The Spirit of Freedom

The spirit soars
Beyond drudgery
Beyond death.

The spirit soars
Beyond shortcomings
Beyond failed dreams.

The spirit soars
Beyond poverty
Beyond hunger.

The spirit soars
Beyond malnutrition
Beyond lack of education.

The spirit soars
Beyond all that
Hold us back…

Into the world of
Freedom where
Free speech, free
Education, free
Healthcare rule
The roost…

Into a democratic
Free universe where
Man handholds
Man to survive.

Let the spirit soar
Beyond lies and
Into the truth

Let the spirit soar
Beyond darkness
And into the light.

Let the spirit soar.

Pranab Ghosh is an award-winning Indian journalist and writer, who has worked for major news outlets of the country, including HT Media Ltd., Eenadu Digital, TNIE, Business India group etc.. His books of poems have been published by English and Canadian publishers. Read other articles by Pranab.