by Kushal Poddar / July 23rd, 2023
She is not Reva.
I murmur.
The nether heat of morgue
congeals my words.
She is someone’s Reva.
Says Reva’s mother.
Outside the morgue we
drink weak tea
from a nomadic vendor.
A street dog begs
for the biscuit we don’t have.
We don’t have Reva.
Not yet.

Kushal Poddar is the author of
Postmarked Quarantine has eight books to his credit. He is a journalist, father, and the editor of
Words Surfacing. His works have been translated into twelve languages, published across the globe. Twitter:
Read other articles by Kushal.
This article was posted on Sunday, July 23rd, 2023 at 8:04am and is filed under Poetry.