Horseman of War

The Horseman of War rides again
to bring down upon a peaceful land
apocalyptic destruction
as foretold in Revelations

after the fourth Seal opens
and Satan’s minions spew forth.

He comes riding on iron caissons
over the steppes of central Asia
crossing democratic borders
of clashing civilizations

as magma from volcanoes in the
tectonic clash of continental plates.

He threatens global holocaust
from nuclear weapons bristling
in fields of Russian memory

to avenge Western invasions of
of Teutonic Knights, Charles VIII, Napoleon
and German armies of Kaiser and Hitler

to redeem centuries of servility
once in the proletarian spirit of Marx
now claiming the spirit of Peter the Great

yet hiding naked tyranny
beneath the garb of motherland.

His faces is among thousands
looming in the dark smoke from
a thousand places scorched by the fire
of apocalyptic history

as the Soviet ghost arises
from the past as a renewed story
of tyrant terror over innocence
evil returning in endless sequence

ageless vanity of vanities
catastrophes of catastrophes.

Jim Hanson is a sociologist and retired Senior Researcher at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. His poetry collections include Endless Journey: Poems in Search of Meaning published in 2022 by Spartan Press, Perspectives: Educational Poems on the Humanities and Sciences published in 2023 by Wipf and Stock, and Ruminations: Poems on Living and Dying published in 2023 by Cyberwit Press. A chapbook titled Anthropic Musings was published in 2019, and single poems have appeared in some thirty websites and printings. Read other articles by Jim.