
In this world we all live in
it’s easy to just give in
to lofty ambition, gold and greed,
to ignore the cries of those in need.
It’s far easier just to make money,
to make our own days bright and sunny.
To make sure we have our umbrella,
watch the rain fall on the other fella.
We all get by, by just pretending
our happy days will have no ending.
But come what may, it really is true,
what you take from life, death takes from you.

Stuart McFarlane has spent many years, both abroad and in the UK, teaching English. In the UK this mainly involved teaching Esol to refugees and asylum seekers. He is now semi-retired and so can devote more time to writing poetry. He has had poems published in local magazines and online publications such as 'Borderless Journal', based in Malaysia and 'Culture Matters' and 'The Recusant', based in the UK. Read other articles by Stuart.