Civil Liberties
Religion Crowds into America’s Bedrooms
January 29th, 2009 by Don Monkerud
The Torture Ban that Doesn’t Ban Torture
Obama\'s Rules Keep It Intact, and Could Even Accord With an Increase in US-Sponsored Torture Worldwide
January 27th, 2009 by Allan Nairn
Torture at Angola Prison
President Obama promises to close Guantanamo, but a court proceeding in Louisiana exposes brutality closer to home
January 27th, 2009 by Jordan Flaherty
White House Website Now ‘Sodomite Publication,’ Says Religious Right
January 24th, 2009 by Bill Berkowitz
Collecting On A Promise: Demanding That Obama Deliver on The Mandate for Change That Swept Him Into Office
January 21st, 2009 by Lucinda Marshall
Barack Obama and Oscar Grant: The Post Racial America?
January 19th, 2009 by Ron Jacobs
Israel Bars Arab Parties From Election
Left Claims Ban is ‘Patriotic’
January 15th, 2009 by Jonathan Cook
Waiting For A President to Do the Right Thing
December 18th, 2008 by Ron Jacobs
Out, Proud, and Fighting
December 10th, 2008 by Sherry Wolf
Buy Someone A Book For the Holidays!
December 4th, 2008 by Ron Jacobs
Thick as Thieves: The Private (and very profitable) World of Corporate Spying
December 1st, 2008 by Tom Burghardt
Code Pink in Iran
November 29th, 2008 by Reza Fiyouzat
The Scoop on Obama’s Cabinet
Afshin Rattansi talks to DV co-editor Joshua Frank
November 26th, 2008 by Afshin Rattansi
Vigilant Shield 09: A Cover for Illegal Domestic Operations?
November 25th, 2008 by Tom Burghardt
… One Heterosexual Nation, under God, with Liberty & Justice for Straight People
November 21st, 2008 by E.R. Bills
Preemptive Policing & the National Security State: Repressing Dissent at the Republican National Convention
November 19th, 2008 by Tom Burghardt
Driving Your Liberties Away: Biometrics and “Enhanced” Drivers Licenses
November 15th, 2008 by Christopher Parsons
Obama’s Intelligence Agenda: More of the Same from the “Change Administration”
November 15th, 2008 by Tom Burghardt
Moving Beyond Hope: A Leftist Looks at the Near Future
November 11th, 2008 by Ron Jacobs
Reflections: After the 2008 Presidential Election
November 10th, 2008 by Esther L. Clarke
Inequality is Dead. Long Live Inequality.
November 10th, 2008 by Tree Smith
Space-Based Domestic Spying: Kicking Civil Liberties to the Curb
November 10th, 2008 by Tom Burghardt
Incarceration Nation: The Rise of a Prison-Industrial Complex
November 8th, 2008 by Andrew Bosworth
Britain’s Digital Surveillance: Hiding from Her Majesty’s “Black Boxes”
November 8th, 2008 by Christopher Parsons
How McCain Could Win
November 4th, 2008 by Greg Palast
Are You a ‘Violent Extremist’? FBI’s Analytical Lexicon Lowers the Bar
November 1st, 2008 by Tom Burghardt
Note to Progressives for Obama: What Happens After Election Day?
October 29th, 2008 by Joshua Frank
Tracking Your Every Move: ‘Enhancing’ Driver’s Licenses at the Cost of Privacy
October 27th, 2008 by Christopher Parsons
ACLU Demands Information on U.S. Military Domestic Operations
October 24th, 2008 by Tom Burghardt
To Cut Down a Rebellion
October 21st, 2008 by Justin Podur