Falling From The Skies
by Mini Babu / July 24th, 2022
Have you seen people
falling from the skies !
It begins with little girls
when on fully aware
they are girls.
It occurs every day.
It occurs in every nation.
They fall,
gather themselves up,
look around,
dust and walk off
like nothing fell out.
It is never except when,
the mighty descend,
you stick around,
hunt for a motive,
having comprehended
walk off.
Yet, the earth never halts
a moment of its spin.
To wish a hundred wishes
and one hundred and more declined.
How do little girls soothe themselves
in every fall?

Mini Babu is working as Associate Professor of English with the Dept. of Collegiate Education, Govt. of Kerala and now working at BJM Govt. College, Chavara, Kollam. Her poems have been featured in anthologies, journals and magazines. Her collections of poems are Kaleidoscope (2020), Shorelines (2021) and Memory Cells (2022). Her co-edited a collection of poems is Meraki (2021). She can be reached at minibabu21@gmail.com
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This article was posted on Sunday, July 24th, 2022 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.