Down on your knees American voters!
Trump and the K.K.K. must be beaten
and from Salt Lake City, Mitt Romney
has launched Low Energy and Little Marco,
two Hydro-Anemic Bombs designed to destroy
Japs, Cossacks, Mooslims, and Dixie Chicks –
all those who oppose Trans Pacific Partnership
and insist O.J. is theoretically innocent!
Let he/she who throws dice in Ohio, Miami,
and Catskill polling booths be warned.
Very soon, Low Energy and Little Marco
stalk the Twin Sinaloa Cities sky.
Karma – I’m scared and have no more iodine.
Do Founding Fathers have any deist miracles left?
Better look out!
A single airplane, bigger than Trump’s 757,
more energy efficient than Enola Gay,
delivers U235 blows to your 401k.