United Kingdom
Why the Media Aren’t Telling the Whole Story of Libya’s Floods
There are reasons for Libya’s ‘chaotic’, ‘dysfunctional’ response to the disaster. And to identify them, we need to look closer to home
September 15th, 2023 by Jonathan Cook
Depleted Uranium Added to Toxic Mess in Ukraine
September 14th, 2023 by Yves Engler
The West’s blueprint for goading China was laid out in Ukraine
Europe fears losing access to Chinese markets, plunging it deeper into a cost-of-living crisis. But it fears Washington’s wrath more
September 8th, 2023 by Jonathan Cook
Educating the US Imperium: Australia’s Mission for Assange
September 5th, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
Looting the Looters: Theft at the British Museum
August 23rd, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
“US-Backed Roll of the Dice Leaves Ukraine in Worse Crisis”
August 19th, 2023 by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies
Assange Be Wary: The Dangers of a US Plea Deal
August 15th, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
AUSMIN and Assange: The Great Vassal Smackdown
July 30th, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
Starmer is selling Labour to big business; in power he will do the same
Labour policy is shifting ever further rightwards. That won’t and can’t change as long as only tainted City money is filling the party’s empty coffers
July 27th, 2023 by Jonathan Cook
“A Death Sentence for People and Ecosystems”: The Climate Emergency, Governments and the Public Enemy
July 19th, 2023 by Media Lens
Weaponised Antisemitism Crushed the Political Left: Now it’s the Cultural Left’s Turn
Having dispatched Corbyn, the smear industry is targeting icons like Ken Loach and Roger Waters over their support for Palestinian rights and opposition to Nato’s war machine
July 15th, 2023 by Jonathan Cook
Daniel Ellsberg is Lauded in Death by the Same Media that Lets Assange Rot in Jail
The stark difference in treatment of the two truth-tellers is a measure of how state criminality is now completely unchecked
July 14th, 2023 by Jonathan Cook
Why The Most Urgent Need, in Order to Prevent WW III, Is to End All Military Alliances Now
July 13th, 2023 by Eric Zuesse
Graceless at Lord’s: The Class Goons Strike Back
July 5th, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
Glastonbury’s Cancelling of a Powerful Film about Jeremy Corbyn
When Truth Becomes Silence
June 23rd, 2023 by Media Lens
The Revenge of Partygate
Boris Johnson Resigns
June 18th, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
Killing the Story: Bakhmut, Nick Cohen, Kakhovka, Nord Stream, and Piers Morgan
June 15th, 2023 by Media Lens
A Credible Explanation of How Kakhovka Dam Was Blown Up
June 15th, 2023 by Eric Zuesse
Raising the Price: Martin Amis and the Post-9/11 Cataclysm
June 1st, 2023 by Media Lens
The Group of Seven Should Finally Be Shut Down
May 25th, 2023 by Vijay Prashad
WikiLeaks as Scapegoat for the Political Establishment
May 19th, 2023 by Meg Sherman
Climate Breakdown, Extinction, and “the Most Stupid Boast”
May 16th, 2023 by Media Lens
King Charles III: Policing the Republican Protests
May 9th, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
The Tampax King and His Vessel
May 6th, 2023 by Kim Petersen
Foiled Escape: UC Global, the CIA, and Julian Assange
April 30th, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
Cancelling Facts That Challenge Establishment Power
"It May Be in No One’s Interest to Reveal More"
April 22nd, 2023 by Media Lens
Inglorious Inertia: The Albanese Government and Julian Assange
April 3rd, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
Supplying Ukraine with Depleted Uranium Shells
A Hazardous Decision
March 27th, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark
The Terrorist Forefathers of Israel: The Irgun and Lehi
March 25th, 2023 by Sarmad Ishfaq
The War Drive Against China
From Balloons to AUKUS
March 21st, 2023 by Binoy Kampmark