Rebellion (Denmark): The Court Case is Approaching!

The court case against Rebellion (Denmark) for support to resistance movements is now approaching. The demand is imprisonment. The court case takes place at Copenhagen City 6. Court, December 3 and December 7, 2009 and January 8, January 15, 2010. The judgement will be announced on February 8, 2010.

The aim of Rebellion (Denmark), formed in 2004, is to challenge ‘terrorist legislation’, both in Denmark and internationally.

Terrorist legislation seeks to undermine progressive organisations, resistance movements, trade unions and solidarity movements throughout the world.

We appeal for support from all movements to:

– Defend the right of peoples to resist illegitimate government and foreign occupation!

– Defend the right of peoples to take up arms against oppression where all other means have been exhausted!

Rebellion (Denmark) is accused of the transferral of substantial funds to Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) as a challenge to terrorist legislation.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has for decades been a leader of the struggle of the Palestinian people, engaged in legitimate conflict with occupation forces. We support the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in its struggle for a secular state and democratic state for all. It can in no way be defined as a ‘terrorist organisation’.

FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) has for decades worked and fought for the democratic rights and the equality of the people. The present regime has with US support and in alliance with ‘death squads’, controlled by landowners and drug cartels, continues to persecute the leaders and members of trade unions, political activists, students and peasant organisations of Colombia. Several Latin American nations have negotiated peace by legalising insurgency groups, allowing them to participate in an open political process. The criminalisation of FARC is preventing a political solution in Columbia.

In Denmark, there is an increasing challenge to ‘terrorist legislation’, a growing defiance that Rebellion (Denmark) has striven to create and is itself a part of.

Close to us, the organisation Fighters + Lovers has challenged ‘terrorist’ legislation by selling T-shirts in support of FARC and PFLP. On September 18, 2008 the High Court overturned the non-guilty verdict of the Copenhagen City Court, sentencing five members to between 60 days and six months imprisonment. In March 2009 the Supreme Court revised imprisonment to conditional sentences, also expressing some doubt on the legislation itself.

Increasingly, the theme of terrorism, resistance and liberation movements has entered the debate.

Not least, the theme of the Danish resistance movement against occupation during the Second World War. At the time, they were defined as ‘terrorists’ by occupation forces and their Danish allies. The Horeserød-Stutthof Association, arising out of the resistance movement and following generations, has accelerated the debate. Since 2006 the Horeserød-Stutthof Association has repeatedly transferred financial support to FARC and PFLP, and informed the Ministry of Justice of the transferrals. As yet, the Ministry of Justice has not reacted, revealing hypocrisy in the present enforcement of ‘terrorist’ legislation.

An international group in the Timber Industry and Construction Workers’ Union (TIB) in Copenhagen has also transferred financial support to the resistance movement in Colombia. Here they refer to earlier experience: support for the liberation movements of Vietnam and South Africa, at the time a challenge to the dominant policies of governments. As yet, there has been no judicial reaction.

In the approaching case against Rebellion (Denmark) even an acquittal will not solve the issue. International ‘terrorist’ legislation will remain a global challenge to human rights. Nor will conviction change our aim: continuing support of the right to resistance and solidarity throughout the world.

Palestine and Colombia are the focus we have chosen. From Turkey to Kurdistan, from the Basque Country to the Philippines, there are many others who also could have been chosen. An important criterion for our choice is that liberation forces advance secular, democratic, and humanist goals together with their people.

Through present terrorist legislation, states have attempted to curb the freedom of expression and the political rights of their citizens. The right to extend moral and material support to resistance and liberation movements throughout the world is threatened. The civil and labour rights of citizens to wage legitimate struggles for welfare and democratic reform are also increasingly being curbed.

Rebellion (Denmark) appeals to all movements for democracy and international solidarity to join us in challenging national and supranational terrorist legislation and the so-called ‘global war on terror’.

Demonstrations at Danish Embassies demanding the acquittal of Rebellion (Denmark) in the coming court case would be welcome, as would letters of protest directed to the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ministry of Justice
Slotsholmsgade 10
1216 Copenhagen K
Telefon: +45 / 72 26 84 00
Telefax +45 / 33 93 35 10

Email: kd.mjnull@mj

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Asiatisk Plads 2
DK-1448 Copenhagen K
Telefon: +45/ 33 92 00 00
Telefax: +45/ 32 54 05 33

E-mail: kd.munull@mu

Patrick Mac Manus is with Foreningen Oprør (Rebellion) located in Denmark. He is author of Den tilkæmpede historie - fabler og fortællinger (Published by Arbejderen, 2009). Read other articles by Patrick, or visit Patrick's website.

5 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Rose said on November 17th, 2009 at 12:32pm #

    Seems to me Palestinians are victims not terrorists. Israel has too many weapons of mass Destruction.
    Weapons sold to Israel are staggering
    A list of Rabbis who are criminals a very long list I might add.
    At the bottom of the page is a link to “West Bank Rabbi: Jews can kill Gentiles who threaten Israel including Children and even Babies”
    This is a book some think should be used in
    Israeli schools. So they teach that killing innocent people is just fine.
    This being their attitude is rather disturbing.
    Terrorist legislation is a a front for taking away our rights and freedoms.
    Just another way to oppress us all.

  2. Annie Ladysmith said on November 18th, 2009 at 1:03am #

    O! EXCUSE MOI, WHEN HAVE THE DANISH EVERY TAKEN UP, EVEN A LIMP HERRING, TO DEFEND ANYONE, EVEN THEMSELVES. Yeah! that old neutrality thing during the world wars in Europe takes you Toads out of the running when it comes to standing up to things. Sorry, but you missed that opportunity when Hitler was around. So just back of and let us Americans (as soon as we get rid of our Marxist government) take care of standing up to Russia and China. It takes more than a cartoon to stand up to evil systems.

  3. PD said on November 18th, 2009 at 1:33pm #

    You don’t have a frickin’ clue in regards to Colombia. The FARC are murdering terrorists and almost universally hated by the Colombian people according to every poll I have ever seen. My wife lived there her entire life and never met anyone who supported them.
    The democratically elected Uribe, by contrast, is seen by the people as a hero for taking the fight to these savages. His approval ratings rarely dip below 70%. The Colombian military has an even higher approval rating.

  4. b99 said on November 18th, 2009 at 2:09pm #

    FARC was on the correct side of the equation long ago – but they pretty much turned to drug money for sustenance – at which point they ceased to be progressive.

  5. Samuel Irk said on November 18th, 2009 at 10:09pm #

    Very informative, I totally agree!