Look at the new “pay czar regulatory rules.” These rules clearly show you the new power structure: Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are still above the law and regulation of any kind. The psuedo-regulation on the tier just below them — Citigroup, Bank of America and AIG — will not limit much in the overall scheme of things. It’s not like the “pay czar” is going to get some of our trillions back. This is just the latest media hoax to calm an outraged population and keep us at bay, kick us further down the line.
When you read the headlines about “pay czar crackdowns” and “clawbacks” and “reining in pay,” you should know that this whole Wall Street psychological operation is being run by the same man who sold us the Iraq war!
Here’s an example of misleading coverage from ABC News:
Bank of America Chief Executive Ken Lewis, who has announced he will leave the company by the end of the year, will receive no more pay for 2009 and will have more than $1 million of his prior pay clawed back, according to a deal Feinberg struck.
Poor Ken Lewis. The Economic Hitman, a.k.a. Mr. Bank of America, the poor guy has to work for the rest of the year for “no pay.” Oh, these strict new regulations! Well, you see, there is a missing part to this oh so popular media meme. Here’s a headline that should be written, “Ken Lewis to Pocket $70 million”… yep, poor Ken Lewis. He has to wait until the end of the year to receive $70 mill. If there were such a thing as law in this land, instead of getting $70 million at the end of the year, he would be getting a prison sentence.
This is a tragic comedy of Shakespearean proportions.
Due to these psychological operations, the average American is so thoroughly propagandized that most are yet to realize that a weapon more powerful than an atomic bomb has hit the US.
An economic deathblow has been struck, and the “republic” lay in ruins.
No one sounded the alarm loud enough to get through the propaganda system. The political process and mainstream media are so thoroughly dominated that the people remain passive as the noose is tightened around their neck, it is as if an entire population has been sentenced to a slow death.
Trillions of dollars have vanished, we know who was involved, and yet, there is no investigation. While paid-off “lawmakers” battle over every aspect of the healthcare bill — a bill that will once again screw most Americans in favor of more corporate profits and huge salaries and bonuses for the top executives of the companies who are sponsoring these puppet “politicians” — these “lawmakers” seem to have forgotten about $23 trillion. No, not $23 billion, we are talking $23 trillion taxpayer dollars!
Actually, Shakespearean proportions look rather small in comparison. $23 trillion is New God money.
The Bush Regime took down the US population. With Paulson leading, the financial crisis became the last ultimate act. The greatest theft of all time, trillions vanish. The entire power structure goes off the grid, off the balance sheet, into the dark.
It reminds me of Dostoevsky, “but enough; I don’t want to write more from the underground.”