What If…

What if you met your eighteen year old you
Standing in front of the mirror
She’d greet you with a smile
While you would stare in disbelief
Been a long long while
Come on let’s be friends for life
I’ll return everything you want
Dreams, seasons, your own
Even the beloved
Trust, faith and belief
And everything

These do not matter
Not anymore
I have myself
I wait for none…
The eighteen year old
But I too belong to you
You don’t want my return…
Not anymore
Sweet self
You are now as true
As the image
Surrender to time
Rest in memories
For I desire
No more…

Dr Supatra Sen, currently Associate Professor in a reputable Kolkata college is a veteran academician, teaching and researching in the fields of Botany and Environment. Her over hundred twenty publications as international books, papers and reviews are chiefly in her professional subject. She has edited several UGC funded ISBN volumes and is also the founder and Chief Editor of an ISSN peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary academic journal Harvest since 2016. Her tryst with poetry writing began in 2020 during the global pandemic and in October 2021 her poetry anthology My Autumn Sonata was published. Read other articles by Supatra.