by Wayne F. Burke / April 23rd, 2023
The smoke detector is blinking at me
its tiny red eye.
Yesterday it said “evacuate! Evacuate!
There is smoke in the living room!”
Such a Chicken Little.
I wonder if Chicken Little male or female?
Hard to tell with a chicken: both sexes cluck the same.
It’s a buck-buck here and
a buck-buck there:
Evacuate! Evacuate! The sky is falling!
But where to, Little?
Tell us that, won’t you?

Wayne F. Burke's poetry has been widely published online and in print (including in
Dissident Voice). He is the author of eight published full-length poetry collections -- most recently
Black Summer, 2021, Spartan Press. He lives in Vermont (USA).
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This article was posted on Sunday, April 23rd, 2023 at 8:03am and is filed under Poetry.