Representative Woolsey,
I am writing to express my outrage at your fund-raising effort in support of rabid Blue Dog Jane Harman. As I am sure you are aware, Harman is a corporatist, a militarist and a big fan of the all-powerful national-security surveillance state (except for a brief moment when her own conversations were secretly recorded and made public, suggesting her own improper relationship with AIPAC).
I have always considered you one of the very finest members of the House. To this point I have supported you on almost every issue. I once considered it almost axiomatic that you would use your position and power, the power we gave you, to do the right thing for the citizens you represent.
But your support for Jane Harman flies in the face of all you stand for, and is inexcusable. What agenda will be served by returning this cynical multi-millionaire Blue Dog hypocrite to the House?
You, in this one move, have undermined a lifetimes worth of trust many progressives have had in you.
Even worse, you make it more likely that a champion of elitism, illegal surveillance and militarism will continue to make things worse in the House of Representatives with her right-wing world view and positions on issues.
Whatever happens now, I will never view you in the same light again. I can only speculate as to what possessed you to provide direct fund-raising support for Jane Harman. All such speculation however, leads me to the same conclusion.
Many of us that have been in the trenches these many years in support of progressive causes can find no good reason to excuse this unconscionable act. Harman supported Bush, his wars, his spying, all of it. By virtue of your position and reputation, your association with Harman weakens the term progressive, and is a slap at all those that have supported you over the years.
I call on you to immediately resign from any position of leadership in the Progressive Caucus because it is clear your strategic vision to achieve progressive change is self-canceling. You cannot be taken seriously as a ‘progressive’ when you directly support a right-wing candidate with an anti-progressive agenda and a clear record of negating your vote numerous times on important legislation.
And while so many of us in your district feel that any support for Harman is inexcusable, I have yet to hear you defend or explain your actions. Representative Woolsey, what are you thinking? How, in your mind, does your direct support for a Blue Dog make sense?
We in your district would appreciate a thoughtful response, as so many of us are big fans of accountability when it comes to the actions of politicians that we have supported.
I will personally do all I can to bring this matter to the attention of progressives here. I assure you support for Harman or anything resembling her politics, is very hard to find in this district. This is particularly so amongst those that are most familiar with her extreme right-wing views and voting record.
Harman is no friend of democracy, progressive causes or fair play, and your support for her is incomprehensible.
Paul Dean
Sebastopol Ca