
Not even the dream hand
Un-knots you. I stretched it out
Never to placate you but
Take the wanton aback.

In your blind state… Blind
Of a differing kind
I fingered nose, eyes, mouth,
And the ear’s sounding tribunal.

Your heart I felt. I wanted
Its telling above others.
The roar it gave forth – worse
Than any air-raid. The manning of guns.

I surmised the pulse of your being
Should be aligned with hollyhocks.
I surmised
A free flighted bird.
I surmised
Storm clouds parted –

But there, on your brow
Something painted
A peal of bells
Where your mind struck five times

Not hours spent – never the dream hand –
Neither my grace or its own
Beguiled wretchedness could impede
What was, or isn’t, there.

Stefanie Bennett, ex-blues singer and musician, has published several books of poetry, a novel, and a libretto. She also worked with Arts Action For Peace. Of mixed ancestry [Irish/Italian/Paugussett-Shawnee] she was born in Australia in 1945. Read other articles by Stefanie.