i read a new word today: Covidean.
someone that has died from Civid-19.
i read about protesters in Michigan
and Huntington Beach, CA.
i read about beaches being opened
in Jacksonville FL.
i read about the rich escaping on
magnificent yachts.
i read about burial grounds in public spaces
all across the country.
i read about a hoax and truth, and a
president out of his mind, in denial.
i read about how we have many months
before we re-open the world.
i read about isolation and quarantine,
about suicide and loneliness.
i read about ventilators and flattening the curve,
about nurses pleading for help.
i read about how the world will never
be the same
i hope that is true.
we need change,
we need hope,
we need to be able
to trust the air,
we breathe.