White House Correspondent Helen Thomas: A Casualty of Zionist Duplicity

Zionist operatives ambushed veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas, a friend and a great American. When they won, America lost.

When reviewing the unedited video of her “interview,” what you see is a rabbi rephrasing her answers to a question about Israel. Her response: “They should get the hell out of Palestine.“ The United Nations long ago endorsed that stance.

It was not Thomas but the rabbi that offended the Jewish community. Language cited as “anti-Semitic” came not from her but from responses that the rabbi restated as leading questions. She simply spoke the truth: Jewish settlers should leave the occupied territories and, as she rightly said: “go home.”

The rabbi, an operative for the Anti-Defamation League, knew what he was doing when he ensnared this frail and distinguished 89-year old journalist. The ADL and other Zionist strategists have long sought her removal from this influential position.

This operation was carried out as part of Jewish Heritage Week, a first in White House history. Nothing was said about the perils to which America has long been subjected due to its entangled alliance with the Jewish state.

The campaign to force Thomas’ removal was led by former Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleischer. Recall that Fleischer is the Zionist insider who repeatedly insisted that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

How did those seeking recognition for their “Jewishness” repay the trust of a nation and its people? Zionist operatives targeted the only reporter who challenged Israel’s nuclear weapons program. By bushwhacking her on the White House lawn, Zionists reconfirmed that they are, in fact, in control.

No one dared mention how Zionist Heritage has ravaged America from within. Or how Zionism was aided by a series of pathetic presidents and advisers offering their unflinching support for an increasingly unstable Israeli leadership.

The Tel Aviv Two-Step

In the same news cycle when the current White House press secretary portrayed Thomas’ remarks as “reprehensible,” nothing was said about the Turkish-American teenager shot in the head when Israeli forces boarded a Gaza relief flotilla. As “our” media fixated on Ms. Thomas, the public’s attention was diverted from that murder.

What is reprehensible is this: no U.S. journalist has shown the courage to challenge a U.S. president on Israel. When President Obama gave his first news conference, it was Helen Thomas who asked which country in the Middle East has nuclear weapons. Rather than reply, he did the Tel Aviv Two-Step and avoided her question.

That’s a key reason an ADL operative targeted her. The strategic objective: to serve notice that NO ONE can pose honest questions about the many perils that the U.S.-Israel “special relationship” poses to the security of the U.S. and other nations.

Why Now?

When the latest “terrorist incident” fizzled in Times Square, the U.N. was then advancing an agenda pursued by President John F. Kennedy in the 1960s: a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction. In a historic U.N. vote, even the U.S. agreed—over Israeli objections—to make the Middle East a Nuclear Free Zone.

That treaty would mandate that Israel dismantle its nuclear arsenal. An idealistic young U.S. president was vigorously pursuing that goal when his life was brought to an abrupt end. As the first woman to serve as a White House correspondent, Helen Thomas knew Kennedy as the first of ten presidents she covered over five decades.

This history was well known to those who brought her truth-seeking career to an abrupt end. That’s why she was ambushed. She was the last mainstream American journalist who dared question a U.S. President about Israel’s nuclear weapons.

Had Zionists not removed her, they knew she would have asked President Obama: “When is the U.S. going to pressure its ally to give up a nuclear arsenal estimated to be in excess 200 nuclear warheads?”

Zionists won this round. No remaining White House correspondent is likely to ask the hard questions about Israel’s impact on America’s national security interests. ADL operatives, acting on behalf of a foreign government, made sure of it.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama’s love fest with the Jewish state continues while Zionist policies persist in undermining America’s credibility and endangering U.S. troops abroad.

Today’s White House resident resembles previous occupants in his inability to say no to Zionist demands. By his silence, he enabled an agent of a foreign government to silence one of America’s most trusted voices covering the White House.

Helen Thomas knows the scope and scale of Zionist operations inside the U.S. She saw it firsthand through ten presidencies from both major U.S. political parties.

By silencing this voice of truth, Israel’s goals were advanced. Now the American public can once again be denied the facts they require to make informed choices.

  • First published at Criminal State.
  • "Mel" Rockefeller is an international businessman who resides in Arizona. Read other articles by James.

    16 comments on this article so far ...

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    1. bozh said on June 17th, 2010 at 9:52am #

      Our troops are really paid-by-taxpayers killers and murderers. So, our killers [and of innocent people, to boot] wld be accurate-adequate. But one is not going to stop the killers, unless one teaches amers that that’s what is going on and tell the soldiers to come home and urge young people not enlist in such an army. tnx

    2. mary said on June 17th, 2010 at 10:36am #

      Quite right too. End the Occupation Now.

    3. bozh said on June 17th, 2010 at 11:41am #

      Mary, right,
      I view that palestine is recognized by UN, ‘jews’ must get out of palestine. However, ‘jews’ do not recognize palestine. To ‘jews’, all expalestine + golan + sheba farms now being israel. And on that baiss ‘Jews’ are now right in being mad at helen.

      Even an expanded israel has room only for 5mn ‘jews’. They, thus, desperately need to wage another war.
      However, the last one against lebanon got them no new territory. It is not easy being a ‘jew’ or jew in israel, while being much dependent on hated christians.
      Make no mistake ab it: no cult likes another cult!

      Natch, ‘jews’ are happy if we parrot their decription of war against lebanon as a war against hizballah. This means that, in effect, ‘jews’ don’t recognize iraq nor lebanon as countries.
      Both can be then attacked; calling the first war, war against saddam, and second a war, a war against terrorists.
      Nevertheless, they don’t fool anyone with such shalllow lying!

    4. Jonas Rand said on June 17th, 2010 at 12:12pm #

      “Israel” is a fictitious creation, a racist, theocratic modern-day fiefdom, carved out of Palestine by certain people with political power. Religion is always used to justify authoritarians in gaining power; “rule by the Grace of God”, “chosen to rule by God”, etc. It has no historical claim to or reason for existence, but rather is based on a quasi-Biblical story, whereby parts of the Bible were actually misused in an effort to justify a Jewish settlement in the “Holy Land”. There were multiple other places that Jews could have settled; additionally, the European Jews who settled there were not even descendants of “historical Hebrews” that allegedly settled in Palestine from Egypt as told in the Bible. I don’t believe in any kind of religion, so these things require a suspension of disbelief and knowledge. But the State of Israel is built on injustice and colonization; there can be no peace without justice, and no justice without peace.

    5. Hue Longer said on June 17th, 2010 at 12:13pm #

      jon s,

      It wasn’t the Palestine comment you can hang your hat on, it was when she said they should go home to Germany, Poland, US and wherever else…She didn’t mention Israel or pre-67 borders as a specific choice and saying she implied it with her wherever else comment is flimsy.

      I don’t think she should be defended if one needs to imply what she meant. Maybe she didn’t mean it the way it sounded and wishes for all European Jews living in pre 67 borders to remain.

      I think it’s fine what she said in or out of context and to answer your question, the best way for them to “get out” would be making it a democratic state with no ability to threaten its neighbors or native population. I know that would at least get the majority of US Jews to immediately return to “where they came from” but maybe remaining and living in reality would be their choice. I’m just guessing that Helen would endorse that

    6. Maien said on June 17th, 2010 at 12:17pm #

      And Palestine it is, even though many map-makers (wonder who owns those companies?) refuse to put Palestine on printed maps.

      So…. “the reaction was so severe, and justified.” And there is the finger pointing to the real problem. Thanks Jon s. for brilliantly …again…. displaying the attitude which is the real problem.

      The cloud of death arrived in 1948 and has continuously blamed anyone and everyone else for their actions. They are deadly efficient against unarmed and starved people and unarmed peaceful activists.

    7. t42 said on June 17th, 2010 at 2:07pm #

      Maien you nailed it. So did Bozh in his first post on this thread. Compliments also to Jonas Rand, Huey L and Mary. Sorry I’ve been awol cpl days, software gremlins, but now I’m baaaack…

    8. Doug Page said on June 17th, 2010 at 5:10pm #

      Israel has no right to exist beyond the borders granted it by the UN. Those are the pre-1967 borders. All expansion beyond that has been in violation of law and in violation of UN Resolutions. Because of Israel’s conduct from 1967 to date, each expansion involving an illegal act of war and capture, Israel has even forfeited its right to exist as a State with special rights for Jews Israel has forfeited its right to exist. Period. As Israel. Israel and Zionists will simply have to forget that they are more “entitled” than any other people on earth and join the human race. All men are created equal, remember? Separation of Church and State, remember? To keep us all in peace, and to curtail the always aggressive Zionists, Jews everywhere should join with the rest of us in demanding a United States of the Middle East. The Holocaust excuse has been a cover for this illegal expansion for far too long. NO LONGER!!!!
      Doug Page

    9. Rehmat said on June 17th, 2010 at 6:10pm #

      Maybe, like Stalin, Helen Thomas wanted these Jews to go back to the first Jewish state – Birobidjan


    10. mary said on June 18th, 2010 at 1:01am #

      If some people didn’t already think that racism or sectarianism existed in Israel, the content of these two reports confirm it.

      Firstly 140,000 ultra orthodox Ashkenazi Jews do not want their children educated alongside Jewish pupils of Sephardic or Middle Eastern descent.


      Then Jonathan Cook describes how steps are being taken to reduce the ‘black’ birthrate.

      Jonathan Cook: Israel Resorting to Shocking Measures to Reduce Black Population – “Health officials in Israel are subjecting many female Ethiopian immigrants to a controversial long-term birth control drug in what Israeli women’s groups allege is a racist policy to reduce the number of black babies.”

      ( http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100106/FOREIGN/701059823 )

    11. mary said on June 18th, 2010 at 1:04am #

      If some people didn’t already think that racism or sectarianism existed in Israel, the content of these two reports confirm it.

      Firstly 140,000 ultra orthodox Ashkenazi Jews do not want their children educated alongside Jewish pupils of Sephardic or Middle Eastern descent.


      Then Jonathan Cook describes how steps are being taken to reduce the ‘black’ birthrate.

      Jonathan Cook: Israel Resorting to Shocking Measures to Reduce Black Population – “Health officials in Israel are subjecting many female Ethiopian immigrants to a controversial long-term birth control drug in what Israeli women’s groups allege is a racist policy to reduce the number of black babies.”


    12. bozh said on June 18th, 2010 at 5:21am #

      White ‘jews’ are really for the two state solution as long as they are ‘jewish’ and fascist only.
      And, of course, whitish mostly. But they probably covet US the most. They don`t, i deduce from the facts, cherish that wretched and tiny piece of land that even canaanites were once leaving in droves for lusher regions of mesopotamia.

    13. Ismail Zayid said on June 18th, 2010 at 11:16am #

      There is nothing new in this. Zionist manipulation of the news and control of power, in the White House and many other countries, that is well established. Helen Thomas had to pay the price for asking the relevant questions. On asking Obama: “which country in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?”, his reply was that he did not want to speculate. As if it was necessary to speculate, in answering that question. As if poor Obama did not know of Israel’s massive nuclear arsenal. His response confirms Zioinst control of the White House, and elsewhere.

      Sadly, the removal of Helen Thomas speaks clearly of the lack of validity in the so-called Free Press in the US and its allies.

    14. mary said on June 18th, 2010 at 1:39pm #

      Canadian NDP MP Libby Davies experiences treatment similar to Helen Thomas. Attacked by Harper and asked to resign.


      Prime Minister Stephen Harper called on NDP MP Libby Davies to resign as her party’s deputy leader after she suggested Israel has been occupying territory since the country came into existence./……

    15. rosemerry said on June 18th, 2010 at 2:30pm #

      Helen Thomas was not given time to go into details. The reaction to”get out of Palestine,” which means occupied land, shows that the Zionists realise they are illegally occupying the post-1967 land at least. The “right to exist” the Canadians spoke of to Libby Davies is a ridiculous furphy asked of nobody else about any other country. Israel knows its legitimacy is suspect, and is worried, despite the fact that all Muslim countries and groups, even Hamas, accept the borders of before June 4, 1967.

    16. Hue Longer said on June 18th, 2010 at 5:15pm #

      hello rosemerry,

      The “get out of Palestine” could have meant that except Helen didn’t say go back to Israel or pre 67 borders. the talk shouldn’t be reduced to post 67 occupation. Making what she supposedly meant the issue plays to legitimizing Israel’s problem with her