January 2018
Israel’s Shin Bet to Face First-Ever Torture Probe
January 31st, 2018 by Jonathan Cook
Vulnerability and Prowess: Mike Pompeo Meets the BBC
January 31st, 2018 by Binoy Kampmark
A Confession (of sorts) and a Radical’s Lament
January 31st, 2018 by Gary Olson
The State of Our Union: A House Divided, Enslaved and Mired in the Mistakes of the Past
January 31st, 2018 by John W. Whitehead
Two Minutes to Doomsday
January 31st, 2018 by Robert Hunziker
“Whitewashing” Genocide in Myanmar
January 31st, 2018 by Ramzy Baroud
Denying the Obvious: Leftists and Crimestop
January 30th, 2018 by Edward Curtin
A Treacherous Crossing
January 29th, 2018 by Kathy Kelly
U.S.: War Dog Wants to Bite, but What and How?
January 29th, 2018 by Andre Vltchek
Germany, Israel, Palestine, Neo-Nazis, Refugees, Roger Waters, BDS, and “Antisemitism”
Very Complicated
January 29th, 2018 by Gregory Barrett
January 29th, 2018 by John Steppling
Iran: New Unjust Accusations by Washington
January 29th, 2018 by Peter Koenig
Ending Pollution Requires a Change in Attitudes
January 29th, 2018 by Graham Peebles
Why Fear and Self-hatred Destroy Human Sharing and Solidarity
January 29th, 2018 by Robert J. Burrowes
New York Times Delivers Weekend Scoop: Trump Did Not Fire Mueller in June
January 28th, 2018 by John V. Walsh
Assassination in Kosovo: The Killing of Oliver Ivanovi?
January 28th, 2018 by Binoy Kampmark
Democrats Have Found the Enemy if They Would Only Look
(Hint: It's that perennially false panacea, Money)
January 28th, 2018 by Norman Ball
Hotel Intercontinental Siege: Is Kabul Falling?
January 27th, 2018 by Andre Vltchek
Creative Juices in a Time of Commodification, Watered Down Drivel, Nothingness of American Fiction
Like a viper coming at me: age, obsolescence and drudgery
January 27th, 2018 by Paul Haeder
The Hollow Ethics of Israel’s Liberals
When it comes to Palestinians, liberal Israelis sound little different from Netanyahu’s supporters. Both are concerned about maintaining Israel as a fortress Jewish state
January 27th, 2018 by Jonathan Cook
Bitcoin, Innovation of Money and Reinventing Activism
January 27th, 2018 by Nozomi Hayase
The Exsanguination of Medical Ethics
January 27th, 2018 by Nayvin Gordon
Drinking the Self-driving Car Kool-aid
January 27th, 2018 by Othello
Deliberate Dysfunction? KPFA’s Decade of Financial Mismanagement
January 26th, 2018 by Daniel Borgström
Beirut Lebanon: “You’re Not in Turkey Anymore!”
January 26th, 2018 by Brett Redmayne-Titley
How Uncle Sam Launders Marijuana Money
January 25th, 2018 by Ellen Brown
Honduras: the Coup has the “Seal” of the United States
January 25th, 2018 by Alex Anfruns
Ethical Stardom: Pursuing Dreams in Cities Under The Shadow Of Gentrification
January 25th, 2018 by Patrick Bobilin
Theater Review: McResistance and the Government Shutdown of 2018
January 25th, 2018 by Jason Holland
The Trials of Africa and the Real Dr. King They Want Us to Forget
January 24th, 2018 by Ramzy Baroud