My Cup Brimmeth Over
by Supatra Sen / March 27th, 2022
He swept with vigour
While he straightened the creases
With warmth
He sought dust and grime
And he…wrinkles
Labour…or habit
Who knows
In a half-filled paper-cup
Arrived his steaming elixir
To be divided
And consumed
By both
Not a word exchanged
Nor a morning greet
Just a practice
Or habit
Like work…or labour
The bells tolled
In unison
From the church
And the temple
A new dawn…
Spring had arrived
At last…

Supatra Sen, currently Associate Professor in a reputable Kolkata college is a veteran academician, teaching and researching in the fields of Botany and Environment. Her over hundred twenty publications as international books, papers and reviews are chiefly in her professional subject. She has edited several UGC funded ISBN volumes and is also the founder and Chief Editor of an ISSN peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary academic journal
Harvest since 2016. Her tryst with poetry writing began in 2020 during the global pandemic and in October 2021 her poetry anthology
My Autumn Sonata was published.
Read other articles by Supatra.
This article was posted on Sunday, March 27th, 2022 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.