Judgment Days

We are rudderless
And lost beyond
The bounds of religion
Soulless and sterile
Impertinent to judgment
Cold rolled fragments
Of modern intoleration
Where the sickness
Is internal
And we must heal ourselves
Before we can heal
The outside world
A contagion
Of disintegration
A metamorphosis of the gods
Quiet and repentant
On the path
That leads us home

John Drudge is a social worker working in the field of disability management and holds degrees in social work, rehabilitation services, and psychology. He is the author of six books of poetry: “March” (2019), “The Seasons of Us” (2019), New Days (2020), Fragments (2021), A Long Walk (2023) and Sojourns (2024) . His work has appeared widely in numerous literary journals, magazines, and anthologies internationally. John is also a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee. He lives in Caledon Ontario, Canada with his wife and two children. Read other articles by John.