Doubly Marginalised
by Anila Pillai / September 4th, 2022
I am a woman, not a native of the place I live,
Thus, I am doubly marginalised.
I am a woman, and working with men, in a place where they prey seldom pray.
Thus, I am doubly marginalised.
I am a woman, and I am well educated with some looks along,
Making me in full scope to be considered for exploitations
Thus, I am doubly marginalised.

Dr. Anila Pillai serves as an Assistant Professor of communication skills with a Commerce college affiliated to South Gujarat University, Surat, Gujarat, India. Her poems have been featured in various national and international anthologies, journals and magazines. She has published her collections of poems Kailani in the year 2021.
Read other articles by Anila.
This article was posted on Sunday, September 4th, 2022 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.