People trying to distribute true love are getting hatred
People trying to truly shield the downtrodden are getting penalized
As politics of corruption
As politics of division
As politics of hatred
As politics of lies
As politics of compromise
Eat into the vitality of our nation
Gnawing at the roots of the Constitution
Putting constitutional values on the backburner
Bulldozing brotherhood and human emotions
At the alter of an ill-conceived ‘rashtra’ vision…
Tunnel vision being propagated as neo-nationalism,
patriotism, love for the country and what not
Can a home give warmth where brothers fight,
sisters get dishonored, raped, maimed for life,
Where mothers trudge routes of
‘samshan ghats’ and burial grounds
Where fathers watch in helpless agony
And the rubble of times tries to sink us all
alive into the debris of ‘democracy’
India will have to be rebuilt
Like a Phoenix we will have to rise from the ashes
And proclaim to the world that our democracy’s the best!