’scuse me, ’scuse me, I butt in across the room
don’t know the rules here, but know
we were once from the same tribe
threads from tattered flags pull me towards you
float along the ocean that fools the eye with its expanse
we are salt
we are water
we are sand
pogroms and raids, marches and parades,
a border a Wall, we’ve seen them all
we stand for migrant justice
so toss ICE on the rocks—
their Kindertransport and roadblocks
families carry refugee heartache
no rules to follow, no laws to break
threads from tattered flags
Grimm tales stuffed in bags
Holding your child’s hand
we are salt
we are water
we are sand
no rules to follow, no laws to break
for now we woke and won’t let go, we are the embrace
and to you, your generations I am tethered
somos unidos
ale eyn mentshn
we are salt
we are water
we are sand,
we are one