American Hunger
Give us this day our daily bread...
by Samantha Terrell / March 24th, 2024
If we’re all eating from the
same ever-shrinking loaf –
some from one end,
molded and sour;
others, from the opposite heel,
fresh and sweet,
but both from the same bread –
can we admit we’re equal
participants in a hungry world and
finally agree to never be satisfied
with a status quo
that tells us we are so

Samantha Terrell is a Pushcart-nominated poet and the author of multiple five-star collections, most recently
Dismantling Mountains (Vellum Publishing UK, 2023). Her poems have been widely anthologized in publications such as
Dissident Voice, Green Ink Poetry, In Parentheses, Misfit Magazine, Nine Cloud Journal, Open Journal of Arts & Letters, Poetry Quarterly, Red Ogre Review, and others. Originally from the American Midwest, Terrell and her family now reside in Upstate New York.
Read other articles by Samantha, or
visit Samantha's website.
This article was posted on Sunday, March 24th, 2024 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.