Africom’s Covert War in Sudan

I recently received a phone call from an Australian man who identified himself as an investigator for the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague, Netherlands. The investigator and his colleague had read my story, “Merchant’s of Death: Exposing Corporate Financed Holocaust in Africa,” and wanted my cooperation to provide more detailed evidence about the warlords behind the massacres at Bogoro, Congo, described briefly in my story.

After some weeks of back and forth discussions and me revisiting notes and photos to see what I had, I sent them an e-mail at the definitive moment when they were hoping to receive a brief “dossier” about the specific case — which they said “had generated a lot of interest” at the ICC — and I shared my uncertainty about the ethics of collaborating with an “International Criminal Court” that was only indicting black Africans. I indicated my concern for the witness ‘Sandrine,’ a young girl discussed in my story who named names of commanders, dates of executions, and who herself used a machete in an ethnic massacre and was raped by militiamen. I noted that witnesses identified for the Rwandan Tribunal (ICTR) had been murdered or mysteriously disappeared, and noted my awareness of the injustice of the Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and the disconcerting trajectory of the ICC.

I told them I couldn’t in good conscience help them, it seemed, until the ICC arrested some of the white-collar war criminals running loose around the world. It was the right decision, in light of the recent ICC indictments against another black man, and an Arab at that. It was a very stupid career move, some one else remarked.

On 4 March 2009 the ICC prosecutors announced that they were at last issuing the long-threatened but first ever indictments against a sitting head of state, Omar al-Bashir, the Arab President of Sudan. Meanwhile, Somali ‘pirates’ off East Africa recently freed a Ukrainian ship with a Panamanian registration, a Ukrainian crew and flag of Belize. The freighter carried tanks, rockets and munitions destined for Darfur, and is owned by an Israeli ‘businessman’ and reputed MOSSAD operative named Vadim Alperin.

It is difficult to make sense of the war in Darfur — especially when people see it as a one-sided “genocide” of Arabs against blacks that is being committed by the Bashir ‘regime’ — but such is the establishment propaganda. The real story is much more expansive, more complex, and it revolves around some relatively unknown but shady characters. What follows is a short and imperfect summary of some of the deeper geopolitical realities behind the struggle for Sudan.


First note that the ICC can now be viewed as a tool of hegemonic U.S. foreign policy, where the weapons deployed by the U.S. and its allies include the accusations of, and indictments for, human rights violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity. To understand this, we can ask why no white man has yet been charged with these or other offenses at the ICC, which now holds five black African “warlords” and seeks to incarcerate and bring to trial another black man, also an Arab, Omar Bashir. Why hasn’t George W. Bush been indicted? Or what about Donald Rumsfeld? Dick Cheney? Henry Kissinger? Ehud Olmert? Tony Blair? Vadim Alperin? John Bredenkamp?

Following on the heels of the announcement that the ICC handed down seven war crimes charges against al-Bashir, a story broadcast over all the Western media system and into every American living room by day’s end, President al-Bashir ordered the expulsion of ten international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Darfur under the pretense of being purely ‘humanitarian’ organizations.

What has not been reported anywhere in the English press is that the United States of America has just stepped up its ongoing war for control of Sudan and her resources: petroleum, copper, gold, uranium, fertile plantation lands for sugar and gum Arabic (essential to Coke, Pepsi and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream). This war has been playing out on the ground in Darfur through so-called ‘humanitarian’ NGOs, private military companies, ‘peacekeeping’ operations and covert military operations backed by the U.S. and its closest allies.

However, the U.S. war for Sudan has always revolved around ‘humanitarian’ operations — purportedly neutral and presumably concerned only about protecting innocent human lives — that often provide cover for clandestine destabilizing activities and interventions.

Americans need to recognize that the Administration of President Barack Obama has begun to step up the war for control of Sudan in keeping with the permanent warfare agenda of both Republicans and Democrats. The current destabilization of Sudan mirrors the illegal covert guerrilla war carried out in Rwanda — also launched and supplied from Uganda — from October 1990 to July 1994. The Rwandan Defense Forces (then called the Rwandan Patriotic Army) led by Major General Paul Kagame achieved the U.S. objective of a coup d’etat in Rwanda through that campaign, and President Kagame has been a key interlocutor in the covert warfare underway in Darfur, Sudan.

During the Presidency of George W. Bush, the U.S. Government was involved with the intelligence apparatus of the Government of Sudan (GoS). At the same time, other U.S. political and corporate factions were pressing for a declaration of genocide against the GoS. Now, given the shift of power and the appointment of top Clinton officials formerly involved in covert operations in Rwanda, Uganda, Congo and Sudan during the Clinton years, pressure has been applied to heighten the campaign to destabilize the GoS, portrayed as a ‘terrorist’ Arab regime, but an entity operating outside the U.S.-controlled banking system. The former campaign saw overt military action with the U.S. military missile attacks against the Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical factory in Sudan (1998); this was an international war crime by the Clinton Administration and it involved officials now in power.

The complex geopolitical struggle to control Sudan manifests through the flashpoint war for Darfur and it involves such diverse factions as the Lord’s Resistance Army, backed by Khartoum, which is also connected to the wars in the Congo and northern Uganda. Chad is involved, Eritrea and Ethiopia, Germany, the Central African Republic, Libya, France, Israel, China, Taiwan, South Africa and Rwanda. There are U.S. special forces on the ground in the frontline states of Chad, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, and the big questions are: [1] How many of the killings are being committed by U.S. proxy forces and blamed on al-Bashir and the GoS? And [2] who funds, arms and trains the rebel insurgents


Rebels? Insurgents? The drumbeat of western propaganda portrays the conflict as a one-sided affair: a “genocidal counter-insurgency by the GoS” — in the words of Eric Reeves — versus the good Samaritans of the ‘humanitarian’ NGO community . . . and throw in a few (non-descript) rebels.

“Sudan ordered at least 10 humanitarian groups expelled from Darfur on Wednesday after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for the country’s president,” wrote Associated Press reporter Ellen M. Lederer. “Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the action ‘represents a serious setback to lifesaving operations in Darfur’ and urged Sudan to reverse its decision, U.N. deputy spokeswoman Marie Okabe said.”

However, when Ban Ki-moon met with Rwandan strongman Paul Kagame recently, he never called for Kagame’s arrest, no matter the findings of two international courts of law that have issued indictments against top RPA officials. Instead Ban Ki-moon praised Kagame and called for African countries to hunt down and arrest Hutu people purportedly involved in the now specious ‘genocide’ in Rwanda in 1994.

The non-governmental aid groups ordered out of Darfur by President al-Bashir on March 4 were Oxfam, CARE, MSF-Holland, Mercy Corps, Save the Children, the Norwegian Refugee Council, the International Rescue Committee, Action Contre la Faim, Solidarites and CHF International.

Of course, the western media is all over the expulsion of any big ‘humanitarian’ moneymaker from Darfur — the moral outrage is so thick you can almost wipe it. The NGOs and the press that peddles their images of suffering babes complain that hundreds of thousands of innocent refugees will now be subjected to massive unassisted suffering — as opposed to the assisted suffering they previously faced — but never asks with any serious and honest zeal, why and how the displaced persons and refugees came to be displaced or homeless to begin with. Neither do they ask about all the money, intelligence sharing, deal making, and collaboration with private or governmental military agencies.

Large ‘humanitarian’ NGOs (and ‘conservation’ NGOs) operate as de facto multinational corporations revolving around massive private profits and human suffering. In places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Darfur these NGOs also provide infrastructure, logistical and intelligence collaboration that supports U.S. military and government agendas in the region. Most are aligned with big foundations, corporate sponsors and USAID — itself a close and long-time partner for interventions with AFRICOM and the Pentagon.

Refugees and displaced populations are strategic tools of statecraft and foreign policy, just as ‘humanitarian’ NGOs consistently use food as a weapon and populations as human shields. The history of the U.S. covert war in South Sudan is rich with examples of the SPLA and its ‘humanitarian’ partners, especially Christian ‘charities’, committing such war crimes and crimes against humanity. ((See: keith harmon snow, “Oil in Darfur? Special Ops in Somalia?Global Research, 7 February 2007.))

CARE International has received funding from Lockheed Martin Corporation, the world’s largest and most secretive producer of weapons of mass destruction, and both CARE and Save the Children are tied up with weapons and extractive industries in other ways. A peek at the board of directors of Save the Children makes it clear why the U.S. media is so devoid of truth about Darfur. Similarly, the International Rescue Committee does not work with refugees, per se, but serves as a policy and pressure group involved in funneling private profits from the west back to the west. The IRC has also been cited for involvement in military operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo and it has deep ties to people like Henry Kissinger.

The AID (read: misery) industry in Sudan was by the mid-1990s the largest so-called ‘humanitarian’ enterprise on the planet, Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS) — a form of managed inequality and a temporary and mobile economy of white privilege, adventurism and, of course, good will (sic). The misery industry shifted its focus from South Sudan to Darfur after a pseudo peace ‘treaty’ was organized to end the decades old war between the SPLA and GoS; the U.S. and Israel backed the SPLA from 1990 onward, and continue to do so at present. The result of more than 12 years of illegal U.S. covert low-intensity warfare in Sudan resulted in the creation of the independent and sovereign state of South Sudan in circa 2005 — a state dominated by Jewish and Christian faith-based interests and western multinational corporations.

Much of the AID infrastructure in Sudan has at one time or another been used as a weapon through the use of human shields, food deliveries to refugee populations inseparable from insurgents, and shipments of weapons by ‘humanitarian’ NGOs. This is both incidental and deliberate policy. Christian ‘relief’ NGOs played a huge role in supporting the covert western insurgency in South Sudan. One notable ‘humanitarian’ NGO involved in weapons deliveries was the Norwegian People’s Aid (known affectionately in the field as the Norwegian People’s Army).

In Darfur, Sudan, the U.S. government agenda is to win control of natural resources and leverage the Arab government into a corner and, at last, establish a more ‘friendly’ government that will suit the corporate interests of the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and Israel.

Several major think tanks — read: propaganda, lobbying and pressure — behind the destabilization of Sudan include the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, Center for American Progress, Center for Security Policy, International Rescue Committee and International Crises Group. Individuals from seemingly diverse positions of the political and ideological spectrum run these organizations, which are ultra-nationalist capitalist organizations bent on global military-economic domination.

The former Clinton officials most heavily focused on the destabilization of Sudan include: Susan Rice, Madeleine Albright, Roger Winter, Prudence Bushnell, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Anthony Lake and John Prendergast. Carr Center for Human Rights co-founder Samantha Power, now on the Obama National Security Council, has helped to whitewash clandestine U.S. involvement in Sudan.

John Prendergast has continued to peddle disinformation disguised as policy and human rights concerns through the International Crisis Group (ICG), and through its many clone organizations like ENOUGH, ONE and RAISE HOPE FOR CONGO. Prendergast has been a pivotal agent behind the hi-jacking of U.S. public concern and action through the disingenuous (and discredited) SAVE DARFUR movement.

Other notable agents of disinformation on Sudan include Alex de Waal and Smith College Professor Eric Reeves. It is through these and other conduits to the corporate U.S. media that the story of ‘genocide’ in Sudan is cast as an Africa-Arab affair devoid of western interests.

In 1992, human rights researchers Rakiya Omaar and Alex de Waal established the London-based NGO African Rights. In August 1995, African Rights published Rwanda: Death, Despair and Defiance, one of many pivotal ‘human rights’ reports that falsely represented events in Rwanda, set the stage for victor’s justice at the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda, and began the process of dehumanizing millions of Hutu people and protecting the true terrorists: Yoweri Museveni, Paul Kagame, the Rwandan Patriotic Army, and their western backers.


The pivotal intelligence asset working on the ground in Sudan to destabilize and overthrow the Government of Sudan (GoS) is Roger Winter, profiled very disingenuously in the seven-page New York Times Magazine feature story of 15 June 2008.

Interestingly, “The Man For A New Sudan” story, an establishment whitewash of the involvement of the U.S. military-intelligence establishment in Sudan, was written by Eliza Griswold, a ‘Fellow’ with the New America Foundation, a left-leaning think tank and pressure group with a very confused ideological but nationalist-militaristic position. (The NAF is obviously dependent on U.S. foundation funding, and it reveals no apparent policy formulations of substance on the Great Lakes or Horn of Africa, conflicts for which they remain completely silent).

“When Roger Winter’s single-engine Cessna Caravan touched down near the Sudanese town of Abyei on Easter morning, a crowd of desperate men swamped the plane,” Griswold wrote. “Some came running over the rough red airstrip. Others crammed into a microbus that barreled toward the 65-year-old Winter as he climbed down the plane’s silver ladder. Some Sudanese call Winter ‘uncle’; others call him ‘commander’.”

Winter’s special post at the State Department was created specifically for him and his ‘work’ in Sudan. Why do Sudanese people in South Sudan call Roger Winter ‘commander’?

Roger Winter is the primary conduit for the ongoing covert destabilization of Sudan. His operations are run primarily out of Uganda, with the terrorist government of Yoweri Museveni providing support through the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) alliance with the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).

The SPLA is the de facto backbone of the Sudan Liberation Army, one of the main so-called ‘rebel’ factions involved in Darfur; the SPLA provides military and logistics support to Uganda from the Pentagon through unknown channels, but most likely involving the nearby Pentagon client states of Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Chad and Eritrea.

The primary Ugandan agents supporting the U.S. war in Darfur have always been, and remain, Brigadier General James Kazini, a nephew of Ugandan dictator Museveni and the chief of staff of the Ugandan People’s Defense Forces (UPDF); General Salim Saleh, half-brother of Museveni; and President Yoweri Museveni himself.

One of the main protagonists in the Darfur conflict is the current military regime in Rwanda, whose troops have been involved in Darfur under the guise of an ‘independent’ and ‘peacekeeping’ operation under the African Union ‘peacekeeping’ umbrella — back by NATO and private military companies.

Little known and widely misunderstood is the role of the United States and its proxies, the UPDF and the RPA, in committing massive crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide during the Rwandan conflagration from 1990 to 1994. Prior to the RPA invasion of Rwanda (from Uganda) in October 1990, the RPA and Rwandan Tutsi Diaspora had publications like Impuruza published in the United States between 1984 and 1994 (when the RPA achieved the coup d’etat against Rwandan President Habyarimana). Tutsi refugees joined Roger Winter, who was at the time the Director of the United States Committee for Refugees, to help fund the publication. The editor, Alexander Kimenyi, is a Rwandan national and a professor at California State University. Like most RPA publications Impuruza circulated clandestinely in Rwanda amongst Hutu and Tutsi elite and it peddled a genocidal ideology against Hutu people.

The Association of Banyarwanda in Diaspora USA, assisted by Roger Winter, organized the International Conference on the Status of Banyarwanda [Tutsi] Refugees in Washington, DC in 1988, and this is where a military solution to the Tutsi problem was chosen. The U.S. Committee for Refugees reportedly provided accommodation and transportation.


Roger Winter was one of the primary architects of the RPA guerrilla war, organized from Washington in 1989, that has led to the loss of more than ten or twelve million lives in the Great Lakes of Africa since 1990. Winter acted as a spokesman for the RPF and their allies, and he appeared as a guest on major U.S. television networks such as PBS and CNN. New Yorker writer Philip Gourevitch and Roger Winter made contacts on behalf of the RPA with American media, particularly the Washington Post, New York Times and Time magazine.

Roger Winter moved through Rwanda during the RPA invasion and worked the front lines of the covert war as a key Pentagon and U.S. State Department asset in collaboration with the Kagame-RPA operation of terror. From 1990 to 1994, Winter traveled back and forth from the RPA-controlled zone to Washington D.C., where he briefed and coordinated activities and support with U.S. military, intelligence and government officials.

Roger Winter is intimate with USAID, and is a long-time ally of Susan Rice, former Assistant Secretary of State on African Affairs (1997-2001), Special Assistant to President Clinton (1995-1997), and National Security Council insider (1993-1997). Susan Rice is the Obama Administration’s Ambassador to the United Nations and staunch enemy of Omar al-Bashir.

Roger Winter is also a staunch supporter of U.S. Rep. Donald Payne, one of the leading U.S. Democrats pressing for action to “stop genocide” in Darfur, Sudan. Payne sponsored the Darfur Genocide Accountability Act and was arrested in June 2001, along with John Eibner, director of Christian Solidarity International, for protesting against the GoS.

Christian Solidarity International has a very subversive relationship to ‘peace’ and ‘religion’ in Sudan, and they have been one of the front-runner organizations peddling the accusations of slavery by the al-Bashir government, in particular, a highly contested and controversial issue generally inflated and manipulated by fundamentalist Jewish and Christian NGOs and missionary organizations, like Christian Solidarity International, Samaritan’s Purse, Servant’s Heart, and Freedom Quest International, that operate in Sudan.

“Roger Winter was the chief logistic boss for [RPA] Tutsis as early as mid-1990,” says Ugandan human rights expert Remigius Kintu, “and until their victory in 1994 they were operating from 1,717 Massachusetts Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. Roger Winter told a [name deleted] South Sudanese exile at the time [1994]: ‘I have now stabilized Rwanda and will turn my full attention to Sudan.’ Winter subsequently closed up shop in Rwanda and based himself in Kampala working on Sudan. A few years later, Darfur exploded and with Winter’s manipulations, Rwanda was the first to send troops into that troubled area. From my sources, the Rwanda Defense Forces [working under the African Union umbrella] have killed civilians and brought in their media experts to pile the blame on Sudanese government troops.”

This is exactly what the Kagame and Museveni terror apparatus has done in Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Much of the terror operations of the UPDF/RPF in Rwanda in the 1990s were covered up by Human Rights Watch experts Alison Des Forges (d. February 2009) and Timothy Longman, Associate Prof. of Africana Studies and Political Science at Vassar College.

Similarly, throughout the long war in south Sudan, and now in Darfur, the atrocities committed by the U.S.-backed factions were/are downplayed, dismissed or ignored, while those committed by competing factions are amplified and spotlighted. Also, following the pattern of UPDF and RPA criminal activities — such as massacres committed under disguise and/or attributed to the ‘enemy’ — for which there is now a long history of documentation, and given the lack of any true independent evaluation, there is no telling who actually committed the massacres always blamed on the GoS or ‘Janjaweed’ militias.

One Sudanese professional from the south told me recently that it was not the Government of Sudan but rather the UPDF and SPLA who were arming the Janjaweed — the so-called Arab militias accused of wanton killing in an Arab-against-Black genocide. (This Arab-on-black genocide has been widely discredited.

Professor Timothy Longman and Alison Des Forges co-produced the fat treatise on ‘genocide’ in Rwanda, Leave None to Tell the Story, published in 1999. Longman and Des Forges produced numerous documents, based on field investigations in Congo (Zaire), Rwanda and Burundi, from 1995 to 2008, touted as independent and unbiased human rights reports but always skewed by hidden interests. Both Longman and Des Forges had relationships with the U.S. Department of State, National Security Council and Pentagon, both were regular consultants with USAID, and they certainly worked with Roger Winter, the Pentagon’s secret weapon in Sudan.

On 25 September 2008, a Ukrainian freighter was seized by ‘pirates’ off the coast of Somalia and was held until a ransom of $3.2 million was paid on 5 February 2009. (Somali fishermen disenfranchised by international dumping of toxic [and possibly nuclear] wastes off Somalia are labeled ‘pirates’ when they fight for their rights and freedoms.) The MV Faina is registered in Belize, owned by a company registered in Panama and piloted by Ukrainians. The MV Faina carried 33 Soviet T-72 battle tanks, grenade-launchers, anti-aircraft guns and ammunition en route to Mombassa, Kenya, the Pentagon’s primary base on the east coast of Africa.

The U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet monitored the Ukrainian ship during the four-month standoff, with the MV Faina pinned down by at least six U.S. and four European warships. The ship’s owner is Israeli national Vadim Alperin (alias Vadim Oltrena Alperin), said to be a MOSSAD agent involved with clandestine activities through offshore front companies and money laundering. The ship was unloaded in Mombassa on February 12, and the weapons are destined for Juba, South Sudan.

There are reports that weaponry also included tank munitions heads sporting deadly depleted uranium and that the final recipients are the Israeli-backed Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) ‘rebels’ in Darfur. Sudan has previously accused Israel of supporting ‘rebels’ in the Darfur war. International arms syndicates and dealers routinely transfer ‘Soviet-era’ arms for international organized crime, including covert military operations involving proxy militias and national governments in Sudan, Uganda, Congo, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda.

Keith Harmon Snow is the 2009 Regent’s Lecturer in Law & Society at the University of California Santa Barbara, a former human rights and genocide investigator with the United Nations, and an award-winning journalist and war correspondent. You can visit his websites AllThingsPass and KeithHarmonSnow Read other articles by Keith.

23 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. bozh said on March 6th, 2009 at 10:58am #

    once stars and starlettes got involved in darfur conflict, i knew it was a fake concern.

  2. sk said on March 6th, 2009 at 1:01pm #

    This interview of someone who spent decades in Africa as an administrator in the ‘AID (read: misery) industry’ might lift the scales from a few eyes (that is, for that minority which wishes to see more clearly and that isn’t blinded by rage at the temerity of anyone questioning the motive of ‘agents of virtue’ from the same self-perpetuating industry).

  3. DanE said on March 6th, 2009 at 2:07pm #

    I will shortly forward this excellent well-focussed & well-organized article to my contacts list.

    A cpl minor pts: California State University is a statewide system with upwards of a dozen campuses; California readers probably would be interested to know at which this Alexander Kimenyi can be found.

    I spotted a few typos. “Peak” instead of “peek” had me confused for a long moment.

    If I was your copyeditor, which I”m not, I’d suggest using less conjunctions between clauses. Often just a period followed by a new sentence would work better for me. (?)

    Good job! now to copy & spread it around.

  4. lloyd rowsey said on March 6th, 2009 at 4:45pm #

    The piece is now posted at OpEdNews, in the “General_News” column, about half-way across the front page. Go quickly and comment, gentle readers (and generous editor). Pieces not promoted to the headlines at OEN get pushed down out of sight VERY quickly, as a rule.

  5. keith harmon snow said on March 6th, 2009 at 5:46pm #


    conjunction? what is a conjunction?

    lol. honestly, i really have no idea. failed penmanship in 2nd grade — teacher smashed a yardstick over my knuckles and all English related classes became a problem after that.



  6. denk said on March 6th, 2009 at 10:06pm #

    War Crime Shock

  7. RH2 said on March 7th, 2009 at 6:58am #


    A nice comment. Caring about conjunction reflects the nitpicking of the bored Middle Class.

  8. keith harmon snow said on March 7th, 2009 at 7:44am #


    That may be, but I was not putting anyone down. I simply have no idea what a conjunction is. It may sound stupid, but I’m an imperfect writer.


  9. bozh said on March 7th, 2009 at 8:02am #

    long, long ago our army became their army; followed by our land, boys, laws, etc.
    and then our police was never ours; it was always theirs; followed by FBI, CIA
    and, then suddenly and soddenly, our[or was it ever ours?] ICC became their ICC.
    of course ICTY, was set up by ‘good’ guys. but there is no ICTUSA, or ICTI.

  10. RH2 said on March 7th, 2009 at 8:07am #


    I have not accused you of putting anyone down. You write pretty well. A conjunction is the connection of two or more statements with a comma (,) or a semicolon (;).

  11. Gideon said on March 7th, 2009 at 11:59am #

    What a coalition! Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah support Sudan’s president.
    300,000 Dead and 2.7 Million refugees since 2003.

    Dissident Voice contributors of all shapes and colors, please express your opinions!

    I am specifically interested to hear comparison between THIS and the latest crisis in Gaza and Arab – Israeli conflict in general.

    Sudan’s President expelled 13 of the largest aid organizations in Darfur, putting at risk:
    a) food and drinking water for 1.1 million people ,
    b) health care for 1.5 million
    c) huge risk of infectious disease for All.

    Up to 300,000 people have DIED and 2.7 million driven from their homes in the conflict since 2003, according to the U.N.

  12. kahar said on March 7th, 2009 at 2:22pm #

    Gideon, how about you read the aticle of this thread first and then you’ll have a better idea of what you’re talking about and less chance of making yourself look like an apologist for Israeli genocidal crimes?

    This is a great article.
    Keith does a thorough job in exposing the agents, agencies, mass media and the machinations involved in a coordinated take down attempt of a sovereign state. Similar techniques have been used elsewhere, the truth wiped out and history rewritten. Reporters like Keith are indeed a rare species.
    (Btw, Keith, I think what Dan’s getting at is that a few of your sentences around the middle of the article would read faster if they were chopped in two, that’s all.)
    And, Lloyd, I wouldn’t bother with OEN, their editors are nearly all tempraMENTAL Obamaniacs and fascists and I doubt anything will change that.

  13. Gideon said on March 7th, 2009 at 2:52pm #

    Sudan – Hamas, Hezbolah, Iran: Tell me who your friends are, I’ll tell …
    What about the innocent people? Where is the Dissident outcry?

  14. RH2 said on March 7th, 2009 at 3:04pm #


    There is nothing to add to the comment of kahar. I will never do you any favor offering you numbers which you will immediately misinterpret. Are you really intersted in the Dissident outcry for humanity? In my opinion you have passed through some PR training and try to bring your Zionist propaganda here. Have you really any sense for the suffering of human beings? You lie, fake, deceive, evade topics and fear facts and reason.

  15. Gideon said on March 7th, 2009 at 4:26pm #

    Gaza – thanks God the Aid never stopped! Do I need to thank someone else?

    Nearly 50% of the children under five in this region are
    suffering from global acute malnutrition and need emergency feeding.

    “In Jan. 2009 Darfur has experienced the most intense fighting seen in the last year”!

    Wow, what else happened in the world in January, that Dissident Voice missed this one?

    Darfur casualties available count:

    *between Jan. and Sep. 2008: 1,200

    *between Sep 2003 – Jun 2005: 41,000

    *Civilians account for between 65 and 75% of all fatalities.
    70% of civilians die in what appear to be one-sided attacks.

    Sources: GI-Net and UNAMID

  16. RH2 said on March 7th, 2009 at 4:49pm #


    This article has plainly mentioned the organizations and Imperial/Zionist/UN connections involved in these killings you propagandistically cite. Have you ever cared for human beings outside your Zionist Tribe? You can spare your Zionist crocodile tears on DV.

  17. keith harmon snow said on March 7th, 2009 at 5:21pm #


    Gideon — you cite as “sources” GI-NET and UNAMID.

    Before you peddle someone else’s information, as you are, have you ever asked your self who GI-NET actually is? Check it out — look at their boards f directors etc. Look where their funding comes from.

    It seems that you think you are enraged or outraged about people being killed in Sudan and so you are beating the drumbeat DO SOMETHING DO SOMETHING STOP GENOCIDE STOP GENOCIDE.

    Do you know what Henry David Thoreau said, in circa 1857 (see his LETTERS TO A SPIRITUAL SEEKER)?


    Kindly read the article that was provided as a solitary footnote.

    Here’s three other very good books I recommend you dont waste any time in reading:
    THE ROAD TO HELL (Maren)

    You asked what else happened in JANUARY? I recommend you read this one:

    And if you sincerely care about Africa and African people, then please educate your self about your position vis-a-vis imperialism and white supremacy, and meanwhile I can point you to where to make a direct and immediate impact to help someone. Sending money to CARE or UNICEF and beating the drums of outrage are part of the problem.


  18. ron said on March 8th, 2009 at 12:07pm #

    informative piece, thanks

  19. RH2 said on March 8th, 2009 at 1:57pm #


    You certainly know, the drumbeating is not new here. The Bush administration was very interested in imposing a “no fly zone” over Darfur to be backed by aerial strikes, naval Walls (blockade) and starving the Sudan, one of the poorest African countries, by imposing more sanctions. Tony Blair was of course on the scene and was also “ready for action”. Both men were deeply “concerned” about massacres managed for the purpose of ‘divide and rule’.

    Susan Rice, under B. Clinton a member of the National Security Council as assistant secretary of state for African Affairs declared in 2006, “History demonstrates that there is one language Khartoum understands: the credible threat or use of force. After swift diplomatic consultations, the United States should press for a UN resolution that issues Sudan an ultimatum: accept unconditional deployment of the UN force within one week or face military consequences.”

    As you know, Susan Rice is the representative of Obama at the UN.

  20. Nkunda said on March 24th, 2009 at 11:09am #

    An excellent and breath taking exposition of the conflicts in Africa. I hope the readers are taking note. Africa was way so much better before the imperialists first set foot. Now, we must suffer the consequences of a harsh and cruel society where no one speaks the truth, no one does right. Keith is probably among the few who are still passionate for fairness, justice, peace and unity.
    Mr. Keith, I have been reading through your works and watching the interview. As a Rwandan citizen, having survived the genocide, I have never been drowned in cynicism and bitterness. I find your reportage an awakening for inner optimism. Peace to you!!!

  21. keith harmon snow said on March 25th, 2009 at 8:18am #


    I have made an error of ordering above. I wrote:

    >>>>The SPLA is the de facto backbone of the Sudan Liberation Army, one of the main so-called ‘rebel’ factions involved in Darfur; the SPLA provides military and logistics support to Uganda from the Pentagon—

    Correction: … the SPLA recieves its military and logistics from the Pentagon through Uganda…


  22. Shabnam said on March 25th, 2009 at 10:42am #

    Involvement of ISRAEL in Sudan is undeniable. Israel was very much in the southern Sudan and through its fifth column, Charles Jacob who directed a campaign of misinformation with a spurious charge (Child slavery) forced Sudanese government to grant autonomy to southern Sudan where the ‘rebels’ who were trained in Israel and were involved in destabilization of southern Sudan have an office in Israel today. Today, the oil and other natural resources of Southern Sudan is transferred to Israel, US, Canada, Italy and other western countries. Al-Ahram writes about the ROLE ISRAEL played in Sudan and continue to play according to Oded Yinon plot “A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s,” where is necessary for erection of ‘greater Israel’ toward Israel domination of the region from Africa to Asia.

    {Israel’s current involvement in Darfur is particularly suspicious. During a meeting between Tzipi Livni and several African envoys in Tel Aviv, the Israeli foreign minister said that her government wanted to help find a solution to the crisis in Darfur. One would think that Israel is perhaps the last country in the world that can mediate a crisis in an Arab country, especially one like Sudan that has no ties whatsoever with Israel. The only explanation is that Israel wants to take sides with the Darfur rebels against the Sudanese government.
    Reports indicate that the Sudan Liberation Movement has opened an office in Tel Aviv. Israel is also said to be arming the rebels, training them in camps in Israel, sending military experts to rebel zones in Sudan, and disguising Mossad operatives as relief workers.
    Abdullah Masar, adviser to the Sudanese president, says Sudan is under massive pressure to normalize its relations with Israel. The Darfur rebellion is being used as leverage to get Sudan to comply with Israel’s demands. The Israelis and Americans now have their eyes trained on the immense wealth of Sudan and Darfur in particular — oil, copper, iron, lead, etc.
    A foothold in Darfur would establish Israel in the south Sahara and help it gain a foothold close to the Red Sea. And it’s not just Darfur. Israel is encouraging Sudanese refugees from Sudan’s south and Nubia to reach its borders via Egypt. Nearly 3,000 people have tried that route so far, according to Sudanese official figures. Israel wants Western Sudan to secede, for then the rebels may be persuaded to grant it a military base in their areas — a development that would endanger Egypt, Libya, Sudan and the Red Sea. This scenario is not happening in Sudan alone, but all over Africa’s many turbulent regions.}

    ISRAEL is the main supplier of weapon to Darfur where is involved in destabilization of Sudan before the coup of 1989.

  23. Shabnam said on March 27th, 2009 at 5:19am #

    Israel is deeply involved in Sudan to destabilize and partition the country in order to bring regime change, control the resources and brings the Red Sea under control to control the waterway and have access to water of the Red Sea where water is going to be more important than oil in the near future in the Middle East and North Africa. This is part of the ” greater Israel” plan. American people must pay attention to war crimes activity of Israel in Sudan in general and Darfur in particular. This is a zionist war through proxy like the phony “war on terror.”

    {Answering accusations from a Sudanese minister that the US Air Force had killed 39 people in a January attack in that nation, US officials say that in fact it was the Israeli military that launched the attack on a convoy of trucks northwest of Port Sudan city.
    Reportedly, the Israeli planes used a US base in Djibouti to stage the attacks, as part of the agreement between Israel and the outgoing Bush Administration made in mid January. Israeli officials would neither confirm nor deny the attacks.}