“Dictatorship” and “Democracy” as Loaded Language: Anti-Communist Cold-War Propaganda
October 28th, 2020 by Bruce Lerro
The Marxian Theory of Value: A Response to David Pena (Part Three)
Pena’s questionable concept of “ecological socialism”
October 15th, 2020 by Robin Cox
“Totalitarian” Anti-Communism: Loaded Language Straight Out of CIA, Neo-Con Playbook
Loaded Language Straight out of CIA, Neo-Con Playbook
October 9th, 2020 by Bruce Lerro
Ground-Truthing in a Time of Continuing Criminal Enterprises
Daring to call the entire Western Capitalist Crime Syndicate what it is - Left/Right/Center Thuggery
October 2nd, 2020 by Paul Haeder
The Marxian Theory of Value: A Response to David Pena (Part Two)
Pena’s metaphysical concept of “value”
September 28th, 2020 by Robin Cox
Abdullah Öcalan on the Sociology of Freedom
September 27th, 2020 by Ted Glick
The Marxian Theory of Value: A Response to David Pena (Part One)
September 25th, 2020 by Robin Cox
Wise People Know That Winning a War Is No Better Than Losing One
September 17th, 2020 by Vijay Prashad
Not Just an Orchard, Not Merely a Field, We Demand the Whole World
September 10th, 2020 by Vijay Prashad
Class Warfare 101
August 23rd, 2020 by William Manson
China: All In All, Just Another BRIC in the Wall
July 31st, 2020 by John Hawkins
Marx’s Theory of Value and Ecological Socialism: Points Missed or Points Rejected?
July 27th, 2020 by David S. Pena
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on July 15, 2020
July 16th, 2020 by Dissident Voice Communications
Doublethink Doublethink: It’s Two Thinks in One!
July 14th, 2020 by John Hawkins
Why is China Painted as “Capitalist” by Western Propaganda?
July 6th, 2020 by Andre Vltchek
Marxism is a Humanism
July 5th, 2020 by T.P. Wilkinson
Anti-Communism is a Fundamentalist Religion now followed by Millions
Happy Birthday Comrade Lenin!
June 7th, 2020 by Andre Vltchek
The Military-Industrial-Governmental Complex
Christian Sorensen’s Understanding the War Industry
May 26th, 2020 by Eric Walberg
Left Gatekeepers Through the New Left: Monitored Rebellion (Part 1)
May 19th, 2020 by Bruce Lerro
Revolution in the Twenty-First Century: A Reconsideration of Marxism
May 3rd, 2020 by Chris Wright
The First Circle
April 24th, 2020 by T.P. Wilkinson
Cuba: From AIDS, Dengue, and Ebola to COVID-19
April 14th, 2020 by Don Fitz
China’s Victory over the Coronavirus
April 7th, 2020 by Liu Jian
The “Economic Calculation” Controversy
Unravelling of a myth
March 2nd, 2020 by Robin Cox
You Write Injustice on the Earth; We Will Write Revolution in the Skies
February 20th, 2020 by Vijay Prashad
Marx’s Labor Theory of Value: Bad Science and Bad for Ecological Socialism
January 12th, 2020 by David S. Pena
Lukacs’s Marxist Aesthetics
January 2nd, 2020 by Christos Kefalis
Crisis after Crisis and Still the Citizen in Capitalism Follows the Paymaster as God
October 13th, 2019 by Paul Haeder
Why Are Americans So Confused About the Meaning of “Democratic Socialism”?
October 7th, 2019 by Lawrence S. Wittner
Whittaker Chambers or Alger Hiss: Who’s the Real Traitor?
Book Review of Witness by Whittaker Chambers
September 2nd, 2019 by Eric Walberg