by Gopal Lahiri / August 13th, 2023
The sky is now an intense colour palette
You capture the clouds and float in a glass jar,
you open pages after pages,
they store maple leaves
and create an archipelago of fictional islands.
The night opens its wings,
picks slivers of echoes in an abandoned fort,
stars dance on the ghost’s shoes,
catching those dark songs from the storm wind.
On the hour, every hour
you put abstracts into the dialogue,
a balance between line and form in the
the rice paper and water colour,
Fireflies shine around the factory chimney.

Gopal Lahiri is a bilingual poet, critic, editor, writer and translator with 29 books published, including eight solo/jointly edited books. His poetry and prose are published across more than seventy journals and anthologies globally. His poems are translated in 16 languages. He has been nominated for Pushcart Prize for poetry in 2021. He has received Setu Excellence Award, Pittsburgh, US, in poetry. He is the first recipient of. Jayanta Mahapatra National Award for Literature, 2024.
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This article was posted on Sunday, August 13th, 2023 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.