Passing Through
by John Drudge / December 6th, 2020
Between myth
And metaphor
We find the path to truth
Past the staid moorings
Of our nature
Beyond the foaming tides
Of youth
Chained to the mire
Of slow progress
And the disintegrating
Fabric of time
Where moments melt
Into the wounds of passing
And the constant tempo
Of sun and stars
Ticks down the mystery
Of our leaving
John Drudge is a social worker working in the field of disability management and holds degrees in social work, rehabilitation services, and psychology. He is the author of six books of poetry: “March” (2019), “The Seasons of Us” (2019), New Days (2020), Fragments (2021), A Long Walk (2023) and Sojourns (2024) . His work has appeared widely in numerous literary journals, magazines, and anthologies internationally. John is also a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee. He lives in Caledon Ontario, Canada with his wife and two children.
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This article was posted on Sunday, December 6th, 2020 at 8:03am and is filed under Poetry.