From Rabbi Yosef to Marx

In case the Goyim cannot find a purpose in their life, Israeli senior Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is there to help them out. In his Saturday sermon Rabbi Yosef revealed that the sole purpose of Gentiles is to serve Jews.? “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world.” The Rabbi was also kind enough to provide the Goyim with some precise tasks. “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.?That is why gentiles were created.”

I guess that it is about time the friends of Israel in Western politics started to fully comprehend their role in our Judified universe — AIPAC and the Conservatives’ Friends of Israel do indeed, have a crucial function: They are there to ‘help’ our politicians grasp why they ‘were created.’

And their role is, apparently, to ‘serve the Jews,’ as the Chief Rabbi describes it so eloquently.

But there is a further and even much more sinister meaning to Rabbi Yosef’s sermon: according to the Rabbi, the Goyim will ‘work’ hard, they will ‘plow’ and ‘reap’ while the Jew ‘sits like an effendi (master)’ and ‘eats’. In just a few words Rabbi Yossef expresses the depth of Judaic contempt towards labour.

The senior Rabbi provides us with a devastating glimpse into the Judaic alienation from these aspects of the human condition and human experience. In an unequivocal manner, Rabbi Yosef depicts a clear dichotomy: Jews are the master race and the Goyim are nothing but a work force. The Goyim are there to sweat and struggle while the Jew is ‘sitting’ and ‘eating.’ I guess that Rabbi Yossef has managed, in just a few words, to portray the intrinsic relationships between Judaism and Capitalism.

But in fact, Rabbi Yossef didn’t invent anything new here — his Saturday sermon sounds familiar enough to me. Karl Marx in his paper “On The Jewish Question,” identified aspects of Jewish ideology at the heart of Capitalism: “It is mankind (both Christians and Jews) that needs to emancipate itself from Judaism.”

Marx managed to identify an inclination towards exploitation at the heart of Jewish culture.

However, being a humanist, Marx wanted to believe that mankind (Jews and others) could overcome this tendency. Many early Zionists too, were also convinced that in Zion, Jews would liberate themselves and eventually become a nation like other nations, through productivity and labour.

Seemingly though, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is not that impressed with either Marx, or some of the ideals within the early Zionist dream: Rabbi Yossef is brave (or foolish) enough to sketch the inherent bond between Jewish culture and Capital.

The only question that is still open is, for how long can the rest of humanity tolerate that kind of Rabbinical arrogance?

Gilad Atzmon, now living in London, was born in Israel and served in the Israeli military. He is the author of The Wandering Who and Being in Time and is one of the most accomplished jazz saxophonists in Europe. He can be reached via his website. Read other articles by Gilad, or visit Gilad's website.

23 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. bozh said on October 20th, 2010 at 10:01am #

    Ok, ok, atzmon i read that dreadful book that commands hebrews not to serve others.
    For an hebrew to work for goy [im], means being a servant. A goy working for another goy, we may call a master-serf relationship.

    So please atzmon stop singling hebrew ‘teachers’ [shrinks, sociologists, experts] and cast a bit wider look.
    U’l see they learned the witchcraft from more ancient shemites. Persians, medes, hittites, greeks, russians, slavs, ottomans, british, romans, americans, just to mention a few voelken, learned the artifice from the bible and other folks.

    In US [ndia, pak’n, brazil perhaps also] at least 90% of their people may be called “servants”.

    Does one think that a boyar, earl, prince, priest, rabbi, mullah, bey, agha, amir ever worked for anyone?

  2. bozh said on October 20th, 2010 at 10:20am #

    Ok, it is nevertheless of value to say that ‘jews’ are masters and want to be masters of people. But does one know one american who does not harbor the american dream– the owning of a woman or man or many men and women?

    And doesn’t nearly ever male in america own a female. Or does one think that american females are clad the way they are for own pleasure and by own volition?
    Does one see halfclad woman lawyer while at work or in court?

    I am talking thus, even tho i haven’t met a ‘jew’ i approve of? Indeed, i admit they are cultish and saddled with one of the worst cults ever; in some aspects wores even than that other dreadful cult, islam.
    And don’t get me going at that third cult. I am truly phobic, but not delusional.

    Yes, i am an islamo- christo- and rabbi-phobe. Ovadia is just more honest than hitler, obama, churchill, mussolini, et al.
    Similarly mccain also was more honest than obama; however, both thought egzactly the same on all major issues! tnx for the Finger from muslims on this site!

  3. Deadbeat said on October 20th, 2010 at 12:05pm #

    Bozh misses the point of Aztmon article with his “widening of the net” …

    So please atzmon stop singling hebrew ‘teachers’ [shrinks, sociologists, experts] and cast a bit wider look.

    Where is the “singling” out when in fact Zionism is the impetus of U.S. Imperialism today and Aztmon is providing background. Are you making excuses for Zionism aka Chomsky-esque blaming of “U.S Imperialism”?

    What Atzmon is doing is EXPOSING a myth and trying to break through the indoctrination that has been promoted around Judaism. Thus your criticism seems to be rather oppose to his stance to breakthrough the conditioning. This is clearly something that the American Left has been quite unwilling and afraid to do.

  4. teafoe2 said on October 20th, 2010 at 12:13pm #

    Hurray for Bosczh! He is so wonderful, I have decided to elevate him to the Nobelity, give him a noble title:

    Hear ye Hear ye Hear Ye: let all and sundry know that henceforth you must address the person formerly known as Bosch as Your Greatness, Ras Kambione!

    uh, if the name is unfamiliar to you, look it up on the map:)

  5. bozh said on October 20th, 2010 at 2:28pm #

    Sorry folks!
    Atzmon even contemplates –or has been thinking of switching from mosheic nuttiness to mohammedan one.

    his writing appears one trackic and mine is multitrackic. Israel, if ever existed [save as some small enclaves of nutty hebrews] was not the first theocratic land.
    Of course, casting wider look doesn’t mean i am right even once!
    Actually, the idea of casting widest look is pandemic and had been noted, ithink, in all ages and couched as: don’t leave stones unturned in search for knowledge.
    No folks, these sages had never screwed their heads deep in sand like some people.
    According to historians, the first ever theocracy arose in one of the sumerian cities;
    probably just small walled-towns; representing the first ever herding of slaves and serfs in one small place for better management of them.
    Today’s big cities function egzaktly like of Ur or Lagash.

    ‘Jews’ or 99.99% of them wld love to see me dead. But being alive proves that they do not control the world!

    As i said all uncles love ?all ‘jews” and no ‘jew’, christian, or muslim enjoys reading what i write; so, i must be right!
    That’s the praise i believe in. I just love it when they go ballistic over what i say about their lunacies.

    DB says that “zionism is an impetus to US imperialism [land stealing]”, but having omitted when-where-why- how zionists became so, i just don’t know what he is trying to say.

    is it that naive, dumb, goodhearts in america just did not realize that they were being taught unconciously of behaving like ‘jews’.

    Knowing ‘jews’ i guess it is possible. Except for the ‘insignificant’ and ‘tiny’ slavery and killing a few dozens ‘indians’, i guess one cld blame ‘Jews’ for fire bombing tokyo, dresden, the two invasion of europe; invasions- bombing of korea, s.e. asia, cia terror and for sure invasions of afpak and iraq.

    But a silly question arise? DB does not even write under his own name let alone join the real fighters against almighty ‘zionism’.

    As for ‘zionism’, there are at least three different ones! Some wld be happy to just have israel pre’67 borders. Of course not on a principle but outta raw fear or seeing a catastrophy ahead if that is not obtained.
    Most ‘jews’ want all of palestine and the expulsion of all pal’ns. Others want even more than that.
    So if they are ruling the world, who’s stopping them from going for all of it? Or if they are ruling US, who’s stopping them from killing carter, nader, petras, et al.
    Me only blaming criminal minds in US for all ills? When have i ever said that?
    Db, u only seem to hate ‘jews’ and i hate all criminals of whatever cult or folk.

  6. bozh said on October 20th, 2010 at 2:31pm #

    But my wife still thinks i am crazy even tho i do everything she tells me to do!

  7. Rehmat said on October 20th, 2010 at 2:36pm #

    “That day, Joshua made the Gibeonites woodcutters and water carriers for the community and for the alter of the Lord at the Place Lord would choose. And that is what they are today,” Bible, Joshua 9:27.

    The former Chief Rabbi of Israel and the spiritual leader of Israel’s religious party Shas, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, in his Sabbath sermon last week called non-Jews as donkeys and beasts of burden.

    Yosef also reportedly said that the lives of non-Jews in Israel are preserved by God in order to prevent losses to Jews.

    In April 2001 – Rabbi Ovadia Yosef called for the annihilation of Arabs.

    “It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable,” he was quoted as saying in a sermon delivered during the Jewish festival of Passover.

    On February 27, 1994, Rabbi Yaccov, told his followers during Purim celeberation: “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail”.

    According to Jewish scriptures, only Jews are considered ‘human’ and the rest of humanity (Gentile) and animals are created to serve Jews. However, Gentiles are considered better than animals.

    Late Israeli historian, professor Israel Shahak, wrote that insulting Christian symbols is customary among the practicing Jews. In May 2008, Orthodox Jews set fire to hundreds of copies of the New Testament in the latest act of violence against Christian missionaries in the Holy Land. Or Yehuda Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon said missionaries recently entered a neighborhood in the predominantly religious town of 34,000 in central Israel, distributing hundreds of New Testaments and missionary materials.” Aharon said he “got into a loudspeaker car last Thursday and drove through the neighborhood, urging people to turn over the material to Jewish religious students the books were dumped into a pile and set fire in a lot near a synagogue.” Aharon claimed it is “a commandment [in Talmudic Judaism] to burn materials that urge Jews to convert.’” (Haaretz, “Orthodox Jewish youths burn New Testaments in Or Yehuda).

  8. Deadbeat said on October 20th, 2010 at 2:59pm #

    Bozh writes …

    DB says that “zionism is an impetus to US imperialism [land stealing]“, but having omitted when-where-why- how zionists became so, i just don’t know what he is trying to say. is it that naive, dumb, goodhearts in america just did not realize that they were being taught unconciously of behaving like ‘jews’.

    Clearly bozh is in a rhetorical twisted state. If anything the reason for the rise of Zionism in the United States has to do with the failure of the Left to provide opposition to it. In fact the Left or pseudo-Left has been complicity in permitting Zionism to grow in power and influence. The many articles by writers and contributors here on DV attest to explaining the rising influence of Zionism. Therefore it is nonsensical for bozh to say that I’ve omitted anything. The omission is primarily from the Left intellectual such as Chomsky who has DIRECTED attention away from Zionism and toward an ambiguous “U.S. Imperialism”.

    In fact in bozh’s previous remarks he defined “U.S. Imperialism” as “land theft” doing Chomsky one better because Chomsky never DEFINES what he means by “U.S. Imperialism”. Is it land thief? is it neo-colonialism? is it resource exploitation? Is is racism? Unfortunately it is open to interpretation. It is the use of ambiguity that misdirects and misleads.

    This is exactly what bozh is doing with his so-called “singling out” critique of Aztmon by deploying a “muddy the waters” fallacy with a twist of ridicule.

    Knowing ‘jews’ i guess it is possible. Except for the ‘insignificant’ and ‘tiny’ slavery and killing a few dozens ‘indians’, i guess one cld blame ‘Jews’ for fire bombing tokyo, dresden, the two invasion of europe; invasions- bombing of korea, s.e. asia, cia terror and for sure invasions of afpak and iraq.

    This use of cynicism is all too often the M.O. of the likes of Jeremy Hammond who was here on DV months ago. When Zionist are backed into a corner they adopt this rhetoric to dismiss their critics. It’s rather REVEALING of bozh to deploy this tactic now.

    But a silly question arise? DB does not even write under his own name let alone join the real fighters against almighty ‘zionism’.

    What in a “name” a rose by any other name would still smell sweet. This tactic is a fallacious DIVERSION and an ad hominem rather than sticking to the point of bozh’s critique of Atzmon which reveal more about bozh. Apparently he doesn’t like my critiques of Zionism. Finding out why may take more time than I have right now.

  9. teafoe2 said on October 20th, 2010 at 3:35pm #

    Deadbeat, having read Bozh’s ravings nearly every day for a few years now, a few things are clear. He is A)stupid; B) monumentally ignorant; C) possessed of an even more monumental ego problem; D)highly neurotic, in that he denies any aspect of reality which threatens his ego-structure by which I mean the fictitious version of himself he has created and labors daily to maintain in the face of all the evidence.

    It’s interesting in a way, that he’s not smart enough to see through even his most transparent fictions about himself. Most of us by the time we near sixty years of age have caught on to ourselves to some extent. We no longer try to keep kidding ourselves in ways that are common when we are younger. We learn to accept negative information about ourselves. We learn to see through the rationalizations we earlier created to shield ourselves from unpleasant truths.

    But Bozh is lucky: he’s so stupid he continues to believe his own BS.

    I have to laugh when I see him attacking Atzmon and Petras, whose work he simply fails to understand. It’s like the proverbial flea climbing the elephant’s leg with the intent to commit a little child molesting:)

  10. bozh said on October 20th, 2010 at 3:55pm #

    But then list events that jews haven’t caused solely, partly, or not at all.
    or perhaps i do not understand what is it that u mean by ‘jews’ taking over US and directing its foreign policy.

    Then when u list events for which jews are completely or partially to blame we can devote some research of them.
    So, now its cynical to say what u say: that US land stealing is directed solely
    or largely or whatever by ‘jews’.

    Aren’t these people legally and morally americans? Living in US and much venerated by even anglosaxons?
    So why not call these events “american imperialism”. OK!, The veneration for ‘jews’ by anglosaxons is probably a fake. Ok? it’s only a thought?
    Do i have to trust uncles biden, robertson, hagee, obama, beck, palin?

    i do not think that theft of north america, chechnya, palestina, ireland, tibet, can be left to interpretation.
    in never interpret why people stole chechnya. I think it had been slightly colonized as well.
    Not as much as, n.america or palestina.

    Mind u, not all conquerors are equal; However, land theft can be obtained only via wars. Not all conquerors are as brutal as US, israel or as determined to totally, or much as they can, cleanse the conquest of original inhabitants.

    None of this can be interpreted– maam! just give me the facts; i don’t want ur interpretations, guesses, wishes, bias, at this time–maybe later.

    Russians have killed so many chechens, Chinese so many tibetans, americans so many ‘indians’. Just give me that. I don’t want excuses, reasons, but love to hear what are the Causes.
    and meanwhile hand me the killers and after that we can argue, agree, disagree all one wants.
    And i have disagreed with chomsky on just such thinking: tell me how many pal’ns have ‘jews’ killed; how many expelled; then, hand me the killers and let pal’ns return to their homes and then we talk. tnx

  11. Deadbeat said on October 20th, 2010 at 3:56pm #

    T42 I agree with you but since I have to wade through his awful bandwidth and seeing your critique get “excommunicated” by the moderator yesterday that the best tactic is to engage in rational arguments.

    Bozh’s rhetoric is all over the map and egotistical but unfortunately it degrades into the Max Shields arguments against ideology and against Jewish Zionism. It is those two areas that IMO should be challenged as I’m doing here. Otherwise bozh is pretty much on my ignore list.

  12. Deadbeat said on October 20th, 2010 at 3:58pm #

    bozh writes …

    DB, But then list events that jews haven’t caused solely, partly, or not at all. or perhaps i do not understand what is it that u mean by ‘jews’ taking over US and directing its foreign policy.

    If you don’t know what I means I offer you the many articles here on DV. You can find articles by James Petras, Jeffrey Blankfort comments by shabnam and others. Or you can keep reading Chomsky and William Blum.

  13. bozh said on October 20th, 2010 at 6:03pm #

    Actually, the socalled left knew that chomsky is anarchic. Anarchy as we have already not meaning “lawlessness” or every person for self, in folk usage and dictionary.

    One good thing about anarchy and all other movements is that they are not structured like a political party.
    And it is this structure that presents power and not people on streets. in add’n any org or movement attracts all kind of individuals with all kinds of theories.
    But even if effective to the degree that the rulers don’t like, it wld be infiltrated an destroyed or weakened.

    Chomsky does not head any such structure. He’s a drop in ocean! He has misled people. However, just noting that he never had said what he’s for, shld have rung a bell.
    Of course, he may have on occasion said what he’s for in, say, palestina or US; however if one is ROR, one wld say this more than dozen times.
    But he had not once; again as far as i know!

    So, what is this chomskyism? How perilous it is? What actually he said that wld merit an idelogical label?

    How many WMD he has? Warships? How many house people heard of him let alone read anything he said?
    And what did he ever do but lament. ‘Jews’ love lamenting. and being saddled with worst ideology imagined and living among nutty ‘jews’, what else he cld do but cry.

    If u don’t believe me, live with ‘jews’ for a while. Even ‘jews’ say that being a ‘jew’ is not fun and games.
    ‘Jews’ even say that two ‘jews’ talking to each other talk in three languages nether of which they know or have seven differing ideas on any topic at the same time.
    As one ‘jewish’ inmate said, if there is three guards to run to, don’t run to a ‘jewish’ one or ukrainian, run to a german one!

  14. bozh said on October 20th, 2010 at 9:12pm #

    No, i don’t read what chomsky or blum write. As i have said before many times, on the younger sister of msm, 99.99% of posters and contributors only lament; never postulate let alone affirm the causes for ills.

    firepeople do not solely gaze at gutted house or ashes; they ask, methinks, what caused it.
    And lo and behold, find them. Of course i, too, lament [cry me a crocodile tears, really] but do postulate or affirm causes for events.

    Can one imagine what all that money we spent on army, spies, arms, wars cld do for us if spent on research or pursuit of knowledge and causes for illnesses?
    And what are the causes for people not wanting to spend that money on research? No don’t tell me they are stupid or don’t care.

    remember, scientists tell us we do not see with our eyes– we see events with our brain structure and what u’r told before seeing events influences what u see. Now u know why there is free schooling; but only for kids!

    I don’t buy that people are stupid, etc. As of necessary or absolutely certain truth, people cannot be called careless, selfish, or stupid. So, what happens?
    How about u telling me or us and stop crying; that’s for kids! Ok! enough at this time!

    About max shields? He’s a patcher; u know?: put a patch on old pants and everything is ok—i want to change the pants for a new one.

    Oh, the articles on DV? None of which talk about causation, but do want to retain the old pants with one or more patches.

    Ok! i like reading petras’ pieces. Perhaps he, too, is for patching old pants. I think he may be an egalitarian. He, does tho omit to posit causes as well. He may have! But i do know of it!
    there may be others, too, who’s pieces i liked. tnx

  15. Deadbeat said on October 20th, 2010 at 9:41pm #

    catguy00 writes …

    James Petras said Jews are taking over the US?

    Here’s a search link to all the articles written by James Petras on DV.

    James Petras

    I’d suggest reading the lot and understand his arguments.

  16. Deadbeat said on October 20th, 2010 at 9:45pm #

    bozh writes …

    Oh, the articles on DV? None of which talk about causation, but do want to retain the old pants with one or more patches.

    Unfortunately you haven’t read the by James Petras. The lack of resistance to this problem is the CAUSE. Why the lack of resistance? Partly (and probably mostly) it is due to the psychology that Atzmon is confronting that you seem to be criticizing him for.

  17. catguy00 said on October 20th, 2010 at 9:47pm #

    So you believe that Petras is specifically warning about Jews and not Zionists as a whole?

  18. 3bancan said on October 20th, 2010 at 11:31pm #

    ziogatto with his constant zionazi rhetorical questions reminds me of his longwinded sibling named David who wrote 4 typical zionazi comments (his zionazi barbarity clearly in display in his replies to Lafayette Sennacherib’s comments) here:

  19. Deadbeat said on October 21st, 2010 at 12:40am #

    Here’s an article I found on Socialist Worker that talks about the roots of racism. Bozh has a tendency to believe that Zionism/Fascism is innately a human trait rather than the outgrowth of Capitalism. Perhaps this article could provide poor bozh with some clarity …

    The roots of racism

    What is interesting is how Zionists have co-opted the Black Liberation movement for their own ends.

  20. nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney said on October 21st, 2010 at 2:03am #

    The 5 dancing Mossad arrested on 9/11 in NYC love Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

    ‘By deception ye shall wage war’

  21. hayate said on October 22nd, 2010 at 11:55pm #

    “In his Saturday sermon Rabbi Yosef revealed that the sole purpose of Gentiles is to serve Jews.? “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world.”

    Looking at just about any of the western governments, that’s quite obvious the primary operating philosophy. And they are mostly zionist quislings. Notice how the rise of zionism to dominance in the west has coincided with a massive expansion of exploitation and fascism.

    That’s no accident….

  22. Angie Tibbs said on October 23rd, 2010 at 11:00pm #

    I will tell the Rabbi — Yosef, is it?? — what I think of his comments that the “sole purpose of Gentiles is to serve Jews” — and I will tell him as soon as I stop laughing (which might be never!!)

    Can you imagine the furor from Jews if this had been said about Jews? So why isn’t there an outcry about this delusional prattle directed towards the rest of humanity? Isn’t it time we gave double standards a boot?

  23. hayate said on October 24th, 2010 at 2:17am #

    Is this goatbugger yosef an unusual example, or just one being frank amongst his own Judeo-supremacist kind. My guess is the latter. What needs to be done with these 21st century nazis is obvious….