ from Reagan. The 2024 Republicans, as with their 1980 counterparts, pile on the undocumented AKA Illegal Aliens (as if they are from Mars or beyond), Gay Americans, a woman’s right to choose, and of course the Democrats who caused higher food and gasoline prices (and not this Military Industrial Empire). Imagine the irony that the Air Traffic Controllers Union endorsed Ron… and then he fired their asses! So it will be with The Donald 2 when his far right-wing foolowers continue the destruction of labor unions, which are sadly down to but a bit over 6% membership in the private sector. Although we now know that over 60% of Americans polled want government-run National Health Coverage, the MAGA run cabal will see to it that the shitty Medicare Advantage will soon be all we will have a choice for. Profit before People is their mantra folks!

As I listen to Pink Floyd’s masterpiece ‘Comfortably Numb’ so it will be for the less than 1 % of our fellow citizens once January 20 comes around. Dylan was correct gang.

Philip A Farruggio is regular columnist on itstheempirestupid website. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 500 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the It’s the Empire… Stupid radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at Read other articles by Philip.