Yes or No

The waiting seems a lifetime
for that simple answer
yes or no.

The results of a cancer test,
yes, or no.
A biopsy,
blood test,
Diabetes, pregnancy.

We’ll let you know
Please wait a week.

College application,
accepted, denied.
The answer will be in the mail.

That job interview,
employed or continued search.

A patient waiting for results.
A customer waiting for an order.
A student waiting for grades.

Yes, or no.
will I make it, will I be rejected?

Life on hold, death on hold.
How can I plan my life?
How can I plan my death?

And it comes back, the winner,
the loser.

And now, the envelope please.
Life floats on a
yes, or no.
And life goes on
Or, it is put on hold.

John Collins ia a retired pharmacist from the coastal Virginia area, now living in Central Virginia. His work has appeared in the Dissident Voice, Merak, Fourth and Sycamore, Aurorus and Blossoms, Pangolin Review and Galway Reiew. Read other articles by John.