by Wayne F. Burke / October 20th, 2024
when “a little dab” would do yah?
when WINSTON tasted good–
like a cigarette should?
when there were 13 channels on TV
to chose from?
when “gay” meant happy?
when pool rooms existed?
when pants had bell bottoms?
when there were such things as telephone booths?
when gasoline was 25-cent per gallon?
when ice cream could be had for 10-cents a cone?
Remember the Paleozoic Era?
Wayne F. Burke's poetry has been widely published online and in print (including in
Dissident Voice). He is the author of eight published full-length poetry collections -- most recently
Black Summer, 2021, Spartan Press. He lives in Vermont (USA).
Read other articles by Wayne F..
This article was posted on Sunday, October 20th, 2024 at 8:00am and is filed under Poetry.