by Mihaela Melnic / August 18th, 2024
Selected food is eaten
with criminal asylum’s care
and it feels bad anyway.
Clothing is worn with
the promise of natural fibers grazing the pores
and an ode is sung for every slaughtered beast
while wallowing in general malaise.
The tortured body of the gender’s toil and struggle
is an evolving planet in its own right.
Neurons melt, the mind corrodes itself.
The endeavor to exist socially
in the skin and mind of one’s own choosing
requires mineral salts,
applause and ovations.

Mihaela Melnic lives and writes in Rome, Italy. Her work has been published in various literary venues and anthologies, including Dissident Voice and Spillwords Press. Her book of poetry, Layers of Rust and Life was published in 2023 from Impspired Press. She also co-authored the poetry and short fiction book Evermore (2021, 17Numa Press). Links to her publications can be found at her
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This article was posted on Sunday, August 18th, 2024 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.