Pax Americana
based on an interpretation of a speech
by Howard Richard Debs / August 25th, 2024
Pax Americana, preceded by
pax Britannica, preceded by
pax Romana—“long peace,”
bygone times.
What makes a country?
Common culture, common values
common language certainly play their
part. Nation-states are still
something to be shaped
on history’s stage.
That which binds together can
tumble asunder in the hands
of those who promise to
turn perceived darkness to light,
perceived fright to safety, perceived
ruin to renewal in the minds of many.
What happens next will decide if
the world order tips toward
chaos, atrocity, kleptocracy;
the time is short—to keep
the peace.
* 5 takeaways from Trump’s RNC speech | PBS News

Howard Richard Debs is a recipient of the 2015 Anna Davidson Rosenberg Poetry Awards. His essays, fiction, and poetry appear internationally; his art and photography will be found in select publications, including
Rattle online as “Ekphrastic Challenge” artist and guest editor. His book
Gallery: A Collection of Pictures and Words is a 2017 Best Book Awards and 2018 Book Excellence Awards recipient. His chapbook
Political is the 2021 American Writing Awards winner in poetry. He is co-editor of
New Voices: Contemporary Writers Confronting the Holocaust a winner of the 2023 International Book Awards. He is listed in the Poets & Writers Directory: Read other articles by Howard Richard, or
visit Howard Richard's website.
This article was posted on Sunday, August 25th, 2024 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.